
  • 网络e-politics
  1. 组织中权术行为的认识与管理论电子政务的政治行为特征

    The E-government Possesses the Characteristics of Political Behavior

  2. 浅谈电子政务与政治文明

    On Electronic Government and Political Civilization

  3. 电子政府与政治文明琐谈

    Electronic Government and Political Civilization

  4. 然而,容许电子媒体卖政治广告,财雄势大的政党将占尽优势,小市民的利益更不受保障。

    However , if electronic media are allowed to do so , well-heeled political parties may have such a great advantage that ordinary citizens'interests will be even less protected .

  5. 电子政务的政治目标体系包括处理具体政治事务,提高政治能力,促进政治发展三个基本的组成部分。

    The political goal system of the E-government includes dealing with the concrete political affairs ; improve political ability , three basic components that bring about an advance in politics .

  6. 电子政务的政治目标首先是运用信息技术和电子技术将政务工作分解、细化,将职能变为可操作,可控制的业务流程,提高政治主体的处理政治事务的能力。

    Political goal of E-government to use information technology and electronic technology government affairs job analysis , thinning at first , is it can operate to turn function into , controllable business procedure , raise political ability to deal with political affairs of subject .

  7. 中国电子政务建设的政治学透视

    The Perspective of China 's E-government Construction by Political Science

  8. 试论电子网络时代思想政治工作

    Ideological and Political Education in Electronic Network Age

  9. 由于制造业影响到几个关键的“摇摆州”,因此美国赢得电子支付诉讼的政治意义可能远低于制造业相关的诉讼。

    The win on electronic payments may have less political impact than the cases related to manufacturing , which affect several key swing states .