
  • 网络the choice of word
  1. 韩国语‘(?)’既有本用言的用法又有辅助用言的用法,本文将重点放在‘(?)’作为实词的用法上。

    ' . Korean not only has original usage but also has assistant usage . This paper will focus on the usage when '(?)

  2. 小稿拟以日语心理动词句为中心,从说话人的语气分析、考察句子主体与谓语用言的关系。

    This paper analyses the relations between the predicate and the principal part of the Japanese psychological verb sentence from the tone of the speaker .

  3. 因此他就采取哄和劝的方法;他从来都不超越使用语言的界限,也没有再想到拥抱抚摸,他只是想尽量用言辞去打动她。

    So he played a more coaxing game ; and while never going beyond words , or attempting the renewal of caresses , he did his utmost orally .

  4. 以日语中用言的为研究对象,深入探讨用言中动词的敬语法,特别是那其中的敬语动词。

    This paper has researched the choice of word on Japanese , discussed polite language grammar of verb in the choice of word deeply , especially the polite language grammar .

  5. 球迷和俱乐部的结合很难用言辞去解释,所有我能说的就是这之中的结合是非常非常深的,它是不能改变的。

    The bond between a club and a fan is something which can 't be expressed in words-all I can say is that it runs deep , very deep * and it is irrevocable .

  6. 如果用不言而明的第一种阐释来支持第二种阐释的经验有效性,就有点不实在了。

    It is disingenuous to use the self-evident truth of the first proposition as support for the empirical validity of the second .

  7. 现在,想象一下一位同事在你的小隔间旁边,用粗言秽语询问你对会议,别人在任务上的失误,或者其他不雅的新闻的观点。

    Now , imagine a co-worker stops by your cubicle to ask your opinion on nasty words exchanged in a meeting , someone being passed over for a project , or some other salacious news .

  8. 在表现方法上,寒山诗歌以教诫说理为主,除间有出以庄语、工语者外,多用村言口语,语气诙谐,机趣横溢。

    Admonition and argument are the main techniques of expression in Han Shan poetry which , besides a small number of solemn and delicate language , mainly uses colloquial language , thus making it humorous and interesting .

  9. 将138例缺血性中风后失语患者随机分为治疗组98例,用利言汤配合言语训练综合治疗;对照组40例,用缺血性中风病常规药物治疗。

    The 138 cases of aphasia from ischemic apoplexy were randomly divided into the treatment group and the control group , the former inclusive of 98 cases and treated with the combined method , and the latter 40 cases with the routine medicine .

  10. 卢登伯格称,握手作为打招呼的方式在一些偏僻的地方保留了下来,比如荷兰的某些城镇居民会用握手来言和。

    According to Roodenburg , handshaking survived in a few niches , like in Dutch towns where they 'd use the gesture to reconcile after disagreements .

  11. 用教师的言行为学生树立榜样形象;

    To set an example for students with the teacher 's words and conducts ;

  12. 我并没有像你用粗鲁言词所形容的那样“灌饱了黄汤”。

    I am not , as you so crudely put it , 'pissed ' .

  13. 管理的关键过程极为复杂和神秘,是凭借最含糊的信息并用最难以言状的心智的过程。

    The key managerial processes are enormously complex and mysterious , drawing on the vaguest of information and using the least articulated of mental processes .

  14. 他自愿用真理之言生了我们,为使我们成为他所造之物中的初果。

    For of his own will hath he begotten us by the word of truth , that we might be some beginning of his creatures .

  15. 让我们用自己的言和行来诠释“城市,让生活更美好”,祝愿上海世博会圆满成功!

    Let 's ensure our daily words and behavior to witness and interpret the spirit of " Better City , Better Life ", I wish the Shanghai World Expo a complete success !

  16. 是啊,他们从来不把这种好地方留给新手,但是我是唯一一个能用25国语言唱《圣诞快乐》的人。骗他们的。

    Yeah , they hardly ever give such a good corner to a rookie , but I 'm the only one who can sing " Merry Christmas " in 25 languages . I lied .

  17. 用以强调所言出自真心。

    Used to emphasize that one is speaking frankly .

  18. 学问经济时迟期,会计己员闭于企业、闭于社会的做用出无曲言而喻。

    The era of knowledge economy , accountant plays a significant role in the enterprises and community .

  19. 如散文不宣用诗家语,诗句不宜用散文言。

    If prose should not be used the language of Poetry , prose poem should not be made .