
  • 网络TANABE
  1. 田边每天早上喝牛奶和看报纸。

    Tanabe drank milk every morning and read the newspaper .

  2. 田边死于心力衰竭,她说。

    Tanabe died of heart failure , she said .

  3. 我沿着田边走,又经过了那座桥。

    I skirted around the field and crossed the bridge .

  4. 联合收割机把庄稼绕田边割了一长条。

    The combine had cut a swathe around the edge of the field .

  5. 我们经过坐落在水稻田边的村庄群。

    We pass villages clustered around wet rice fields .

  6. 父子俩驾车从造父的田边经过时,马受了惊,怎么也不肯走动。

    A father and a son were passing Zhao Fu 's field when their horse got frightened and refused to move .

  7. CURTISSWIFT:“任何可以遮在植株上方的东西都可以。许多人砍下田边的一些树枝,插在植株的南面和西面的土壤中提供荫凉。”

    CURTIS SWIFT : " Anything you can put over the plant . A lot of people can cut brush at the edge of the field and stick that into the soil on the south and west side of the plant and provide some shade . "

  8. 还记得田边大树下的小木屋吗?

    Do you still remember the cabin under the tree ?

  9. 我们沿著田边走,经过了那座桥。

    We skirted ( round ) the field and crossed the bridge .

  10. 为了不损坏庄稼,孩子们绕着田边走。

    The boys skirted the field so as not to damage the crops .

  11. 我们沿着田边一条泥泞的小道走着。

    We walked along a muddy track at the side of the field .

  12. 田边与他的第五个儿子和儿媳生活。

    Tanabe lived with his fifth son and daughter-in-law .

  13. 经常在田边与树林边看到的一种花。

    A flower found typically in field borders and the edges of woods .

  14. 田边杂草中捕食性生物与稻田飞虱及其捕食性天敌的相关分析

    An interrelationship survey on rice planthoppers predators of the weeds around the rice fields

  15. 不等别人来帮忙,他就把另两具尸体拖开,将第三个人拽到田边地头上。

    Without waiting for help , he pulled away the two corpses and dragged the third man to the side of the field .

  16. 田边停放着她的电动自行车,是其首次使用余钱的必须品。

    At the side of the field stands her electric bike , a must-have for those with money to spare for the first time .

  17. 第4代发生在8月上旬至9月上旬,主要在晚稻及闲置稻田稗草等生境,田边杂草上数量很少。

    The fourth generation occurred from early August to early September , mainly damaged late rice , and a few pests were observed on weeds .

  18. 采用多点试验方法,对稻蝗若虫集中田边为害期导致的水稻产量损失进行测定。

    Loss of rice produce was measured by the methods of multiple point experiment during the intensive attacking period of rice nymphae near the boundary strip .

  19. 我喜欢寻你的感觉,无论是在田边,或在树梢,我都能寻到你的影子。

    I like the look of your feelings , whether it is at the edge , or in the trees , I can find a your shadow .

  20. 东京-田边友,是世界上最长寿的男人,于上周五在他的家(日本南部)在睡梦中过世,一位官员说。

    TOKYO-Tomoji Tanabe , the world 's oldest man , died in his sleep at his home in southern Japan on Friday , a city official said .

  21. 并收集工业区污水、乡村河涌水、鱼塘水、乡村田边土、交通繁忙的主干道及大街边尘土、铅皮牙膏、药膏及塑料皮牙膏、汽油等标本进行铅含量检测。

    And lead level of polluted water near plant , soil of side of traffic busy street and highway , toothpaste , medical ointment and gasoline were detected .

  22. 田边水沟和道路边沟的螺情很严重(阳性螺占有螺面积的62%),是最危险的易感地带。

    The ditches beside paddy fields and roads were the most dangerous susceptive zone because of serious Oncomelania , area of Positive Oncomclania is62 % of Oncomelania area .

  23. 方法:按《全国肠道蠕虫病防治试点方案》,选择长乐市(青山、青桥)与南靖县(珩坑、田边)的4个村为试点,进行观察。

    METHODS According to " The National Pilot Scheme of Controlling intestinal Helminthiasis ", 4 villages in Changle city and Naming county were selected as pilot spots in Fujian .

  24. 由于自身带刺,还可在田边、地埂、果园四周栽植,发展地埂经济和培养绿色围栏。

    Because of its barbed , but also at the edge , to ridge , surrounded by orchards planted , economic and culture development in the green ridge fence .

  25. 每年夏天,山野里的开满了野花,山坡上,房前屋后,田边地头,一片一片的都是美丽。

    Every summer , the mountains full of wild flowers in the open , slope , surrounding their houses , Tanabe edge of a farm , one piece are beautiful .

  26. 树梢风的哼唱是可爱的乐曲,田边无垠的画面抚慰我的心灵,胜过任何人的脸庞。

    The hum of the wind in the treetops has always been lovely music to me , and the face of the fields has often comforted me more than the faces of men .

  27. 田里有个大姑娘在锄草,一大张黄色广告,也许是什么杂技团巡回演出的海报,在田边迎风飘动。

    A young girl was weeding in a field , where a huge yellow poster , probably of some outside spectacle , such as a parish festival , was fluttering in the wind .

  28. 在我七岁那年,我的祖父来到田边的一个池塘。他让我丢一颗石子到水中,并嘱咐我仔细观察石子所激起的水波纹。

    My grandfather took me to the fish pond on the farm when I was about seven , and he told me to throw a stone into the water . He told me to watch the circles created by the stone .

  29. 他拉平了地面,岂不就撒种小茴香,播种大茴香,按行列种小麦,在定处种大麦,在田边种粗麦呢?

    When the face of the earth has been levelled , does he not put in the different sorts of seed , and the grain in lines , and the barley in its place , and the spelt at the edge ?

  30. 第5代发生于9月上旬,主要分布于中稻、晚稻、闲置田和田边杂草地。

    The fifth generation occurred in early September , mainly distributed in Mid-rice , late rice , idle field and weeds land .