
shuǎi ɡān
  • spin-dry;tumble-dry
  1. Ok,这台在甩干

    Okay , this one 's on spin .

  2. IC生产线晶圆片冲洗甩干设备的开发和应用

    The Development and Applications of Wafer Spin Rinse / Dryer in IC Production Line

  3. 从IC生产线晶圆片旋转冲洗甩干工艺出发,介绍了半导体晶圆片清洗后的旋转冲洗甩干方法,以及新近开发研制的CXS系列旋转冲洗甩干机的技术原理、结构特点及工艺应用情况。

    Drying process in IC production line , introducing spin rinsing ? drying methods after semiconductor wafer cleaning . Also describing the technical principle , structure fea-tures and process applications for newly developed CXS series spin rinse ?

  4. MQG系列全自动清洗甩干机,是根据国际光伏、半导体产业发展的市场需求而研发的。

    The MQG series Automatic Cleaning Dryer is researched and produced by international marketing demand of photovoltaic & semiconductor industry .

  5. TS160型桑叶甩干机的研制

    Development of the Model TS 160 Spin drier for Mulberry Leaves

  6. 这和甩干毛巾时相似。

    It 's like your centrifuge when you dry your towels .

  7. 也就是甩干衣服的方法。

    That is the way that you can dry your clothes .

  8. 硅片甩干机之旋转架设计中受迫振动问题

    Forced Vibration of Rotary Rack in Flail Drying Machine with Silicon Flakes

  9. 同时也是我,祖母甩干生菜的方法。

    That is the same way that my grandmother dried the lettuce .

  10. 丹尼尔:它也能甩干衣服吗?

    Daniel : Does it dry the clothes too ?

  11. 它旋转甩干衣服,然后对其进行消毒。

    It spins and dries the clothes and also sterilizes them after that .

  12. 我们使用布质尿布,但我们有自己的洗衣机和甩干机。

    We use cloth diapers , but we have our own washer and dryer .

  13. 一只熊游泳过后在甩干水珠。

    A bear shakes off after a swim .

  14. 讨论了油墨打印前,器件封装外表面清洗的必要性、简易清洗过程和清洗后使用甩干机脱水处理的方法和效果。

    Discuss cleaning necessity of device package external surface , simply cleaning process , method and effect of using centrifugal dry machine after cleaning .

  15. 把湿的蚕丝棉兜用甩干机脱去水分,再用尼龙线串起来拿到太阳下晒干。

    Dehydrate the wet silk pockets with the drying machine , and then string them together with nylon lines and dry in the sun .

  16. 控制好浓度和温度,利用两种反应产物的溶解度之差,使硫酸钾结晶析出,甩干后即为成品。

    K2SO4 is deposited from reaction solution by taking advantage of the difference in solubility between two salts at controlled concentration and temperature and then dryed .

  17. 滚筒洗衣机在其工作运转,尤其是在脱水甩干时的噪音,是衡量滚筒洗衣机一个重要的性能指标。

    The noise of the running drum-type washing machine , especially in the dehydration process , is an important indicator to assess the drum-type washing machine performance .

  18. 宿舍每个楼道都要树立热水供给点,楼道里就算没有洗衣机,最好有甩干桶。

    Please set up a hot water station on each floor in the dormitory . Additionaly , a watermachine is necessary or at least a laundry dryer .

  19. 我几乎所有的灵感(如果说还称得上灵感的话),都是在干其它事情与别人聊天、骑脚踏车、将衣服放进滚筒甩干机里时产生的。

    I have nearly all my flashes of inspiration ( such as they are ) when I 'm doing something else – talking to someone , cycling , putting the clothes in the tumble drier .

  20. 我以前总是关上笔记本电脑,拿好切菜板、刀以及沙拉甩干碗,此时,我心无旁骛,只是用手忙着,在某种程度上像冥想一样。

    I used to close my laptop , take my chopping board , my knife , my salad spinner and I was just working with my hands in this kind of moment of mindfulness , like a meditation in a way .

  21. (且毫不介意我之后把衣服分类,放进甩干机,然后花数小时叠好它们。)在他做了简单的工作却想得到表扬时我真想瞪他,但我还是感谢了他。

    ( Never mind that I separated the wash , put it in the dryer , and spent hours folding it . ) I want to stab him in the eyes when he expects validation for a relatively simple task but I give it to him anyway .