
  • 网络an ideal husband
  1. 《理想丈夫》中的政治伦理与家庭和谐

    Political Ethics and Family Harmony in Oscar Wilde 's An Ideal Husband

  2. 谎言:《理想丈夫》中不可靠叙述的解读

    On the Unreliable Narrations in An Ideal Husband

  3. 我最后猜想,金花的理想丈夫一定是个干部。

    I finally guessed that the ideal husband for Gold Flower would be a cadre .

  4. 良好的位置、更高的收入和职业道路上的更多机会都让那里的男人成为女性心目中的理想丈夫,徐说。

    Good location , higher incomes and more opportunities on the career path all make the men there to be an ideal husband for women , Xu said .

  5. 灰大狼,一个卡通人物,总是试图为他的妻子,红太狼找些好吃的羊。已成为女人的理想丈夫形象。

    The Big Big Wolf , a cartoon character who always tries to please his wife , the Red Wolf , with some delicious sheep , has become the image of an ideal husband for some women .

  6. 梅勒蒂觉得她的新男友会是一个理想的丈夫。

    Melody thinks her new boyfriend will be a perfect husband .

  7. 你是女孩子心目中最理想的丈夫。

    You 're the best husband that a girl could ask for .

  8. 杰克逊将是她理想的丈夫。

    Jackson will make an ideal husband for her .

  9. 告诉我理想的丈夫是什麽样子。

    Tell me what an ideal husband is like .

  10. 他是她理想的丈夫。

    He 's the ideal husband for her .

  11. 他想到,劳伦斯·莱弗茨就是一个彻底实现了这一令人羡慕的理想的丈夫。那位仪态举止方面的权威,塑造了一位给他最大方便的妻子。

    Lawrence Lefferts occurred to him as the husband who had most completely realised this enviable ideal .

  12. 对任何女子而言,蓝胡子都是最理想的丈夫&要是他没有那一把吓人的蓝色大胡子的话。

    To any woman , Bluebeard was the perfect husband - except for his frightening , large , blue beard .

  13. 考古学家是任何女人理想的丈夫:女人越老,他越感兴趣。

    Archaeologist is the best husband any woman can have : the older she gets , the more interested he is in her .

  14. 求婚是异乎重要的大事:找不到理想的丈夫就得过穷日子,要不就得嫁给一个自己无法忍受的人。

    Courtship is deadly serious business : fail to find the right husband and you end up poor , or married to someone you can 't stand .

  15. 而看似高冷的何大律师不仅送给赵默笙一场梦幻般的婚礼,还在婚后下厨作羹汤、亲自接老婆下班,对赵默笙的呵护可谓无微不至,简直就是360度全能理想好丈夫!

    But after getting married , the seemingly cold lawyer gives Zhao a dream wedding , cooks for her , picks her up after work and protects her anytime she needs it - almost everything a dream husband should do .

  16. 是理想伴侣的丈夫或妻子

    HusBands and wives who are ideal partners

  17. 周日,夏洛特·芳在香港高档住宅区吃着早午餐,然后色眯眯的盯着一位台湾男士,她和她的单身闺蜜都认为他是理想中的丈夫。

    Over Sunday brunch in a luxurious Hong Kong residential area , Charlotte Fong found herself fantasizing over a Taiwanese man , whom she and her single female friends concluded was the perfect husband .

  18. 她理想化的未来丈夫将是身材高大,皮肤浅黑,相貌英俊。

    Her sublimate future husband will be tall , dark , and handsome .

  19. 她理想化的未来丈夫将是身材高大,皮肤浅黑,相貌英俊

    Her sublimate future husband will be tall , dark , and handsome

  20. 在世纪之交的小说中,余华通过对父亲形象的审视,重新确证了父亲这一身份,出现了理想的父亲和理想的丈夫,进而确证了自我存在的价值和意义。

    At the turn of the century , yu hua based on novel image of his father , " father " corroborated the identity , the father of ideal and ideal husband , then corroborated ego value and meaning .