
  1. 申银万国证券研究所(ShanghaiShenyinWanguoResearch&ConsultingCo.)分析师陈海明表示,全聚德品牌的高认知度令其独具优势。

    Chen Haiming , an analyst with Shanyin & Wanguo Research & Consulting Co. , says high awareness of the Quanjude brand gives the company a distinct advantage . '

  2. 申银万国证券研究所(ShanghaiShenyinWanguoResearch&ConsultingCo.)分析师陈海明表示,全聚德品牌的高认知度令其独具优势。

    Chen Haiming , an analyst with Shanyin Wanguo Research Consulting Co. , says high awareness of the Quanjude brand gives the company a distinct advantage .

  3. 在此之前,申银万国研究所是对利润分析的特别报告。

    Before , Shenyin Wanguo Research Institute that is a special report on the Margin analysis .

  4. 在此基础上,论文详细阐述了由作者主持的申银万国证券研究所金融咨询业务通用数据发布平台(下文简称为金融咨询业务通用数据发布平台或本系统)的设计和实现。

    Afterwards , the universal platform for data publication used in financial consulting business is described in detail .

  5. 去年5月印花税的上调是为了缓和股民过于狂热的劲头,这种劲头让申银万国那样的证券公司变成投机倒把活动迅速膨胀的赌场。

    A rise in the tax last May was intended to temper the animal spirits that were turning brokers like Shenyin & Wanguo into heaving gambling dens .

  6. 现在有关股市投资的书籍也变得异常畅销,申银万国证券公司的营业厅里,有一个售书摊位。每天都能卖出去数百本书。

    Books on stock investment have also become hot cakes , with a vendor in front of the office of Shenyin & Wanguo Securities boasting he sells hundreds of copies every day .

  7. 采用事件研究法,研究了上海著名证券研究机构申银万国研究所的20002004年所有的调研报告与深度报告;

    An event study method was used to investigate the cumulative abnormal retums ( CARs ) of all recommendations of a Shanghai famous securities research institute ( Shenyin Wanguo Broker ) from 2000 to 2004.Market adjustment , size adjustment and industry adjustment were made .