
  • 网络E-Commerce Logistics;electronic commerce logistics;e-logistics
  1. B2C电子商务物流配送中心选址模型研究

    Research the Location Model on B2C Electronic Commerce Logistics Distribution Center

  2. 其次对黑龙江农产品实施第三方物流做可行性分析,包括黑龙江电子商务物流现状分析、黑龙江农产品物流SWOT分析和第三方物流市场环境分析。

    Secondly , the dissertation analyses on the feasibility of Third-Party logistics of Heilongjiang agricultural products including electronic commerce logistics analysis , SWOT analysis of agricultural products and Third-Party logistics market environmental analysis .

  3. 基于GIS的电子商务物流配送可视化信息平台研究

    A GIS-based Visual Information Platform for E-commerce Distribution Logistics

  4. 利用城市公交车系统解决BToC电子商务物流配送初探

    The Discussion of Utilizing the Urban Bus System to Solve the Logistics Distribution of B to C E-commerce

  5. 基于RFID技术的电子商务物流体系研究

    Research on E-commerce Logistics System Based on RFID

  6. KQML在电子商务物流一体化系统中的应用研究

    Applying KQML to an E-Commerce Integrated Logistics System

  7. 因此本论文针对该问题,通过调研和查阅相关文献,提出了符合我国的B2C电子商务物流服务质量测度体系,并建立测度模型,具有一定的现实意义。

    This thesis focuses on the problem , proposed a system of logistics service quality measures and established measurement model which meet the conditions of domestic B2C e-commerce .

  8. 试图从供应链角度提出电子商务物流的特点,并阐述最具代表性的CPFR、QR、3PL/4PL物流模型。

    The article is concentrating on these features from Supply Chain , and expatiates on CPFR , QR , 3PL / 4PL , the representative logistics models .

  9. 信息平台的实现为物流企业用户提供了可视化的操作环境,并使动态物流配送信息在GIS中实时处理成为了可能,有利于促进电子商务物流配送的发展。

    The realization of the information platform provides the visual operating environment to logistics enterprises ' users , and offers exemplification for the real-time processing of the dynamic logistics distribution information . Therefore , it has great facilitation to the development of e-commerce logistics distribution .

  10. 本文分析了Ebay的购物模式和流程,包括国外Ebay与电子商务物流的整合和衔接,及其在信息流和资金流方面实现自动化运作的途径。

    This paper analyses the purchasing pattern and procedure of Ebay , including the integration and cohesion with e-commerce , and the ways to realize the automation concerning the information and capital flows .

  11. 并且分析了国外电子商务物流公司UPS在其网站上所提供的会员注册、直接进行业务办理、包裹跟踪信息、时间与费率查询等功能。

    With UPS as an example , this work also analyses the functions provided by the oversea e-commercial logistics companies on their websites . These functions include membership registration , direct business , package tracking , and time and cost calculation .

  12. 然后通过进一步分析,建立基于用户满意度的B2C电子商务物流配送服务评价体系,并通过层次分析法确定各个评价指标的权重值。

    Then through the further analysis , the thesis builds B2C e-commerce logistics distribution services evaluation system basing on customer satisfaction , and gets the weight of each index by using Analytic Hierarchy Process ( AHP ) .

  13. 首先分析了B2B和C2C电子商务物流服务的共性和特殊性,并进行比较研究,然后总结了我国目前电子商务贸易和零售物流服务的企业现状和存在问题。

    First , it analyses commonality and particularity of the B2B and C2C e-commerce logistics services , and makes a comparative study . Then , it summarizes current development status of e-commerce trade and retail logistics services in China .

  14. 最后,通过介绍我国B2C电子商务物流业务流程,结合云物流理念,设计B2C电子商务云物流信息平台,改造原有业务模式。

    Finally , through the introduction of our B2C e-commerce logistics business process , combined with the " cloud logistics " concept , designs B2C e-commerce information platform , called as " cloud logistics ", transforms the original business model .

  15. 其次,通过了解我国B2C电子商务物流配送的特点,结合云仓储理念,构建多级-多设施选址模型,并采用遗传算法进行实例求解。

    Secondly , through the understanding of B2C e-commerce logistics distribution characteristics in our country , combined with the cloud storage concepts , and establishes a multi-stages and Multi-facilities location models , and GA is used to solve the case .

  16. 电子商务物流一体化系统是在ISPSIL模型上发展起来的。

    The Digital Commodity Logistics System is a e-commerce integrated logistics system based on ISPSIL ( Information Services Provider Supported Integrated Logistics Model ) .

  17. 白城邮政电子商务物流管理系统设计

    The Designs of the E-commerce Logistics Manage System in Baicheng Post

  18. 电子商务物流配送服务水平与客户关系研究

    Study on Electronic Commerce Logistics Distribution Service Level and Client Relationship

  19. 电子商务物流配送是现代物流配送在电子商务环境下的必然发展。

    E-commerce logistics distribution is the certain developing trend under E-commerce .

  20. 航运业向电子商务物流业发展分析

    Analysis of Chinese Shipping Industry Developing Toward Logistics Industry of E-commerce

  21. 但目前发展电子商务物流还存在着相应的不利因素,制约着电子商务物流的发展。

    But some unfavorable factors exists in developing e-commerce-logistics at present .

  22. 我国电子商务物流系统模式的选择

    The Choice of the Pattern of China Electronic Commerce Logistics System

  23. 电子商务物流系统促进连锁商业的发展

    E-Business & Logistics System : The Promotions for the Commercial Chain Corporations

  24. 构建高效运作的电子商务物流管理体系

    Structuring Management System for Goods Stream of E-business with High Effective Operation

  25. 电子商务物流与西部大开发

    Flow of Goods and Materials in the E-commerce and the Western Development

  26. 我国电子商务物流的发展模式探讨

    Study on the pattern of logistics in Chinese electronic business

  27. 智能电子商务物流配送商选择方法研究

    Electronic commerce logistic service provider selection based on Agent

  28. 第三方物流模式下企业电子商务物流集成风险评价

    Evaluation on E-commerce Logistics Integration Risk of Enterprises in the Mode of 3PL

  29. 加快浙江电子商务物流环境建设的探讨

    Discussed on speeding up logistics environment construction with electronic commerce in Zhejiang province

  30. 论电子商务物流配送体系建设

    On logistic distribution system building with e - business