
tián jìnɡ sài
  • track and field meet
田径赛 [tián jìng sài]
  • [track and field events] 田赛和径赛的合称

  1. 我校派出了五名运动员参加这次田径赛。

    The school has sent five athletes to take part in the upcoming track and field meet .

  2. 星期一,在日本前桥举行的世界室内田径赛中,加拿大短跑健将多诺万巴利和跨栏选手科林。杰克森是两颗耀眼的明星。

    Canadian sprinter Donovan Bailey and hurdler Colin Jackson were two of the stars at the international indoor track and field meet in maebashi , Japan on monday .

  3. 他正在田径赛中取得好成绩。

    He 's making a good score in track and field events .

  4. 意思是在重要性方面仅次于田径赛。整个句子如果正常化,就该是。

    Swimming is second only to track and field events in importance .

  5. 我喜欢看田径赛。我喜欢跑步和跳高。

    I like to watch track . I like the running and jumping .

  6. 吉米利查,在校田径赛中没有人跑得像你一样快。

    Jimmy leech , no one could run like you in school races .

  7. 为零星的降雨所以我们必须取消田径赛。

    To cancel the track and field contest because of the scattered rain .

  8. 他问我疗养结束时,是否还来得及参加田径赛?

    Would I be finished with my physical therapy in time to run track ?

  9. 而她却在1960年奥运会田径赛中夺得三枚金牌。

    She went on to win3 gold medals in track during the1960 Olympic games .

  10. 泛美运动会田径赛。

    Pan American Games track and field .

  11. 湖南第四届大运会田径赛微机管理系统

    A Micro-Computer Management System for Track and Field Meet in the Fourth College Students'Games of Hunan Province

  12. 电子仪器设备在大型田径赛裁判工作中的作用裁判裁定击球员出局。

    Expound the Role of Electronic Apparatus on Judge Working at Large Scale Track and Field Match ;

  13. 在1999年世界杯田径赛上,她又获得了100米金牌和跳远铜牌。

    At the1999 world cup , she won the100m and earned the bronze medal in the long jump .

  14. 奥林匹克体育场是正在建中的田径赛场地,可以容纳80000观众。

    The Olympic Stadium is being rebuilt for track and fields events and will have a capacity of80000 spectators .

  15. 以后我坚持打垒球和参加田径赛,虽然不能再当第一名,却坚持了下来。

    I continue to play softball and run track . I am no longer the fastest , but I play .

  16. 在古希腊各地都进行着田径赛、舞蹈比赛、赛马、赛船,以及火炬赛跑。

    All over ancient Greece , athletic contests , dance contests , and horse , boat , and torch races were held .

  17. 田径赛,他们想到了生活中的每一方面。他们在追求代表整个人类的更高的目标。

    of running , they will think every respect in their won life.They can chase for higher goals standing for the , whole human being .

  18. 短跑是田径赛项目中的距离最短,速度最快的极限强度运动项目。

    In track and field events , sprint is a high-intensity one that covers the shortest distance and requires the fastest speed of sprinters while running .

  19. 两届南非奥运冠军卡斯特尔·塞门亚在与田径赛规则的漫长法律斗争中败诉,规则限制女性跑步运动员体内的高睾酮水平。

    Two-time South African Olympic champion Caster Semenya has lost her long legal battle against track and field 's rules limiting naturally high testosterone levels in female runners .

  20. 据新华社报道,在18日的伯明翰室内田径赛男子60米栏决赛中,刘翔以7秒41击败古巴名将罗伯斯,开启自己的新赛季以及奥运年。

    China 's Liu Xiang started his new season and Olympic year by beating archrival Dayron Robles of Cuba in 7.41 seconds to win the men 's 60m hurdle final at the Birmingham indoor tournament on Saturday , Xinhua reported .

  21. 方法:对武警某部三个院校的运动会田径赛项目中前6~8名男、女运动员共211人记录运动成绩,并以足印法测量足弓,进行统计分析。

    Methods : Recording the track and field performances of the first 6 ~ 8 male and female athletes , totaling 211 , from three armed police academies , measuring their foot arch by means of footprint , and conduct statistical analysis on the results .

  22. 主要采用高速录像拍摄法,对参加2004年全国田径大奖赛暨总决赛(合肥站)的我国优秀的男子1500m运动员李炎各段落途中跑的运动学特征进行分析研究。

    By the method of video analysis , kinetic characteristics of Li Yan 's running in different segments of a 1500m competition were studied .

  23. 柏林田径大奖赛结束(详讯)

    Berlin track and field championship competition ends ( Detailed Report )

  24. 那年春天有10个男孩参加田径选拔赛。

    Ten boys went out for track that spring .

  25. 全国田径冠军赛结束

    The national track and field championship competition ends

  26. 柏林田径大奖赛于当地时间今晚在柏林奥林匹克体育场举行。

    The Berlin Track And Field Championship Competition was held at the Berlin Olympic Stadium tonight , local time .

  27. 现在,刘翔又重新回到了胜利的轨道上。他在5月初刚刚赢得了日本川崎田径挑战赛的冠军。

    Now Mr. Liu is back on the winning track , having recently won the Seiko Golden Grand Prix in early May .

  28. 2012年,刘翔以12.87秒的成绩在普里方腾田径大奖赛上夺冠,相当于每秒2.4米

    In 2012 , Liu Xiang won at the Prefontaine Classic with 12.87 seconds , albeit with wind-assistance of 2.4 meters per second .

  29. 古巴选手罗伯斯在韩国举行的世界田径大奖赛中被取消了110米跨栏的金牌。

    The Cuban athlete Dayron Robles has been stripped of a gold medal in the110m hurdles at the Athletics World Championships in South Korea .

  30. 奔腾杯全国田径冠军赛今天上午在河北省唐山市体育中心落下帷幕。

    The " Pentium " Cup National Track And Field Championship Competition drew to an end at the Tangshan Sports Center of Hebei province this morning .