
  • 网络ecological capital;nature capital
  1. 甘肃实施生态资本战略的SWOT分析

    The SWOT Analysis of Executing the Ecological Capital Strategy in Gansu Province

  2. 生态资本运营与相关资本运营的关联性分析

    A Relevancy Analysis on Ecological Capital Operation and Related Capital Operation

  3. 基于生态资本化理论的草原生态环境补偿机制研究

    Compensatory procedure of grassland ecology and environment based on ecological capitalization

  4. 确定了草地生态资本的价值;

    Value of grassland ecological capital was defined ;

  5. 西部地区生态资本、人力资本、金融资本比较评价

    Comparative Assessment on Ecological Capital , Human Capital and Financial Capital in Western China

  6. 生态资本理论研究

    Research on the Theory of Ecological Capital

  7. 其中系统内使用的生态资本是生态资本运营的主要对象。

    The Ecological Capital whose value serving inside the system is the main one operated .

  8. 生态资本研究综述

    Summary on Study of Ecologic Capital

  9. 本文介绍了生态资本运营的概念模式及其在密云县的实际运用案例。

    The theory of Ecological Capital Operation and a Miyun county application case study are introduced in this paper .

  10. 本文即在此环境背景下,结合中国的国情,对生态资本理论进行了系统的研究。

    Combining with the practice situation of China , this article does the system research about ecological capital theory in this background .

  11. 国际贸易发展到今天已经不再是最初意义上的物物交换,生态资本和环境空间的交换越来越受到发达国家的重视。

    Now international trade is not only to barter one thing for another . Ecological capital and environmental space have been paid more attention .

  12. 生态资本的价值体现为三个层面:自身存在价值、其功能和服务的服务价值、实现货币转化后的货币价值。

    The value of Ecological Capital presents in three levels , existing value , service value in ecological services , and currency value after transformed .

  13. 就我国而言,长期高强度的人类用海活动已经严重影响近海海洋生态资本的规模和质量。

    For our country , the long-term and high-intensity human activities of exploiting the sea have seriously affected the size and quality of offshore marine ecological capital .

  14. 从生态资本、人力资本、金融资本比较分析的角度,说明了西部生态资本(自然资源)的比较优势,阐明了开发西部自然资源不仅具有战略意义,而且也符合比较优势战略思想。

    The comparison analysis on ecological capital , human capital and financial capital further demonstrates its comparative advantage . Exploiting the natural resource could be strategic decision .

  15. 只用货币形式来评价国际贸易是相当片面的,经济上的贸易顺差也许带来了生态资本上的亏损,评价贸易的可持续性发展需要从环境效应分析的角度来考虑。

    So , it is quite unilaterally to evaluate the international coke trade from monetary term . A favorable balance of trade maybe brings the loss in ecological capital .

  16. 因此,生态资本理论是个系统的理论,经济要实现可持续发展,生态环境资本化是其动力。

    So the theory of ecological capital is a system theory . If the economy of China will achieve the sustainable development , ecological capital will is the power .

  17. 在对生态资本投资的论述上,我们论述了怎样进行投资?并对投资的结果进行了效益分析。

    And in the respect of the investment in ecological capital , we discuss how we invest so as to get the largest benefit and we analyze the benefit of investment .

  18. 基于能值理论的生态资本价值&以阜康市天山北坡中段森林区生态系统为例

    Study on the value of ecological capital based on the emery theory : A case study on the forest ecosystem in the middle part of the north slope of the Tianshan Mountain

  19. 在生态资本经营与企业发展的关系上,我们论述了企业只有以经营生态资本为基础,才能实现企业发展的可持续性。

    In the respect of the relationship between the operation of ecological capital with the business development , we analyze that an enterprise can realize its sustainable development because of the operation of ecological capital .

  20. 在生态资本的计量方面,我们运用实证研究方法,研究怎样在考虑了人们的支付意愿的基础上对生态资本的公益性价值进行计量。

    In the respect of the calculation of ecological capital , we use real example research approach to analyze how we should calculate the service value of ecological capital in the consideration of the public willingness to pay .

  21. 与此同时,将企业资本划分为物质资本、人力资本、社会资本、生态资本四类,构建了基于可持续发展的多元财务评价主体和多重财务评价内容。

    At the same time , divides the capital into four categories : physical capital , human capital , social capital and natural capital . On line with capital categories , constructs multiple benefit body and various benefit content .

  22. 从贸易结构的角度来看,表明中国已经完成了经济转型,进入了资源海外扩张时期,中国开始从世界其他地区净进口生态资本。

    It states clearly that from the point of view of trade structure , China has completed economical transformation and got into the period of resource expansion . China net imported ecological capital from other countries of the world .

  23. 其次,本文从区域功能的视角出发,认为一个区域的自我发展能力是对一个区域的物质资本、社会资本、生态资本、人力资本以及知识资本积累状况的整体描述。

    Secondly , from the perspective of the regional function , this article thinks that the regional self development ability is the description of the accumulation state of physical capital , social capital , ecological capital , human capital and knowledge capital in a region .

  24. 为减缓全球气候变暖,最根本的途径在于转变经济发展模式,使能源消费由高碳方式向低碳方式进行转型,探索一条既能利用生态资本又能解决生态贫困的经济发展道路。

    To slow global warming , the most fundamental way is to change the economic development model , so that the energy consumption way transform from high carbon to low carbon , to explore a solution that both can use ecological capital and control ecological poverty .

  25. 国有森工企业生态林业资本运营问题探讨

    A Study on Capital Operation in State-Owned Forestry Enterprises

  26. 那生态文化资本的历史运演及其对中国-东盟文化交流的作用

    The Historical Presentation of the Capital in Na Ecological Culture and Its Role in the Cultural Exchange Between China and ASEAN

  27. 首先从生态学、仿生学、经济学的角度分别阐述了生态企业资本运作的机制、原则。

    At first , the mechanism and the principles of the capital function of the ecological enterprise are elaborated by the ecology , the bionics , and the economics .

  28. 生态资源的资本转换

    On a Transformation from Ecological Resources to The Capital

  29. 由于脆弱的生态环境和资本缺乏的限制,决定了西部地区不能依靠发展传统产业来实现本地的经济发展。

    Due to the fragile ecological environment and the lack of capital , developing traditional industry can not accelerate the economic development of the western region in China .

  30. 通过对资本概念的分析,得出生态系统服务资本性的结论,在此基础上界定了自然资本的概念。

    This chapter begins with the analysis of capital concept , it puts forward the conclusion that ecosystem services is a capital and defines the concept of the natural capital .