
shēnɡ zhǎnɡ fēn xī
  • growth analysis
  1. 基于WEB模式的植物生长分析计算模型的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of plant growth analysis model based on web

  2. K型杂交小麦901及亲本籽粒灌浆的生长分析

    Growth Analysis on the Process of Grain Filling in Hybrid Wheat 901 and Its Parents

  3. Logistic曲线的性质及其在植物生长分析中的应用

    Property of Logistic Curve and Its Application in the Analysis of Plant Growth

  4. 压电微晶玻璃Ba(2-x)SrxTiSi2O8极性微晶温度梯度取向生长分析

    Polar piezoelectric grain-oriented growth at gradient of temperature in ba_ ( 2-x ) sr_xtisi_2o_8 glass-ceramics

  5. 异速生长分析表明,当硝态氮和铵态氮比例为75∶25和25∶75时,C分配偏向于根系,而其他处理C分配则偏向地上部分。

    The results of allometric analyses of seeding showed that when nitrate to ammonium were 75 ∶ 25 and 25 ∶ 75 , biomass were allocated into roots , and others were allocated above-ground .

  6. 钛表面激光碳合金化与TiC生长分析

    Analysis of the growth mechanism of TiC crystal and the mechanical properties of the laser alloyed layer on the surface of pure titanium

  7. 通过对13个大豆品种的生长分析,根据Fourier级数,描述了冠层中叶量的垂直分布及其几何性状。株型可分为三类。

    Perpendicular distribution and geometric figure of leaf frush weight ( LFW ) in the canopy were described by growth analysis of 13 cultivars of soybean with the basis of Fourier-progression .

  8. LAI作为进行植物群体和群落生长分析的一个重要参数,已在农业、果树业、林业以及生物学、生态学等领域得到广泛应用。

    As an important physiological parameter of population and community growth analysis , LAI has been extensively applied in agriculture , horticulture , forestry , biology and ecology .

  9. 金霉素发酵初期的生长分析与混沌现象

    Analysis of Initial Growth Phase and Chaos in Chlortetracycline Fermentation Process

  10. 马尾松种源试验幼林期生长分析

    Analysis on Growth of Young Pinus massoniana with Provenance Test

  11. 红松人工中龄林林隙调控的生长分析

    Analysis on Growth Quality of Gap Control for Middle-aged Korean Pine Plantation

  12. 玉米籽粒灌浆生长分析

    Growth Analysis on the Process of Grain Filling in Maize

  13. 87年生杉木生长分析

    The growth analysis of Chinese-fir of eighty - seven year

  14. 不同抗旱性春小麦品种的生长分析

    Growth Analysis of Spring Wheat Cultivars of Varying Drought Resistance

  15. 不同基质含水量条件下网纹甜瓜的生长分析

    Growth Analysis of Muskmelon under Different Substrate Water Content Conditions

  16. 不同立地条件下防护林植物的生长分析

    Analysis on the Growth of Shelterbelt Plants Growing under Different Local Conditions

  17. 水稻籽粒灌浆的生长分析

    Growth analysis on the process of grain filling in Rice

  18. 长春地区城镇体系时空关联的异速生长分析:1949~1988

    An allometric analysis of the Changchun system of towns : 1949 & 1988

  19. 不同株型水稻品种的生长分析

    Growth analysis of different plant types of Rice Varieties

  20. 孵化期间鸡蛋各成分的水分变化及鸡胚生长分析

    Analyses on changes of water of fowl eggs components and embryo growth during incubation

  21. 浙江及皖东丘陵地区火炬松生长分析

    Growth Analysis of Loblolly Pine in Hilly Area of Zhejiang and Eastern Anhui Province

  22. 太行山猕猴第Ⅶ颈椎变量的异速生长分析

    Allometric Analyses of Variable of the Seventh Cervical Vertebra on Rhesus Macaques in Taihang Mountains

  23. 太行山猕猴掌骨和跖骨重量与颅长的异速生长分析掌跖角化牙周病综合征

    Allometric Analysis on the Weight of Metacarpals and Metatarsals of Macaca mulatta in Taihang Mountains

  24. 细胞生长分析采用台盼蓝染色计数法;

    Cell growth assay was carried out by counting alive cells after trypan blue exclusion .

  25. 黄山丘陵地区杉木幼林生长分析

    The Growth Analysis of Chinese Fir Plantation in Young Age in the Huangshan Hill Area

  26. 越冬期俄罗斯鲟鱼的日饵率变化和生长分析研究

    The research on the daily bait ratio change and growth law of Russian sturgeon over winter

  27. 塔河蒙克山西伯利亚红松试验林高生长分析

    Height Growth Analysis in the Experimental Forest on Pinus sibirica Du Tour of Mengke Mountain in Tahe

  28. 在碱性地上栽植的中山杉302与落羽杉生长分析

    Analysis on growth of Taxodium distichum and T ' zhongshansa 302 ' on the alkaline low land

  29. 采用植物生长分析法,对丘陵旱地豫薯8号进行物质生产性能分析。

    The dry matter production property of Yushu No. 8 in the hilly dryland was analyzed by using growth analysis .

  30. 经异速生长分析表明,小肠和肝属早熟的器官,大肠属晚熟的器官,其它属中等早熟的器官。

    The analysis of allometric growth showed small intestine and liver were earlier-maturing than others , large intestine was later-maturing organ .