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wǎ fáng
  • tile-roofed house;house with tile roof
瓦房 [wǎ fáng]
  • [house with tile roof] 屋顶用瓦覆盖的房屋,多为砖墙

瓦房[wǎ fáng]
  1. 几幢普通的瓦房,几丛苍翠的杨柳,一道围墙,这里能传出朗朗书声,悠悠琴声,阵阵歌声;

    Gary common tile-roofed house , a few bundles of willow green , a wall , where the book can be heard reciting sound , long sound of the piano , bursts of song ;

  2. 素朴的门楼立在青石台阶上,同门内高大瓦房相呼应。

    Naive gatehouse stand in bluestone steps , tile-roofed house with the door tall and echoes .

  3. 这幢房子是木结构的砖瓦房。

    The house has a wooden frame which is braced with brick .

  4. 这个房子是木质结构的砖瓦房。

    The house has a wooden frame which is faced with brick .

  5. 瓦房店重型轴承研究制造有限公司产品注册商标为WZFB,产品质量采用国际ISO标准和国家行业最新技术标准。

    The registered trademark of the company is WZFB and the product quality is controlled by international ISO standards and the latest technical standards in national bearing industry .

  6. 同时代理哈尔滨轴承厂(HRB)、瓦房店轴承厂(ZWZ)、洛阳轴承厂(LYC)等三大品牌厂家产品。

    At the same time the Acting Harbin bearings plant ( HRB ), Wafangdian bearings plant ( ZWZ ), Luoyang bearings plant ( LYC ), three brand manufacturers products .

  7. 瓦房复背斜水文地质条件及找水方向初论宝兴复背斜的构造侵位

    A first discussion on the tectonic emplacement of Baoxing anticlinorium , sichuan

  8. 有凉台的平房在印度带有宽敞凉台的,只有一层的草屋或瓦房

    A thatched or tiled one-story house in India surrounded by a wide verandah

  9. 王家渡堆料场、瓦房寨砂石系统高边坡稳定问题。

    How to keep the stability of high side was a key problem in this project .

  10. 一次,我穿着滑雪靴去了一个湿漉漉的瓦房蹲便厕所。

    Once , in ski boots , I negotiated a tiled , wet , squat toilet .

  11. 空空的砖瓦房当六月初

    empty brick buildings and early June

  12. 这是一座矮小的砖瓦房,位于波兰城市Ciepielow的一个小镇里。

    It was a small brick house in the town of Ciepiel ó w , Poland .

  13. 在他的第二个弟弟出生时,全家搬进位于雷诺德斯的一个红色砖瓦房。

    The family moved to a red brick one on Reynolds when his second brother was born .

  14. 在一座被海啸冲刷过的小村庄里,一间瓦房仍然矗立在原地,旁边的公园里还有仔细修剪过的树木。

    Above a washed-away hamlet clay-tiled homes are still standing , and a garden with tenderly coiffed trees .

  15. 公司以经营国内哈尔滨、瓦房店、洛阳等名牌厂家产品为主。

    The company mainly deals with products of domestic famous factories in Harbin , Wafangdian and Luoyang , etc.

  16. 瓦房店远东轴承集团有限公司愿与您真诚合作共图发展大计。

    Wafangdian Yuandong Bearing Group Corporation Limited would like to make a cordial cooperation and a joint development with you .

  17. 在瓦房店地区电网电压管理中的实际应用,证明了该方法的正确性和有效性。

    This method is applied in Wafangdianregion power system and the correctness and effectiveness ofthe method are proved in practice .

  18. 消息席卷而过茅草屋,激起波浪泡沫,然后冲进镇里的石头灰泥瓦房里。

    The news swept on past the brush houses , and it washed in a foaming wave into the town of stone and plaster .

  19. 草房、空房与瓦房之间的满管率差异显著,瓦房的满管率只有18.34%;

    But there is significant difference between tile-house and thatched cottage or vacant room , the ratio of tile-house ′ s full-tube is only 18.34 % .

  20. 瓦房店轴承产品有限公司,作为国内一流的轴承制造商,位于美丽的国际化海滨城市大连的北郊。

    As a nationwide middle-scale manufacturer of bearings , Wafangdian Bearing Products Co. , Ltd. , located in North suburb of the beautiful seashore city & Dalian .

  21. 于是,砖瓦房取代了茅草屋,村里安装了抽水机,村民们实际上已经停止了在其它地方的季节性打工。

    As a result , thatch huts have been replaced by homes with solid walls , water pumps have been installed and villagers have practically halted seasonal work in other locales .

  22. 近处,红色的砖瓦房上,飘出了一缕缕炊烟,看上去像是一条轻轻柔柔的银色飘带,要把这乡村的快乐带到世界的每一个角落;

    The foreground , red brick , the smell of smoke a pope , look like a silver streamers dough gently , to the joy of this village to every corner of the world ;