
  • 网络sweet spot
  1. 交易员们有时会私底下提到对金融市场真相的探究&他们深信,在金融市场深处隐藏着一个甜区,只要加以合理利用必定能够赚钱。

    Traders , when not speaking on the record , will sometimes allude to the search for a financial truth & a belief that somewhere buried deep within the market there is a sweet spot that , if properly tapped , can unleash a fortune .

  2. 制造商宣称的大甜区只是说明他们成功得把他们的球拍造得更具弹性而已。

    Manufacturers who claim a large sweet area are only claiming to have succeeded in making their racquets bouncier , or more elastic .

  3. 网球拍甜区形成的生物力学机制及其实践意义

    Biomechanical Mechanism of Sweat Area of Tennis Racket and its Practice

  4. 当他们没能在拍线的中心(是甜区)到球,随即手中的拍子就会转动了。

    When they miss the center of the strings the racket will turn in their hand also .

  5. 为了获得更好的打击效果,运动员在使用网球拍时,应该了解人体部分质量的影响,即网球拍的有效质量对打击中心的影响,了解网球拍甜区形成的生物力学机制。

    For the sake of gaining better hitting effect , the athlete must consider the effective mass of racket when they use the racket .

  6. 网球拍有其固有的打击中心,但是在体育运动实践中,人体对网球拍产生了一定的影响,使其打击中心发生了一定的偏移,一系列偏移点形成了所谓的甜区。

    The tennis racket has its own center of percussion , but in sports practice , the center of percussion has been moved by the effect of body on the racket .

  7. 应用高稳系数法综合评价甜玉米区试品种的高产稳产性

    Evaluation of the High and Stable Yield Performance of Sweet Corn Variety in Regional Trial Comprehensively by HSC Method

  8. 我国为世界荞麦的主要产国之一,北部为甜荞麦生产区,西南部盛产苦荞麦。

    Our country is one of the main producing countries for buckwheat in the world . Sweet buckwheat is rich in the northern part , while the Southwest is full of bitterness buckwheat .