
  1. 我家的猫上周生小猫咪了。

    Our cat produced kittens last week .

  2. 根据pH值、阳离子代换量、营养元素、微生物数量及云杉根部着生小斑块的大小等,分析了黑龙江省东部山区谷地云冷杉林的衰退原因。

    The decline mechanism of spruce-fir forests was analysed in terms of soil pH value , cation exchange capacity , nutrient elements , number of microorganism , and patch size in spruce-fir forest in low-lying land .

  3. 25℃避光是鳞片扦插生小鳞茎的最适条件;

    The optimal condition for growth of bulblet is 25 ℃ .

  4. 香蕉分生小球体途径胚性细胞悬浮系的建立

    Establishment of Embryogenic Cell Suspensions from Meristematic Globules of Musa spp

  5. 生小脓疱的布满小粒点或脓疮的目的:总结小儿脓疱疮的护理经验。

    Covered with pustules . To conclude nursing experience about little children impetigo .

  6. 鳞片生小鳞茎数量与小鳞茎直径呈极显著正相关。

    The number of bulblet has positive correlation with the diameter of bulblet .

  7. 次生林下红松幼树适生小环境研究

    Suitable Individual Growth Environment for the Young Trees of Pinus koraiensis under Natural Secondary Forest

  8. 生小脓疱小脓疮的形成或出现。

    The formation or appearance of pustules .

  9. 在她的洞里打瞌睡的雌狐,知道她很快就要生小宝宝了。

    The vixen , dozing in her den , knew she would soon have kits .

  10. 每百鳞片生小鳞茎数和小鳞茎直径呈正相关。

    Weight of per 100 scales and quantity of bulblet has positively correlation to bulblet diameter .

  11. 要是我们的鸡鸭生小宝宝不是很酷?

    Hey , wouldn 't be cool if our duck and chick had a little baby ?

  12. 在地面上生小火使叶子在充满浓烟的环境中调制。

    Small fires are built on the floor , and the leaves cure in a smoke-laden atmosphere .

  13. 我生小博的时候,要不是她,我就死在亚特兰大了。

    I 'd have died in Atlanta when beau came if it hadn 't been for her !

  14. 小块金属的接地电容在电路中产生小相位调整。

    The capacitance to ground of that bit of metal produces a small phase adjustment in the circuit .

  15. 她生小博的那个可怕的日子,要是艾希礼在身边,她就不会受那么大的罪了。

    If only she had had Ashley with her that dreadful day beau came she would not have suffered half so much .

  16. 骡子不能生小骡儿,所以生活的唯一目标就是工作、工作、再工作。

    Mules cannot have baby mules , so their only purpose in life is to work , work , and work some more .

  17. 广义需求圆锥体的大中生小的孕育是由技术创新导致的,亦即其不断的胎生是由技术创新推动的。

    The gestation of demand cone of broad sense is led by technological innovation . That is that continuous viviparity is promoted technological innovation .

  18. 此外,我们看到冷高原可使南支气流产生小槽东移的现象。

    Besides , we find that a cooling modle plateau may give rise to minor troughs moving eastward on the southern branch current to the south of the plateau .

  19. 细叶百合的鳞茎在生长发育过程中一年仅形成1个侧生小鳞茎,且此鳞茎是下一年唯一能抽生花茎、进行有性生殖的鳞茎。

    ( 3 ) The bulb only vegetate one little adnation bulb during growth in 1 year and the little adnation bulb is the only one which can flower .

  20. 研究了光照和温度对克得利亚百合种子萌发的影响,同时探讨了糖浓度对实生小鳞茎增大的影响。

    The effect of light and temperature on seed germination of Lilium Asiatic hybrid ' cordelia ' was studied , and the effect of sugar concentration in the medium on the growth of bulblets was discussed .

  21. 煤岩中原生小气孔占90%以上,也有次生气孔和内生、次生裂隙,这就决定了煤层气的赋存以吸附状态为主,游离状态为辅。

    The small primary vesicles of coal rock are more than 90 % , the secondary vesicles , endogenetic and secondary cracks also exist in coal , which make the coalbed methane be mainly adsorbed gas , and the free gas secondarily .

  22. 父亲吩咐孩子好生照看小马驹。

    The father told his son to take good care of the foal .

  23. 尿素对厚垣孢子的抑制作用较分生孢子小,(NH4)2SO4和NaNO3完全抑制分生孢子萌发,对厚垣孢子萌发有较大影响。

    But the urea , ( NH_4 ) _2SO_4 and NaNO_3 had negative effect on the spore germination , especially on the spore germination of conidium .

  24. 威廉王子和凯特王妃这次想要生个小王子么?

    Are Prince William and Kate Middleton expecting a little prince ?

  25. 快点!大猫生了小猫咪了!

    Come on ! Big cat is giving birth to little cat !

  26. 他因为妻子生了小宝宝而心里乐开了花。

    He was on cloud nine after his wife had the baby .

  27. 那个生个小酒窝和蓝眼睛的人有什么罪呢?

    And was he to blame with his dimple and his blue eyes ?

  28. 等你们成年,生下小王子和小公主.

    and when the time comes , to make little princes and princesses .

  29. 我们或许可以结婚并且生一群小修女。

    We could maybe get married and have a family with some ninos .

  30. 友人贺产女函亲爱的凯西:恭喜你生了小宝宝!

    December 26 , 2005 Dear Cathy , Congratulations on your new baby !