
  • 网络biological-organic fertilizer;biological organic fertilizer;Microbial Organic Fertilizer;NAEF
  1. 用生物有机肥对糯玉米进行随机区组试验,研究其对产量、品质及土壤化学性质的影响。

    Effect of Microbial Organic Fertilizer on Physicochemical Property of Saline Alkali Soil and Physiologic Reaction of Alfalfa ;

  2. 为此,本文就复合型生物有机肥对番茄生长发育、产量品质及营养元素吸收分配特性的影响和对土壤理化性质的改善等进行了较为深入系统的研究。

    Therefore , the effect of microbial organic fertilizer on the growth and development , yield , quality , absorption and distribution of nutrition elements of tomato and the improvement of physical and chemical characteristics of soil were studied .

  3. 从生物有机肥中提取的有机质对Cd和Cu有明显的吸附作用,在pH值6~8的范围内,吸附率随pH升高而提高;

    Organic matter from bio - fertilizer can adsorb the dissociate cadmium and copper .

  4. 猪粪型生物有机肥与化肥配施(C、D、E)处理有利于提高水稻氮、磷、钾肥养分利用率。

    The N , P , K nutrient use efficiency of rice was increased with mixed application of pig manure bio-organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer .

  5. 抗病品种CAT活性始终高于感病品种,施用生物有机肥后,可显著提高叶片体内的CAT活性。

    CAT activity was higher in resistant cultivar , and application of microbial organic fertilizers could increase CAT activity in leaves .

  6. 结果表明,生物有机肥A和B均能促进烤烟前期早生快发和旺长期干物质的积累;

    Result showed that biological organic fertilizer A and B improved the growth and development of flue-cured tobacco in early time as well as the accumulation of dry matter in rapid growth time .

  7. EM生物有机肥在提高产量的同时,也改善了作物的品质。

    Not only the crop yield could be raised , but also the crop quality could be improved effectively applied EM biological-organic fertilizer .

  8. 综合来看,长期施用EM生物有机肥不但可以提高冬小麦的产量,还能有效地改善品质。

    To sum up , the yield could be raised , and the quality could also be improved effectively applying EM biological-organic fertilizer for a long-term .

  9. 结果表明,在施用化肥的基础上配施生物有机肥,可以改善植烟土壤的肥力状况,使植烟土壤有机质含量增加,提高酸性土壤的pH值;

    The results showed that adding bio organic fertilizer at the base of using chemical fertilizer can improve the soil fertility , which can increase the content of soil organic and the pH of acid soil .

  10. 本实验是在十年研究的基础上,在华北地区小麦&玉米典型耕作制度下,对土壤长期施用EM生物有机肥,研究其对冬小麦和夏玉米的生产效果与作用机理。

    The production effects and action mechanism of applied EM biological-organic fertilizer to winter-wheat and summer-maize under the typical cropping systems of the Huabei area in china were analyzed .

  11. 施用不同肥料处理十年后,通过小区对比试验,分析EM生物有机肥、普通堆肥、化肥、不施肥对小麦生产的效果差异。

    The comparative trials of the effects of applying EM biological-organic fertilizer , common compost , chemical fertilizer and non-applied fertilizer ( CK ) in ten years on winter wheat production were conducted .

  12. 增施生物有机肥和芝麻饼肥各处理均提高了烤后烟叶中N、P、K含量,促进了烟叶总糖的积累,降低了淀粉含量,对蛋白质、烟碱和氯离子含量的影响并不明显。

    Applied bio-organic fertilizer and sesame seed cake fertilizer could increase the contents of N , P , K in flue-cured tobacco leaves , and promote total sugar accumulation , reducing the starch content , while there was no significantly effects on protein , nicotine and chloride content . 5 .

