
  • 网络Jewelcrafting
  1. 大多数的珠宝加工物品需要珠宝加工工具来制造,这是个你可以在几乎所有的商业物品商那里以8个银币买到的商业物品。

    Most Jewelcrafting items require a jeweler 's kit to produce , this is a trade item you can buy from nearly any trade goods vendor for8s .

  2. 商人那里添了很多东西,包括珠宝加工的配方。

    Many new items have been added to various vendors , including Jewelcrafting Plans .

  3. 珠宝加工行业不良工效学因素流行病学调查

    Investigation on adverse ergonomic factors in jewel processing industry

  4. 深圳市珠宝加工行业苯作业工人健康危害及干预措施

    Health Hazard and Intervention Measures of Benzene-exposed Workers in the Jewelry Processing Enterprises in Shenzhen City

  5. 珠宝首饰加工作业工人恶性肿瘤死亡流行病学调查

    A Epidemiological Investigation on Malignant Tumor among Workers Processed Jewelry and Ornaments

  6. 硼砂在珠宝首饰加工中的应用

    Application of Borax in Jewelry Cutting and Making

  7. 不同种类黄金珠宝首饰加工企业的职业病危害因素总合格率比较差异有统计学意义;

    The occupational exposure of harmful factors was significantly different in jewelry processing enterprises .

  8. 在分析硼砂的差热分析曲线和脱水曲线的基础上,对其在珠宝首饰加工领域中的应用进行了初步研究。

    By analyzing the differential thermal analysis graph and dehydration graph of borax , the application of borax in diamond cutting and jewelry making field is studied .

  9. 珠宝首饰加工业具有能耗少、无污染、劳动力密集的特点。

     Jewelry  making  industry  enjoys  the  advantages  of  less  energy consumption , non-pollution  and  dense  labor  force .

  10. 长期和国外的珠宝首饰店加工合作。

    Long-term and foreign jewelry jewelery co-processing .

  11. 中国曾经是一个单纯的珠宝首饰饰品加工制造加工基地。贱金属制仿造珠宝首饰,不论是否用贵金属镀的

    China has ever been a simplex jewelry manufactory . imitation jewellery of base metal , whether or not plated with precious metal

  12. 在深圳某珠宝批发卖场,很多展示中心和黄金珠宝加工厂因为黄金需求降低,在2014年前两个季度关门大吉。

    In Shenzhen , one of China 's jewelry wholesale hubs , many display centers and gold jewelry factories shut shop in the first two quarters of 2014 as demand tapered off .

  13. 经过三十多年的发展,深圳珠宝产业集群已经形成规模,连续多年占据国内珠宝首饰加工贸易70%以上的市场份额,但集群也面临着市场定位偏低、知名度不高等一些问题。

    After 30 years of development , Shenzhen jewelry industry cluster has been formed , and occupied the domestic processing trade jewelry for more than 70 % market share for many years .