
  • 网络Life-cycle hypothesis;life cycle hypothesis;LCH
  1. 而后追根溯源,阐释了消费信贷的经济学理论基础,即时间偏好理论、生命周期假说和持久性收入假说。

    Then , tracing to its source , explains the economics theoretical foundation of the consumer credit , that is , time-favor theory , life-cycle hypothesis and permanent-income theory .

  2. 中国冰箱行业二元生命周期假说

    Two-element life cycle analysis of refrigerator made in china

  3. 根据生命周期假说,资产价格上升时,居民的财富增加,其消费支出也会有所增加。

    According to the Life Cycle Hypothesis , when stocks appreciate , resident wealth increases , so with their consumption .

  4. 我和他的合作,奠定了后来成为储蓄的生命周期假说的基础。

    With his collaboration we laid the foundations for what was to become the " Life Cycle Hypothesis of Saving " .

  5. 本文用一个带生命周期假说的经济动态模型全面考察了人口变动对经济的影响。

    Using a dynamic economic model with a life_cycle hypothesis , this paper examines the effect of population change on economy .

  6. 构筑农村社会保障的理论基础应由生命周期假说、持久收入假说、理性预期的消费函数理论、不确定经济理论以及需求层次理论等组成。

    The theory base of rural social safeguard is composed of hypothesis of lifecycle , hypothesis of sustained income , theory of consume function , theory of unsure economy and theory of demand arrangement .

  7. 对于居民收入消费的定量研究即消费函数的研究,主要传统理论有凯恩斯的局对收入假说、杜森贝里的相对收入假说、莫迪利安尼的生命周期假说和弗里德曼的持久收入假说。

    About the relationship of consumption and income , there are four core theories : Keynes ' Absolute Income Hypothesis , Duesenberry 's Relative Income Hypothesis , Friedman'Permanent Income Hypothesis and Modigliani 's Life-cycle Hypothesis .

  8. 首先给出了居民消费模式函数,指出了居民的消费模式符合生命周期假说和应用抵押贷款购房的必要性;

    The function of consumption pattern is established and the resident consumption pattern is analyzed , which accords with the assumption of life period . The necessity for resident to use housing mortgage loan is discussed .

  9. 第二章相关概念及理论基础,对本文重要的相关概念进行界定,同时也对文章研究的理论基础做出了阐述,包括生命周期假说,公平理论,效用最大化理论等。

    The second part is the related concepts in the definition , but also to the study of the theory foundation to make the article , including life cycle hypothesis , justice theory , the utility maximization and so on .

  10. 一方面基于分位数回归方法,在生命周期假说下建立消费函数经验模型,分析影响消费支出的各种因素,并给出这些影响因素在整体城镇居民家庭消费分布上的变动趋势。

    Based on the life cycle hypothesis , quantile regression methods was used to analyze the various factors affecting consumer spending , and it is given that the trend of these factors in the overall distribution of urban residents ' consumption .

  11. 不同时期的经济学家从不同方面对消费进行了深入的研究,创立了各种学说如绝对收入假说、相对收入假说、持久收入假说、生命周期假说等等。

    Economists from different periods in different aspects of consumer research conducted in-depth , the creation of a variety of doctrines such as the absolute income hypothesis , relative income hypothesis , permanent income hypothesis , life cycle hypothesis and so on .

  12. 本文在生命周期假说的理论基础之上,分别利用中国宏观和微观的数据,从不同角度对人口结构对居民储蓄的影响作以研究,同时对生命周期假说储蓄理论在中国的适用性作以检验。

    Based on the theory of Life Cycle Hypothesis ( LCH ), this thesis aims to research into the effect of demographic structure change on the household saving from both macro and micro perspectives , and testify the adaptability of LCH in China at the same time .

  13. 然后,我们从经典生命周期假说理论模型入手,讨论以往借助各类面板回归模型研究此类问题的利弊,从而构建了包含人口性别结构和年龄结构等因素在内的简约式消费函数。

    Next , starting from the classical Life Cycle Hypothesis , the pros and cons of such problems with panel regression models were compared and discussed , and then a simple linear consumption function was built which was including population age structure and population sex structure , and so on .

  14. 生命周期-持久收入假说是经济学在研究消费行为中最基本的理论模型,后来发展起来的预防性储蓄假说、流动性约束假说等不确定性消费理论可以说均未根本改变这一框架。

    Life Cycle-Permanent Income Hypothesis is the most basic theoretical model in the study of consumer behavior in economics , and later developed uncertainty consumption theory such as precautionary savings hypothesis and liquidity constraint hypothesis , have not changed this framework fundamentally .