
  1. 在全国范围内,按照统一规定的格式,填写详细的甲历材料。

    Form stipulating that according to the unification in the whole nation range inner , fill in detailed A calendar material .

  2. 对于年代久远的甲历,分期分批重新修写,重视修复和修整工作。

    To age-old A calendar , Xiu writes by stages and in groups again , pays attention to restoring and trimming a job .

  3. 甲历档案的出世,直接导致我国最早的人事档案库,即甲库的产生。

    A passes through the file being produced , lead to the earliest personal file of our country warehouse directly , creation being an A warehouse .

  4. 甲历档案分类保管,按出身、官阶和资历等等列分开,便于每年度铨选的查阅和统计。

    Occupy first place over the calendar classification of documents storage , part according to columns such as family background , official rank and experience , easy to spend steelyard selections every year looking up and statistics .

  5. 唐代政治开明、文化昌盛,开创了我国封建社会发展的又一个盛世局面,在这一社会背景下,随着甲历档案和甲库的出现,唐代的档案管理工作有了突破性进展。

    On the basis of liberal politics and prosperous culture , a Golden Age of the situation of Chinese feudal society was created in Tang Dynasty , and in this social context a breakthrough was made in the Tang Dynasty file management work .

  6. 唐代中书、门下、尚书三省机关中分别设置专门保管官吏甲历档案的机构,鲜明反映了三省在管理官吏及其档案方面的不同职能和有机联系。

    The book , disciple , minister interpose the organization taking care of the government officials A calendar file specially respectively in Tang Dynasty in three provinces organs , have reflected different in the respect of managing government officials and their file functions of three provinces and organic distinct connection .

  7. 同时还研究了不同温度下椰心叶甲幼虫的发育历期、发育起点温度和有效积温。

    Studies on developmental duration at different temperatures , developmental threshold temperature and effective accumulated temperature were also carried out .

  8. 在每年铨选授官之前,甲库官员都要仔细检查甲历,做好提供利用的准备。

    The steelyard elects on every year confer the A warehouse official all asks careful examination to occupy first place over a calendar , is prepared before the government official .