
  1. 汽车电子电器部件辐射敏感度自动测试系统

    An Auto-control Test System for Radiated Susceptibility of Electrical / Electronic Assemblies in Vehicles

  2. 家用电器的电磁辐射与人体健康

    Electromagnetic Radiation of Home Electrical Installations and Health of Human Body

  3. 特别指出移动电话和计算机等家用电器的电磁辐射概况,以及电磁波检测工作的必要性。

    The paper specially points out the overview of electromagnetic radiation of those mobile phones , computers and other home appliances . Meanwhile , the paper points out the importance of the work of electromagnetic detection .

  4. 陈青松说:我国在1988年就制定了家用电器的电磁辐射标准,规定的上限为12伏每米,远低于欧美等国家的标准。

    National standards for electromagnetic radiation from home appliances has been set up in 1988 with a top limit of 12 volt / meter , which is far less than a western standard , said Chen .

  5. GB/T17619-1998机动车电子电器组件的电磁辐射抗扰性限值和测量方法

    Limits and methods of testing for immunity of electrical / electronic sub & assemblies in vehicles to electromagnetic radiation