
  • 网络biological adaptation
  1. 生物适应是生物界普遍存在的现象,是自然选择的结果。

    Biological adaptation is the ubiquitous phenomenon in the world of biology , and it is the result of natural selection .

  2. 遗传分化和表型可塑性是生物适应异质环境的两种重要策略。

    Genetic differentiation and phenotypic plasticity are two major strategies of biological adaptation to varying environments . The heterogeneity is ubiquitous in all types of habitats where alien species arrive .

  3. 生物适应进化理论与我国的人口及环境问题

    The Organic Adaptive Evolutionary Theory and Chinese Population & Environment Question

  4. 纤维囊内层出现的滑膜化生是一种生物适应现象,追溯滑膜与纤维内层之成纤维细胞都起源于间充质细胞,在生物适应过程中发展为滑膜细胞。

    Synovial metaplasia was present in the inner layer of fibrous capsule .

  5. 生物适应进化及其分子机制

    On organic adaptive evolutionary theory and its molecular mechanism

  6. 同时,两栖类皮肤功能基因组具有多样性丰富、快速重组突变的特征,是探讨生物适应的基因基础、基因形成机制和进化特性等生物学基本问题的优秀模型。

    Meanwhile , amphibian skin functional genome should be a nice model to study molecular biology of bio-adaptation , new gene formation and evolution .

  7. 从生物适应入手,以生态适应为视角,讨论生物的适应意义及生存策略的选择。

    Beginning with universal adaptive phenomena in biosphere and from the view of ecological adaptation , adaptive significance and survival strategy are discussed in detail in the manner of examples .

  8. 这些人的特徵是肤色非常黑、干瘦长、肢也长,都是针对散热需求与强烈紫外线辐射的卓越生物适应。

    These individuals are distinguished by very darkly pigmented skin and long , thin bodies with long limbs , which are excellent biological adaptations for dissipating heat and intense UV radiation .

  9. 生长冗余本是生物适应波动环境的一种生态对策,以便增大稳定性,减小绝种的风险。

    Essentially , the tediousness in growth is an ecological strategy of an organism to adapt itself to the fluctuating environment , increasing the stability of reproduction and decreasing the risk of extinction .

  10. 面孔在人际互动中传递着非常丰富的非言语性信息,正确识别面部表情对人类的生存活动具有重要的生物适应价值和社会交际功能。

    Face is a non-verbal stimulus which contains rich contents in human cognitive activities . Correct identification of facial expressions plays an important role in humans ' life , which has value of adaptability and function of social communication .

  11. 依据人格发展理论、社会生物适应理论、依恋关系理论和认知发展理论,在访谈基础上初步构建出中学生亲子关系量表结构维度。

    According to the theory of personality development , social creature adaption , attachment relation and the theory of cognitive development , the structural dimension of Parental Bordering Instrument for middle school students is constructed by the method of interview .

  12. 但文化适应决然不同于生物适应,文化除了对特定生态环境的适应外,还包含着对社会环境的适应,那么,复杂多变的社会环境自然就决定了文化适应的复杂与多变。

    Cultural adaptation includes not only special accommodation with ecological environments but also accommodation with social environments . complexity and levity of social environments determines Complexity and levity of cultural adaptation , so choice directions of cultural accommodation are of diversity .

  13. DNA甲基化是植物基因组中广泛存在的一种表观遗传修饰,不仅在生物快速适应环境变化和表型进化过程中发挥着重要作用,而且在生物体发育和器官分化时参与调控基因表达。

    DNA methylation , an epigenetic modification which exists broadly in plant genome , plays a significant role not only in coping with quick environmental changes and phenotypic evolution process , also in gene expression regulation during biological development and organ differentiation in organisms .

  14. 生物被逼适应,以求生存。

    The organisms were forced to adapt in order to survive .

  15. 大多数海洋生物都适应了海洋的盐分浓度。

    Most marine organisms are adapted to the ocean 's salt concentration .

  16. 面对不断变化的环境,大部分生物需要适应和多样化。

    Faced with a changing environment , most organisms will adapt and diversify .

  17. 世间的生物可以适应许多恶劣的环境,但唐胡安池中没有生命。

    Earthly life adapts to many hostile environments , but Don Juan Pond is lifeless .

  18. 在激烈的生存竞争中,这样一个生态位,必然会有某些生物来适应。

    In the fierce struggle for existence , such an ecological location , some living beings will suit .

  19. 这种生物早已适应了在人类聚居地生存,并因此喜好人类的血液。

    That creature adapted long ago to live in human settlements , and developed a concomitant taste for human blood .

  20. 温室气体的快速增加成为一个问题,因为它改变气候的速度比生物能够适应气候的速度要快。

    The rapid rise in greenhouse gases is a problem because it is changing the climate faster than some living things may be able to adapt .

  21. 中性论者与选择论者都试图解释生物环境适应与分子变异之间的关系。

    The scientists both from the neutral theory and the selection theory are devoted to explaining the relationship between the molecular variation and the environmental adaptation .

  22. 极限环境促使生物向适应极限的方向进化:在生物机体能承受的范围内给予压力则促进进化,若超过了机体能承受的范围(极限、临界点),则会造成机体的劳损或疾病。

    Organisms can be promoted to evolve when given endurable pressure , meanwhile it will suffer from fatigue or illness if the pressure overruns its utmost ( critical point ) .

  23. 基因转录调节是植物对非生物胁迫适应机制的一个重要方面,转录调节因子在胁迫信号转导途径中调节下游基因的表达,在建立植物对胁迫适应性过程中起到重要作用。

    Transcriptional regulation is one of the important factors in plant adaption to abiotic stress . In stress signaling pathway , transcription factors regulate downstream genes and play a critical role in the plant acclimation to adverse environments .

  24. 实际上,至迟在1839年,清代博物学家郑光祖在《一斑录》中,不仅早已记载了盲鱼,而且敏锐地认识到盲鱼是生物本身适应环境的自然演进。

    In fact , in1839at the latest the Qing naturalist Zheng Guangzu in his Yi Ban Lu had reported the fish and keenly recognized that it was the outcome of natural evolution of living things to adapt themselves to circumstances .

  25. 生物必须能适应环境的变化。

    Living creatures must be adaptable to environmental change .

  26. 高师生物专业如何适应基础教育改革

    How the Speciality of Biology in Colleges and Universities Can Fit in with the Reform of Elementary Education

  27. 问题是,在同意一年两次的调整前,并没有人考虑过我们的生物钟能否适应夏令时。

    The problem is that no one seems to have consulted our body clocks before agreeing to this twice-a-year adjustment .

  28. 现阶段我国开展低氧适应相关基因的研究策略应考虑:(1)重视生物性低氧适应相关基因的研究;

    In the research the following points should be considered : 1 . Paying attention to genes related to biological adaptation ;

  29. 不过研究者还是可以寻找蛛丝马迹,证明一种生物特征是适应环境的结果。

    But researchers can look for hints , tell-tale clues that indicate that a feature may indeed have evolved as an adaptation .

  30. 但是,要想证明某种生物特征是适应环境的结果是极其困难的,更不用说要弄清进化的原因了。

    It 's extremely difficult to prove that any biological feature is an adaptation , let alone why it may have evolved .