
  • 网络Screw drive;helical drive;power screw
  1. 汽车自动变速器检测设备螺旋传动装置的设计

    The Design of the Screw Drive Device of Automobile Automatic Transmission Detecting Equipment

  2. 在设计过程中,提出了一种多传动方式相结合的传动机构&滑动螺旋传动、齿轮传动和棘轮间歇运动机构。

    In the design process , a multi-way driving mechanism , including sliding screw drive , gear drive and ratchet mechanism , had been proposed .

  3. 螺旋传动机构集成CAD系统研究

    Research on Integrated CAD System of Helix Motorial Mechanism

  4. 论述采用CNC交流伺服驱动控制及高精度机械传动零部件组成的多自由度伺服螺旋传动系统中的主要误差来源。

    The error sources in a high precision screw driver mechanism controlled by a CNCservo system in presented in this paper .

  5. 新型链条抽油机设计螺旋传动电机换向抽油机的设计

    NEW CHAIN DRIVE PUMPING UNIT Design of new type pumping unit

  6. 关于滑动螺旋传动的螺牙强度计算

    On the Strength of Teeth of Sliding Spiral Transmission Equipment

  7. 谐波螺旋传动式核动力装置用截止阀的设计

    Design of Harmonic Screw - driven Stop Valve for Nuclear Power Units

  8. 内螺纹螺旋传动脱模的注塑模设计

    Injection mould with screw - driven mechanism for internal thread

  9. 螺旋传动电机换向抽油机的设计抽油机电动机的无功补偿

    Design of new type pumping unit Well Pumping Unit Motor Wattless Compensation

  10. 滚珠螺旋传动系统的刚度计算

    Calculation of the Rigidity for the Ball Screw Transmission System

  11. 谐波螺旋传动的原理及其微动关系

    The Relation of th e Principle and Tiny Move of Harmonic Spiral Drive

  12. 螺旋传动中酚醛树脂螺母螺牙载荷分布研究

    Research of loading distribution of nut made by phenolic resin in spiral driver

  13. 三辊螺旋传动的研究

    Study on the Three - roller for Spiral Transmission

  14. 偏心螺旋传动切槽工具的设计和计算

    Design of Helical Eccentric Drive Tool for Flute Cutting

  15. 提出了一种新颖的传动原理&三辊螺旋传动;

    A new transmission principle & the spiral transmission of three-roller has been submitted .

  16. 滑动螺旋传动中螺牙应力和工作压力的研究

    Research on the stress and working pressure of teeth of sliding spiral transmission equipment

  17. 滚珠螺旋传动新型回珠曲线的设计与分析

    A design and analysis of new-type curve of returning ball groove for ball screw drives

  18. 表明钢背/复合材料衬层螺母具有比铜螺母更好的摩擦特性,其在螺旋传动过程中动态性能也更加优良,传动稳定性更佳。

    Steel backing / composite nut has better friction and dynamic behavior than copper nut .

  19. 特种螺旋传动机构的研究

    Research on a special screw transmission mechanism

  20. 手动千斤顶螺旋传动的优化设计

    Optimum Design of Manual Jacking Screw-driven

  21. 光轴滚动螺旋传动装置

    Rolled shaft helical driving mechanism

  22. 螺旋传动精度分析

    Accuracy Analysis of Screw Transmission

  23. 灌注量测控机构由步进电机、螺旋传动机构、导杆机构和连杆机构组成,螺旋传动机构将步进电机的旋转运动转化为直线运动,连杆机构利用该直线运动来推动装有药物的注射器。

    Perfusion volume monitoring and controlling mechanism consist of screw mechanism , leader mechanism and connecting rod mechanism .

  24. 介绍偏心螺旋传动试验台的结构、偏心螺旋传动装置实际导程及传动效率的测定。

    Description on the structure of eccentric screw testing device and the detemination of the actual lead and efficiency .

  25. 根据滚珠螺旋传动的特性,对滚珠环面蜗杆传动的摩擦与受力作了理论分析;

    The paper theoretically analyses the fraction and stress of the ball globoid worm driving device according to its characteristics .

  26. 本文通过比较分析,利用差动螺旋传动的相关理论,设计了一种全新的减速机构。

    Through Comparison and analysis , this thesis designed a new reducing mechanism with the correlation theory of differential screw transmission .

  27. 本文详细分析了螺旋传动的工作原理和影响螺旋副传动效率及承载能力的因素,提出了提高滑动螺旋传动效率和承载能力的途径:选用合适的螺旋升角;

    The spiral transmission 's operation principle and the factors which affect the sliding screw pair 's transmission efficiency were analyzed in detail .

  28. 为滑动螺旋传动的精确设计及牙根应力的深入研究提供了有益的分析数据和方法。

    The beneficial analyse data and method have been provided for precise design of slip screw thread transmission and lucubrate of tooth base stress .

  29. 不仅对伺服压力机的发展具有重要的推动作用,而且对于所有采用螺旋传动的机械装备而言,都具有革命性的意义。

    Not only will it promote the development of servo presses , but also possess the revolutionary significance to all the mechanical equipments with screw-transmission .

  30. 在传统的螺旋传动机构中,形成流体动力润滑的基本条件并不满足,这就导致了螺旋传动磨损严重、效率低。

    In the conventional helix transmission equipment , the fundamental conditions for hydrodynamic lubrication cannot be fulfilled , which leads to serious friction and low efficiency .