
  • 网络Telecommunications Closet;Telecommunications Room
  1. 所以面对流媒体传输这样对网络和带宽稳定性要求很高的通讯,网通和电信间的跨网传输是不可想象的,延时和丢包将严重影响访问者的体验。

    When facing the streaming media transmission which needs high stability of the broadband , inter-network transmission between China Telecom and China Netcom is inconceivable and the latency or message missing will also seriously affect the visitor experience .

  2. 手机邮箱和Blackberry业务是中国移动于今年5·17世界电信日期间全国范围内面向集团客户市场推出的业务。

    Cellphoneemailand blackberry services are nationwide services introduced by China Mobile toward the group client market on May17th , the world telecommunication day , of this year .

  3. 公用电信网间接续质量的研究

    Connection Quality Study between Public Telecommunication Networks

  4. 我国电信网间互联结算之浅见

    Interconnection Settlement between Telecom-networks in China

  5. 描述大脑各区域相互作用的关键是对脑电信号间进行同步分析。

    The analysis of synchronization between the EEG series is the key for describing the correlation of each area in the brain .

  6. 第一类电信事业间,应于一方提出网络互连要求之日起三个月内达成协议;

    Among type I telecommunications enterprises , an agreement shall be reached within three months from the date one Party requested for network interconnection .

  7. 行政管制下的司法缺位&对我国公用电信网间互联互通争议解决机制之探讨

    The Absence of Judicature under the Administrative Regulation : A Probe into the Dispute Settlement System Concerning the Interconnection between Public Telecom Networks in China

  8. 研究结果表明:输入信号有效值越大,导体温升越大,输出与输入电信号间的偏离误差越大。

    The results show that the bigger input signal causes bigger temperature rise of the conduct and relative bigger biased error between input and output electric signals .

  9. 综合运用网络技术、通信技术对云南省电信网间互联互通监测系统的设计、建设、应用进行了初步研究。

    For design and construction of Yunnan telecom network interconnection monitoring system , and application have been primarily researched by using the synthesis techniques of network & telecommunication .

  10. 探讨临床检查的零肌力与零肌电信号间的差别,以及对该肌肉自主活动恢复的意义。

    And to explore the differences between zero MSG and zero voluntary muscle signal ( ZVMS ) as well as its meaning for the improvement of the muscle function .

  11. 随着市场竞争程度的不断加大,电信企业间的竞争已经从过去产品、价格竞争逐步向成本、服务竞争方向发展。

    As the competition of the market is becoming more and more heated , the competition among telecommunication companies tends to emphasize on the cost and the service instead of on the product and the price .

  12. 本文针对电信企业间竞争两败俱伤的现状,运用博弈论进行分析,指出在竞争中适度合作以求得双赢才是竞争市场的理想模式。

    In view of the current situation of the competition in the telecom enterprises-suffering in both sides and by using the theory of chess-playing to analyze it , this paper points out the ideal mode of the competition market-moderate cooper-ation for both winning .

  13. 第一类电信事业间,不履行网络互连协议时,于法定互连协议应约定事项范围内,由电信总局依申请裁决之。

    In the event type I telecommunication enterprises do not carry out network interconnection as agreed which failure is within the scope of those mandatory terms required by law to be included in interconnection agreements , the DGT may arbitrate the matter upon the receipt of request therefor .

  14. 随着垄断格局的打破,国内电信运营商间的竞争越来越激烈。

    With the break of the monopoly , the competition among the telecommunication companies is becoming drastically .

  15. 目前,我国电信业网间互联结算存在的较大缺陷,造成了网间互联互通的不畅。

    The defects of existing balance system of interconnection fee between different nets have caused interconnection and intercommunication not smooth .

  16. 全文共分四章:第一章综述性介绍网间互联问题的定义、种类、原则、方式和意义,指出困扰当前中国电信业网间互联的主要问题。

    Chapter 1 provides a general introduction : the definition of interconnection , the types , the principles , the models , and the meaning . And points out the main issues regarding the interconnection among various operators in China today .

  17. 本文分析了我国及国外目前网间互联结算的现状,指出应以成本为基础确定网间互联费用,提出了完善我国电信业网间互联结算的几点建议。

    This paper analyses the present condition of balance of interconnection fee internal and external , suggests the interconnection fee should be calculated based on cost , and puts forward some measures to perfect the balance system of interconnection fee in China telecom industry .

  18. 供国内用户与国外会员电信机构用户相互间数据传输、交换与处理之业务。

    In order for the customers to transmit , exchange , and process data with their foreign correspondents .

  19. 电信业不同专业间也呈现出相互竞争的态势,集团客户价值凸显,成为各大运营商争夺的焦点。

    The telecommunication industry is also showing a different profession of mutual competition , customer group value to highlight , become a major operators compete for attention .

  20. 摘要本文研究了中国电信业务收入省际间的差异变化,并进行了分类,阐明了这种差异变化留给人们的示及对中国电信业今后发展的影响。

    This paper studies the gross income difference of Chinese telecom between provinces of from all kinds of angles , classifies the provinces by income of their telecom enterprises , and points out the effect on the development of Chinese telecom .

  21. 笔者认为,我国电信改革将朝着形成有效竞争市场结构的方向发展,促进电信网络间的兼容性以及互联互通是电信改革和监管的关键。

    In conclusion , in order to achieve effective competition , accelerating compatibility and interconnection is the key role of Chinese telecommunication information and regulation .

  22. 国际电信联盟提出了电信管理网TMN体系结构,它提供一个有组织的网络,取得各种操作系统与电信设备间的互联,来达到支撑电信网和电信业务规划、配置、安装、操作的目的。

    The International Telecommunication Union , proposed the Telecommunications Management Network TMN architecture . It provides an organized network to obtain the interconnection between the various operating systems and telecommunications equipment to support the telecommunications network and telecommunications business planning , configuration , installation , operation .