  13. 结果表明,EM生物有机肥比普通堆肥增产8.4%~8.9%,比化肥增产17.2%~32.4%。

    The results showed that the yields of EM biological-organic fertilizer treatments were 8.4 % ~ 8.9 % higher than those of common compost treatments , and 17.2 % ~ 32.4 % higher than the yields of chemical fertilizer treatments .

  14. 另外,施用沼肥、生物有机肥、生物有机无机复合肥可以提高果实中Vc、还原糖含量,并降低硝酸盐含量,提高了果实品质。

    In addition , applying of fen manure and biological-organic fertilizer , biological-organic - inorganic compound fertilizer may improve the content of vitamin C and reducing sugar in the fruit , meanwhile with nitrate decreased , so they could improve the quality of products .

  15. 每公顷施15000kgEM生物有机肥处理的夏玉米籽粒粗蛋白含量比等量传统堆肥、施肥量减半的EM生物有机肥、化肥、EM浸种处理分别提高3.7%、2.1%、10.4%、21.3%。

    It of summer-maize seed of treatments applied EM compost 15000kg / hm2 was higher than treatments applied the same amount tradition compost , 7500kg / hm2 EM compost , chemical fertilizer and EM soaked seed by 3.7 % , 2.1 % , 10.4 % and 21.3 % respectively too .

  16. 结果表明:生物有机肥应用在水稻上,按HJ/T80&2001有机食品技术规范操作,667m2生产有机水稻537.8kg,农户增加经济效益155.14元。

    The result indicate that use biologic-organic-fertilizer can produce the organic rice 537.8 kg / 667 m2 if according to organic food technical handle rules ( HJ / T80-2001 ), at the same time the farmer can increase the economic benefit 155.14 yuan .

  17. 物料发酵后添加功能菌种枯草芽孢杆菌能够提高菌肥的肥效,增加作物的抗病能力,最终产品能够达到《生物有机肥》(NY884-2004)国家标准。

    It could improve fertilizer efficiency of bacterial manure , enhance the crops ' resistance to disease and the final product could reach the national standard of biological organic fertilizer ( NY884-2004 ), adding bacillus subtilis after the material fermentation .

  18. 生物有机肥对春小麦品质产量的影响

    Effect of bio-organic fertilizers on quality and yield of spring wheat

  19. 茶树施用生物有机肥及专用肥效应研究

    Effect of Bioorganic Fertilizer and Special Fertilizer Application on Tea Bush

  20. 生物有机肥可以减少根系对铜的吸收。

    The bio - fertilizer can reduce the root absorb Cu .

  21. 生物有机肥对铜的吸附作用强于镉。

    The adsorption of bio-fertilizer to copper was stronger than cadmium .

  22. 生物有机肥对蔬菜产量及经济效益的影响

    Effect of Bio-organic Fertilizer on Yield and Economic Benefit of Vegetables

  23. 综合利用糖厂有机废弃物生产生物有机肥技术

    Organic Wastes from Comprehensive Utilization in Sugar Factory produce Bio-organic Fertilizer

  24. 生物有机肥对蔬菜生理性状和品质的影响

    Effects of bioorganic fertilizer on physiological characters and quality of vegetables

  25. 有机废弃物微生物发酵生产生物有机肥技术

    Technique on Bio-organic Fertil-izers Produced by Microorganism Fermentation of Organic Wastes

  26. 菠萝叶渣生物有机肥在蔬菜生产上的应用

    Application of Pineapple Leaf Residues Based Bio-organic Fertilizer in Vegetable Cultivation

  27. 新型颗粒生物有机肥的生产工艺研究

    Study on producing technology of new particle organism organic fertilizer

  28. 木薯施用生物有机肥的增产效应

    Studies on the Effects of Bio-Organic Fertilizer on the Yield of Cassava

  29. 烤烟施用生物有机肥有利于提高烟叶的质量。

    Organic fertilize is good for improve the quality of the tabacco .

  30. 施用生物有机肥对土壤理化性质及作物的影响

    The Effects of Bio-organic Fertilizer Application on Crops and Soil