
  1. 本文对脉冲式硬X射线暴的X辐射谱提出新的理论分析方法。

    In this paper a new analytical method is proposed .

  2. 基于MATLAB的四通伺服滑阀理论分析方法

    The Theoretical Analysis of MATLAB-based Four-way Servo-Valve

  3. 为双侧向仪器k值的确定提供了理论分析方法。

    Thus an approach for theoretical analysis of k value of dual lateral sonde is provided in this paper .

  4. 随后,以模型试验为基础研究了FRP编织网结构的理论分析方法和有限元分析方法。

    Then , the theoretical analysis methods as well as FEA ( finite elementanalysis ) method of FRP WWS are developed following the experiments .

  5. 利用通用有限元软件Marc中的滑动轴承模块,结合气体静压润滑问题的有限元理论分析方法,对该模块进行二次开发,求得气体静压轴承的静态特性,并通过实验加以验证。

    Secondary development was carried out by combining the methods of finite element analysis ( FEA ) about gas lubrication with the slide bearing analysis module of Marc . The static properties of aerostatic bearing were obtained .

  6. 本文介绍了10t电磁天平的结构特点与工作原理,用新的理论分析方法,推导出理论公式。

    This paper introduces the structural characteristics and operating principle of the lOt electromagnetic balance , as well as the theoretical formula deduced by means of a new theoretical analytical method .

  7. 新系统效率已突破50%,有强的竞争力与发展前景,本研究成果将为研制新一代IGCC系统提供技术方案和理论分析方法。

    The thermal efficiency of new system has exceeded 50 % , so it has strong competitive power and development potentiality . The research achievements will provide the technical proposal and theoretical analysis method for the study of new generation IGCC system .

  8. 本文首先从水电机组的机械部分和水力部分找出可能存在的干扰信号源,其后采用时域仿真和理论分析方法,对干扰信号与PSS的相互影响进行了研究。

    The source of interference signals is analyzed firstly in this paper to find out the possible existent sources of interference signals from mechanical part and hydraulic part of water turbine . Then the interaction of interference signals and PSS are studied by adopting time-domain simulations and theory analysis methods .

  9. 钻杆失效理论分析方法初探

    Preliminary Exploration on the Theoretical Analysis Method for Drill Rod Failures

  10. 变压器另一种等效电路&为变压器电桥提出的一种理论分析方法

    Another Equivalent Circuit of Transformer-A Theoretical Analysis Method for Transformer Bridge

  11. 系统理论分析方法及其在岩溶地下水环境质量预测中的应用

    Application of systems analysis method in environment quality calculation of karst groundwater

  12. 工程随机信号的确定性混沌理论分析方法

    Application of deterministic chaos theory analysis to engineering stochastic signals

  13. 空心钢管混凝土受弯构件理论分析方法

    Theoretical Method for the Analysis on Hollow Concrete-Filled Steel Tubular Members under Bending

  14. 雷达截面的理论分析方法

    The Methods for theoretical Analysis of Radar Cross Section

  15. 基桩浅部缺陷位置及程度的振动理论分析方法

    An analysis method for the location and degree of shallow defects of piles

  16. 前期因素主要运用文献阅读、调查、理论分析方法进行分析。

    Preliminary factor is mainly through reading literature , surveys , theoretical analysis .

  17. 盾构穿越已建隧道影响的理论分析方法

    Theoretical analyzing method of the influence of shield structure going through in-use tunnel

  18. 因此理论分析方法尤为重要。

    So the theoretical method is more important .

  19. 浅谈运动生物力学中的理论分析方法

    On Analytical Method of Theories in Sport Biomechanics

  20. 从麦克斯韦电磁方程组出发阐述了光波导的传输条件和理论分析方法。

    The waveguide propagation condition and analytical methods are deduced from Maxwell 's equations .

  21. 结构基础地基共同作用的理论分析方法

    The theoretical analysis method of interaction of structure-basement-foundation

  22. 道路交通事故案例理论分析方法探讨

    Probing into theoretical analysis method for traffic accident

  23. 正交试验设计的理论分析方法及应用

    The theoretical analysis of orthogonal test designs

  24. 首先,本文运用理论分析方法,对竖直荷载作用下主缆线形为抛物线的非对称式悬索桥进行了静力分析。

    First , theoretical analysis methods were used for the static analysis of the suspension bridge .

  25. 各种实际工程的理论分析方法,都必须以合理的土体物性参数为基础。

    Theoretical analysis method of various projects must be based on reasonable soil physical property parameters .

  26. 通过可靠性理论分析方法,对地源热泵系统可靠性指标进行了定义。

    Through the reliable theoretical analysis method , the definition to the GSHP system reliability is carried on .

  27. 基于十几年的研究中,作者以发展金融危机的理论分析方法。

    Based on ten years of research , the authors develop a theoretical approach to analyzing financial crises .

  28. 钢管混凝土压扭短柱理论分析方法

    Theoretical Method for the Analysis of Concrete Filled Steel Tubular ( CFST ) Short Columns under Compression and Torsion

  29. 本文采用理论分析方法和计算机数值模拟方法对成形极限及加载路径对管件成形的影响问题进行了研究。

    In this paper , influence of loading route and limit forming on shaping of tube produce is studied .

  30. 它运用理论分析方法、经验分析方法、数理统计方法等对宏观经济循环波动这一特定现象进行一整套经济监测、经济评价的体系。

    It uses theory analysis method , experience analysis method , statistical analysis method to supervise and appraise business cycle .