
yú jiā
  • see also 瑜珈
  1. 以瑜珈和放松技巧为主,强调身心的开发与协调

    Vary ways of workout to release oneself from stress intrinsically and extrinsically .

  2. 瑜珈练习对大学生IgG水平的影响

    Research on the Effect of Yoga on the lgG Level of College Students

  3. 且瑜珈者体内的GABA水平也更高。

    The yoga-ers also had higher levels of GABA .

  4. 我当时赶上了一节很棒的高温瑜珈课,教练是亚当·胡斯勒(AdamHusler),他在伦敦的很多地点授课。

    There I happened upon an amazing hotyoga class with Adam Husler who teaches all over London .

  5. 但瑜珈能够通过刺激脑神经和一种名叫GABA的神经递质来缓解病情。

    But yoga might be able to help , in part by stimulating the cranial nerve and an important neurotransmitter called GABA .

  6. 瑜珈运动者的脑扫描显示经过一小时的瑜珈时间,神经递质γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)的水平迅速升高,这种升高对健康是有益的。

    Brain scans of yoga practitioners showed a healthy boost in levels of the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric ( GABA ) immediately after a one-hour yoga session .

  7. 瑜珈、默想以及印度教精神领袖辨喜(swamivivekananda)的教义,通常不在商业教育课程的范畴。

    Yoga , meditation and the teachings of the Hindu spiritual leader , Swami Vivekananda , are not usually among the components of a business education programme .

  8. “我们并不是主张人们放弃药物治疗,但我建议他们把瑜珈作为一种辅助手段来利用,并且看看它的效果如何,”Streeter说。

    " We 're not advocating that they chuck their medication , but I would advise that they could use it as an adjunct and see how they are doing ," Streeter said .

  9. 本文介绍了近似熵(ApEn)和谱熵(SE)两种复杂性测度,研究了在两组静默(采用中国气功和Kundalini瑜珈练习方法)和正常状态下的心率复杂性。

    Two complexity measures , approximate entropy ( ApEn ) and spectral entropy ( SE ) were introduced and investigated on heart rate ( HR ) sequences recorded from healthy young adults by Peng C K with specific traditional forms of Chinese Chi and Kundalini Yoga meditation techniques .

  10. 你不能,瑜珈术是收视率很高的预定节目

    You can 't , pre-emt yoga that 's our biggest show

  11. 大学生瑜珈参与动机与持续涉入之间有正相关存在。

    There were significant positive relationships of Participation motivation and Satisfaction .

  12. 每次做完瑜珈后我都感觉非常放松。

    After doing yoga I always feel a lot more relax .

  13. 莉萨报名上瑜珈课来健身。

    Lisa signed up for a yoga class to stay fit .

  14. 比如瑜珈课上那个流鼻涕的女生。

    That 's right , snotty girl in my yoga class .

  15. 我来参加上午10点的瑜珈冥想课

    I 'm here for the 10 a.m. yoga meditation class .

  16. 这是霎哈嘉瑜珈应当让你学到的。

    This is what Sahaja Yoga should make out of you .

  17. 僧侣们一边吟诵,一边做瑜珈呼吸训练。

    The monks ' chanting is combined with yoga breathing exercises .

  18. 瑜珈姿势或许是最放松的姿势。

    The yoga posture is the most relaxed posture possible .

  19. 你呢?你今天练瑜珈了吗?

    How about you ? Did you do yoga today ?

  20. 为了增添生活趣味,我决定学瑜珈。

    To spice up my life , I decided to learn yoga .

  21. 车祸之后,我便开始上瑜珈课来缓解疼痛。

    I turned to yoga to ease the pain in my leg .

  22. 丽丽:我每周都坚持练习瑜珈和健美操。

    Lili : I practice yoga and do aerobic exercises every week .

  23. 哦,我今天做瑜珈的时候伤到脚踝了。

    Oh , I , I hurt my ankle in yoga today .

  24. 上瑜珈课对她来说事件关系她生死的问题。

    Making her yoga class was a matter of life and death .

  25. “瑜珈”这个词源自梵语,意为“合一”。

    The word yoga comes from the Sanskrit language and means union .

  26. 我们提供全面化和个性化的瑜珈训练课程。

    We offer very comprehensive and personalized coaching to members .

  27. 瑜珈和放松练习已经有数千年历史了。

    Yoga and relaxation practices have been around for thousands of years .

  28. 瑜珈伤害&大众健身市场的盲点

    The Yoga Injury & Blind Spot Of The Popular Exercise

  29. 他们每天练瑜珈并花数小时沉思冥想。

    They practiced yoga daily and spent hours in meditation .

  30. 瑜珈是生活中获得平静的一种方法。

    Yoga is one way to attain peace in life .