
  • 网络production innovation
  1. 为此,政府管理创新应能促进生产创新、结构优化和分配正义。

    Therefore , government management innovation should promote production innovation , structure optimization and distribution justice .

  2. 约翰·高指出,目前很多其他国家在生产创新的原材料方面领先于美国。

    Many other nations , Mr. John Kao notes , are now ahead of the United States in producing what are considered the raw materials of innovation .

  3. 依托精细化管理模式走能源生产创新之路

    The Innovation of the Energy Production with Perfect Management Mode

  4. 民以食为天食以净为本&论江苏省农产品清洁生产创新研究

    Agricultural cleaner production in Jiangsu

  5. 技术革命和全球化浪潮将生产创新、技术创新和管理创新推进到一个前所未有的高度,创新及其转移扩散成为新的地域分工和经济格局形成的重要因素。

    Globalization and technology revolution have made innovations in technology , manufacturing and management ever more important .

  6. 因为与供应商合作,生产创新产品,符合这些公司的既得利益。

    Because they 're the ones who have a vested interest in working with their suppliers and working with them in producing innovations .

  7. 企业技术改造作为企业重要的经营活动,不仅是企业生产创新的体现,还是企业全面创新的杠杆。

    As an important operation activity , enterprise 's technology transformation not only reflects productive innovation , but the key of enterprise 's total innovation .

  8. 创意农业有环境设计、生产创新、产品赋寓、循环利用、科技展示、文化开发等形态类型。

    Creative agriculture includes several morphological types , such as the environment designs , production recreation , recycling utilization , technology exhibition , cultural development .

  9. 汉能薄膜的母公司汉能集团为李河君所持有,为第三方、以及自己在中国和加纳的太阳能发电站生产创新性的薄膜太阳能电池板。

    Owned by Mr Li , the parent company manufactures innovative thin-film solar panels for third parties and its own solar farms in China and Ghana .

  10. 4年前,他辞掉了在一家领先的包装供应商的工作,押上了自己的全部家当,创建了一家先锋企业,生产创新的回收再生产品。

    Four years ago , he quit his job at a leading packaging supplier and bet everything he had to create a business to pioneer innovative recycling products .

  11. 继续教育创新体系,是通过培养从事国家创新研究、开发及相关活动的人,以及直接研究生产创新产品,使继续教育成为国家创新体系的培养基。

    Continuing Education Innovation System makes continuing education a culture medium of national innovation system by culturing researchers of national innovation , development and related behaviors , performing research and producing innovative products .

  12. 作者从分析城市全球化的两种模式入手,指出上海走生产创新和输出的全球化道路,工业空间重构是实现全球化进程的关键,时代赋予了工业空间重构的核心内容是创新。

    It is indicated for Shanghai to take innovation in production and globalize itis export in her way to globalization , and restructuring of industrial space is the key in the approach , while innovation is the core of the restructuring of industrial space .

  13. 此外,在美国和西欧等历史上高成本地区的制造商也可能变得更具竞争力,它们或者会采用新的制造创意、生产创新型产品,或者会在工资成本上采取更积极的措施。

    Also , manufacturers in the historically high-cost regions such as the US and western Europe were likely to become more competitive , either by adopting new manufacturing ideas and coming up with innovative products , or by being more aggressive on wage costs .

  14. 企业进行清洁生产技术创新的影响因素分析

    Analysis on the Effective Factors of Technology Innovation for Cleaner Production

  15. 烟台铁姆肯公司生产管理创新研究&细节管理

    Study on Manufacturing Management Innovation of Yantai Timken Co. - Details Management

  16. 加工番茄生产技术创新战略研究

    Strategic Study on Innovative Producing Technology of Processing Tomato

  17. 城市公共服务生产方式创新的探讨

    Research on the Innovation of Public Service in Cities

  18. 煤矿生产区队创新安全管理的探索和实践

    The exploration and practice of creative safety work from the coal mine working teams

  19. 生产函数创新路径的选择是影响企业家作用的关键环节。

    The choice of the route is the key point influencing the entrepreneur 's function .

  20. 当今社会已经进入知识经济时代,知识的生产和创新成为关键。

    In curren knowledge-based economy society , it is key to producing and creating knowledge .

  21. 可考虑通过实施土地永佃制、创建现代农业补贴架构和现代农业保险机制来实现农业生产制度创新。

    Their propositions consist of implementing permanent tenancy , building modern agricultural allowance and insurance system .

  22. 一水硬铝石氧化铝生产工艺创新

    Innovation of Diaspore Alumina Production Process

  23. 整合服务资源,优化业务流程,以信息技术推动农电生产管理创新。

    Integration services resources optimize business processes ; promote agricultural production management innovation with information technology .

  24. 针织染整业加强生产技术创新应对金融风暴

    The knitting dyeing and finishing industry strengthens the producing technology innovations to deal with the financial storm

  25. 其中水仙花机械化生产和创新营销将是做强做大产业的新途径和重要举措,能为政府制定产业发展决策提供参考。

    For the government to decide the industrial development decision , these new ways can provide the reference .

  26. 人力资本生产制度创新是由初始均衡到非均衡,再到新的均衡的演进过程。

    The institutional innovation is an evolutionary process from the initial equilibrium to non equilibrium and then new equilibrium .

  27. 生产方式创新模型包括三部分:从整体上描述生产方式的可视化模型生产方式树、生产方式的创新源泉、生产方式的创新流程模型。

    The model consists of 3 components : manufacturing mode tree , innovation sources and manufacturing method innovation process .

  28. 目前的局势以及找到解决方法的紧迫性应该使人们深刻地认识到,必须重视农业生产的创新。

    The urgency of situation and search for solutions should create the momentum needed for innovative approaches to farming .

  29. 通过严格的方法训练、分科治学,知识生产的创新诉求与学术自主意识逐步为中国知识界所接受。

    By strictly method training and academic inquiry , knowledge production and academic autonomy issue are accepted by Chinese academia .

  30. 因此,要有效解决当前我国的利益冲突问题,就必须以马克思主义为指导,全面推进生产方式创新,标本兼治。

    Therefore , we must make Marxism as a guidance to promote innovation in mode of production , tackling the problem .