
shēnɡ zhǎnɡ qū
  • Growth zone;growth region
  1. 低压下C-H-O三元相图中金刚石生长区的边界探讨

    A Study on the Boundaries of Diamond Growth Region Under Activated Low Pressure Conditions

  2. 生长区界面缺陷严重影响激光性能。

    The interfacial defects in the growth region seriously affect the laser performance .

  3. 用X射线形貌术及光学双折射形貌术对天然绿柱石晶体中的生长区界面进行了研究。

    The growth sector boundaries in natural beryls have been investigated by means of X-ray topography and optical birefringence topography .

  4. 同时由合成后样品中立方氮化硼的生成区域对V型生长区温度梯度分布进行了分析讨论。

    From the observation of cBN crystals growth within the sample capsule , the temperature gradient distribution has been discussed .

  5. 胞质中RAN在卵原区为弱阳性,进入生长区后,RNA为强阳性。

    The cytoplasm of the oocyte exhibits weak UNA positive in germarium and the RNA show strong RNA positive in vitellarium .

  6. 五磷酸钕(NdPP)晶体生长区界面缺陷的X射线形貌研究

    The Growth-Region Interface Defects Study on NdPP Crystals by X-ray Topography

  7. 用X射线衍射形貌法研究了NdP5O(14)晶体中的微观缺陷,主要有铁弹畴、反相畴界、生长区的界面、生长层和位错。

    The micro-defects in NdPP crystals have been studied by means of X-ray topography . It is found that the main defects in these crystals are ferroelastic domain , growth sector , growth layer , antiphase domain and dislocation .

  8. 实验发现:要获得形貌规则且尺寸较大的CuI单晶,在晶体生长区必须维持一个低而稳定的络合物浓度和浓度梯度。

    The results show that it is necessary to maintain low and stable values of both the concentration and its gradient of the complex , in order to grow a CuI single crystal with a regular shape and large size .

  9. 中子辐照氢气生长区熔硅中一个新的三斜对称缺陷

    A New Triclinic Defect in Neutron-Irradiated FZ-Silicon Grown in Hydrogen

  10. 杉木生长区气候区划的初步研究

    A preliminary study on the climatic regions of Chinese Fir Growth Areas

  11. 中等温度时生长区最大;

    The diamond growth region shrinks at high temperature .

  12. 美国中部和西部谷物生长区和牧区严重的有害昆虫。

    Serious pest of grain-growing and range areas of central and western United States .

  13. 压力的升高促使金刚石生长区变大。

    The increasing of pressure will enlarge the size of the diamond growth region .

  14. 氢气氛生长区熔硅的热处理缺陷及其与辐照缺陷的相互作用

    Thermal Treatment Defects in FZ Silicon in Hydrogen Atmosphere and Their Interaction With Radiation Defects

  15. 不同温度、压力条件下人造金刚石的晶体形态特征及优晶生长区的初步探讨

    Morphological peculiarities of synthetic diamond and a preliminary discussion on its fine crystal growth field

  16. 低剂量中子辐照氢气氛和氩气氛生长区熔硅的深能级瞬态谱研究

    Study of Defects in Low Dose Neutron Irradiated FZ Silicon Grown in Hydrogen and Argon Atmosphere by DLTS

  17. 当萌发后,在花粉管内强烈地显示了这两种酶的活性,特别是顶端生长区。

    After the germination , the activity of both enzymes were show intensely in the tube and top growth region in particular .

  18. 氧的加入总是引起需要更多的碳并使金刚石生长区向温度降低的方向移动。

    The addition of oxygen always needs more carbon for deposition and moves the diamond growth region to the direction of decreasing temperature .

  19. 本试验探讨了鹿茸顶部生长区手术促进鹿茸生长发育,提高鹿茸产量的问题。

    We studied that operation on the top of velvet growing area promote the growth of velvet and increase in yield of velvet .

  20. 考察了一种新型寡毛类蠕虫反应器(由游离型蠕虫生长区和附着型蠕虫生长区组成)处理排放剩余污泥的效果。

    A new worm-reactor , consisting of free-swimming and sessile worm growing sections , was developed to be habitat for worm stable growth .

  21. 吲哚乙酸对向日葵下胚轴生长区单向K~+(~(86)Rb~+)通量的影响

    Effects of IAA on unidirectional k ~ + ( ~ ( 88 ) rb ~ + ) fluxes in the growing zone of sunflower Hypocotyls

  22. 然后对疫源地范围内姜片吸虫病流行过程的特点进行了分析,追索到生物生长区的自然条件和社会条件上去。

    The peculiarities of the course of infection were then analyzed with a discussion on both the natural and the social conditions of the biotope .

  23. 发现在(001)面出现应力生长区、沿[100]方向的位错线以及晶体中镶嵌结构。

    Dislocations were detected on both planes of ( 001 ) and ( 100 ) of YVO 4 crystal , as well as mosaic structure and stress area on some samples .

  24. 结果表明:蝎蛉卵巢由12根多滋式卵巢小管组成每个卵巢小管分为端丝、生殖区和生长区。

    The results showed that each of the two ovaries consists of12 polytrophic ovarioles , which can be differentiated into the terminal filament , a germarium , a vitellarium and a pedicel .

  25. 交叉运用分等的土壤肥力图、气候生产潜力指数曲线图来选择作物适宜生长区和改良土地用养结构;

    Classified soil fertility plat and connotative climate production index curve are used together to select the area in which crops can grow well and the structure of land using and maintaining can improved .

  26. 硬骨鱼胚后发育中,边缘生长区及胚胎裂缝代表神经形成的活跃位点,同时对新的神经胶质细胞和光感器(视锥和视杆细胞)的形成有积极作用。

    In postembryonic teleosts , the marginal germinal zone and the embryonic fissure represent active sites of neurogenesis and contribute to the formation of new glial cells and photoreceptors ( cones and rods ) .

  27. 但上述两种方法由于劳动强度大、时间长,在经济上是很难行得通;且贝类从生长区移入暂养区后,存在着污染暂养区水质的可能。

    Considering the great labour intensity and consuming time , the two methods were difficult to carry out , and it may pollute the water in temporary zone when the shellfish moved the temporary zone from growth zone .

  28. 无油条件下,泡沫在多孔介质中具有活塞式驱替特征;含油条件下,泡沫驱替过程中存在生长区、稳态区、衰减区三部分。

    The displacement characteristic of foam was characterized as piston-like displacement under the oil-free condition . The foam displacement process could be divided into three parts : growth zone , steady state zone and decay zone under oil-bearing condition .

  29. 应用Fuzzy矩阵传递闭包法对林木适宜生长气候区的划分

    Division of Climatic Region Suitable for Trees to Grow by use of Fuzzy Matrix Transmission Closure

  30. 而在沉积坯生长过渡区表面部位的压应力集中区减小。

    But the surface area with compressive stress concentration during growing transition region of billet minishes .