
  1. 那个金发女孩只是生命中的过客。

    Bet that blonde was a real shot of life .

  2. 他们可能只是生命中的过客。

    They may just be a friend for life .

  3. 我一直不愿意承认你是我生命中的过客。

    I am reluctant to admit that you are just a passer-by in my life .

  4. 明知道你是我生命里的过客,但是我不后悔。

    Know you are in my life the traveler , but I don 't regret it .

  5. 难道你我真的是生命中的过客,在生命中昙花一现吗?

    Are we passers-by in the life of each other ? Is our love bound to be a flash-in-the-pan ?

  6. 若不是你的蓦然而至,我们彼此都是对方生命中的过客。

    If it were not for you and to the suddenly , we are each other 's lives each passenger .

  7. 但不管怎么说,他们都是我生命中的过客,曾经的那些回忆也会沉积我的记忆里。

    But how no matter saying that they are in my life travelers , once these recollections will also deposit in my memory .

  8. 如果他真的来过,请珍惜他给你的爱,如果他最后回到了爱人的身边,请让他成为你生命中的过客。

    If he once really came to you , treasure his love ; if then he went back to his beloved , let him be the passer-by .

  9. 时间久了也就看开了看淡了许多,有些人注定只能是我生命中的过客,永远都无法走入我的世界。

    The time long has also seen through looked that pale many , some people are doomed only to be able to be in my life travelers , forever is unable to walk into my world .

  10. 你只是别人生命中的过客,只能与人共走一段路,这注定了你给予别人的有限性,又怎能要求别人无限付出?

    You are in the lives of others , freight , and people can only take a total of the section , you are bound to the limited nature of others , how can we ask others to pay unlimited ?

  11. 丹妮•夏皮罗细思生命中的匆匆过客,思考我们该如何心怀慈悲地勇敢前行。

    Dani Shapiro considers those people that slip away - and how we can go on with bravery and compassion .

  12. 天空却下起了无数流星的雨,我茫然自问,难道,你也只是我生命中的匆匆过客么?

    Sky has been under numerous meteors rain , I am perplexed myself , Are you my life is the passer ?