
Some Japanese factories that normally produce parts for cars , electronics and aircraft are shut down , causing production problems for factories in many nations , including the United States .
This explains the crisis of knowledge production of universities in China and makes the internal sub-systems ' interaction in knowledge production of universities a disorder , thus losing the internal dynamics of self-development .
International grain situation and latency crisis and Countermeasures for grain protection in China
This will in turn hasten the arrival of a crisis of over-production .
Firstly , the problem facing China at the moment is more of traditional crisis of overproduction characteristics .
Therefore , from the view of Marxist economics , classical crisis and modern financial crisis are the same in essence that both are overproduction .
Business Credit pause to the sale of surplus goods more difficult , bank credit increased the confusion more difficult to sell surplus goods , so that sharpening of the crisis of overproduction .
With its preferred instrument of Free Trade , ownership attempts to bring about the very crisis of over-production it once feared .
This is because the economic crisis has not development to be not controlled , and the most bourgeois economists confidence on economic growth .
Economic crisis ; Over-production ; Subprime mortgage crisis ;
The nature of weakness is the crisis of relative overproduction by Marxist political economy .
It reveals from two respects the inexorable link between capitalist mode of production and eco-crisis , pointing out the relation between capitalist system and the deteriorating global environment .
The food supply will not increase nearly enoueh to match this , which means that we are heading into a crisis in the matter of producing and marketing food .
With the rapid development of economy , more and more food safety problems have been revealed , and then further triggered crisis of agricultural production and food safety which made more and more people from all sectors of society paid wide attention on the problem .
From the angle of work safety crisis management , the concept of work safety crisis warning and work safety management were discussed .