
bō lì wéi yà
  • Bolivia
玻利维亚[bō lì wéi yà]
  1. 玻利维亚政府声称在圣克鲁斯酒店被警察击毙的一名爱尔兰人,一名匈牙利裔玻利维亚人和另外一人正在策划暗杀总统埃沃·莫拉莱斯,这一声明受到挑战。

    Bolivia 's government faced questions over its claim that an irishman , a Hungarian-Bolivian and another man killed by police in a hotel in Santa Cruz were plotting to murder the president , evo morales .

  2. Onthesouth的意思是“在南边”、“与南边接近”。例:玻利维亚的北边和东边与巴西接壤,南边与阿根廷和巴拉圭接壤,西边与秘鲁和智利接壤。

    Bolivia is bounded on the north and east by Brazil , on the south by Argentina and Paraguay , and on the west by Peru and Chile .

  3. 玻利维亚政府批准了在2200万公顷土地上的伐木特许权。

    The Bolivian government has granted logging concessions covering 22 million hectares .

  4. 这是玻利维亚矿业史上最大的一次来自国外的私人投资。

    It is the largest ever private foreign investment in the Bolivian mining sector .

  5. 改善玻利维亚圣克鲁斯(省)FDI投资环境的战略分析

    The Province of Santa Cruz-Bolivia , Stratagem Analysis of the FDI Environmental Investment

  6. 无独有偶,总部在美国的国际野生生物保护学会(theWildlifeConservationSociety)最近也对玻利维亚新发现的一种猴子的命名权进行了网上拍卖。

    BIOPAT is not alone : the US-based Wildlife Conservation Society , for instance , recently auctioned the name of a new Bolivian monkey species online .

  7. 在拉丁美洲,国际合约被阿根廷、玻利维亚和厄瓜多尔撕毁,委内瑞拉控制了奥里诺科重油带(OrinocoBelt)。

    In Latin America , international contracts were reneged on by Argentina , Bolivia and Ecuador , and Venezuela took control of the Orinoco oil belt .

  8. EPC项目研究及实施&援玻利维亚农村电气化工程施工总结提交施工图并采购长期使用的建材-电气设备

    Study and Application of EPC Project & Construction Summarization of Providing Assistance of Rural Electrification Engineering to Bolivia Submit shop drawings and order long lead items - electric

  9. 海上消失(抑或重现)SS贾西姆号,一艘玻利维亚的货运渡船,在苏丹海岸外的温盖特暗礁处触礁沉没。

    Lost ( and Found ) at Sea The SS Jassim , a Bolivian cargo ferry , ran aground and sunk on the Wingate Reef off the coast of Sudan in 2003 .

  10. 离玻利维亚圣克鲁斯城不远,有一个与周围环境格格不入的日式农区,称为“冲绳垦殖区”(coloniaokinawa)。

    Not far from the Bolivian city of Santa Cruz lies the curiously out-of-place Japanese farming district of Colonia Okinawa .

  11. 岩背斑岩锡矿为Sn-F型,不同于玻利维亚斑岩锡矿(Sn-B型)。

    The Yanbei porphyry tin deposit ( Sn-F type ) is characterized by enrichment of topaz of magmatic origin and thus differs from the world-famous Bolivian porphyry tin deposits ( Sn-B type ) which were rich in tourmaline .

  12. 民众担心感染新流感(H1N1)而戴起口罩,现在玻利维亚银行为了防止抢匪趁机把脸遮住犯案,禁止客户戴口罩进入银行。

    Now Bolivian banks have banned customers from wearing masks on their premises , in a bid to curb an epidemic of robberies by people taking advantage of A ( H1N1 ) fears to hide their faces .

  13. Antezana博士目前担任玻利维亚卫生与体育部高级顾问。

    Dr Antezana is Senior Adviser in the Ministry of Health and Sports in Bolivia .

  14. 孟加拉国、巴巴多斯、玻利维亚和苏里南都写信给世界卫生组织(它负责组织和管理UNITAID),要求它考虑这个奖金基金/专利池的模式。

    Bangladesh , Barbados , Bolivia , and Suriname have written to the WHO ( who host and administer UNITAID ) asking it to consider the prize fund / patent pool model .

  15. 约瑟夫。斯坦利斯诺(JosephStanislaw):波兰决定学习玻利维亚的做法,实行休克疗法,削减政府开支,偿试引进市场体制,看它是否能奏效。

    JOSEPH STANISLAW : Poland decided to do what Bolivia did , to introduce shock therapy , cut back on government expenditure and try and introduce a market system and see if it could work .

  16. 大约在同一时间,国际情报界开始猜测,中国计划出售玻利维亚便携式HY5A地对空飞弹。

    Around the same time the international intelligence community began to speculate that China planned to sell Bolivia portable HY5A surface-to-air missiles .

  17. 而如今随著玻利维亚人的移民,在秘鲁的高山区域以及阿根廷北部也可以找的到Ekeko的踪迹。

    Now with the Bolivian 's immigration , Ekeko is able to be found in high mountain area such as Cusco in Peru and the norther part of Argentina such as Jujuy province .

  18. 接替她的临时总统、中间派的米歇尔.特梅尔(MichelTemer)迅速对空难受害者表示哀悼。在这次空难中,失事飞机是由玻利维亚包机航空公司Lamia运营的英国宇航146型(BAe146)支线客机,飞机坠落在了一片多山地带。

    Her replacement as president , the centrist Michel Temer , rushed to give his condolences to the victims of the crash , in which a British Aerospace 146 short-haul aircraft , operated by Lamia , a Bolivian charter airline , came down in mountainous terrain .

  19. 3只包括阿根廷、玻利维亚及智利种群。

    Includes the population of Argentina , Bolivia and Chile only .

  20. 哥伦比亚已取代玻利维亚成为第二大可可种植国。

    Columbia has replaced Bolivia as the second-largest grower of cocoa .

  21. 居住在玻利维亚的智利妇女米里安·维内加斯回忆道。

    Mirian Venegas is a Chilean woman who lives in Bolivia .

  22. 已经披露黄金购买量的国家包括泰国、俄罗斯和玻利维亚。

    Countries that have disclosed purchases include Thailand , Russia and Bolivia .

  23. 玻利维亚总统埃沃•莫拉莱斯说斯诺登在他的国家是受欢迎的。

    Bolivian President Evo Morales says Snowden is welcome in his country .

  24. 1994年玻利维亚地震破裂过程中的摩擦熔融

    Frictional melting during the rupture of the 1994 Bolivian earthquake

  25. 联合国探矿标准特设专家组玻利维亚矿工工会联合会

    Ad Hoc Group of Experts on United Nations Criteria for Mineral Exploration

  26. $$$$委内瑞拉$委内瑞拉玻利维亚共和国

    $ $ $ $ Venezuela $ Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

  27. 不久,查之间的战争,玻利维亚和巴拉圭开始。

    Shortly after this the Chaco War between Bolivia and Paraguay began .

  28. 但是玻利维亚狂欢节最主要的部分是“弄湿”。

    But the main part of Bolivia 's carnival is getting wet .

  29. 印度、土耳其、巴拉圭和玻利维亚支持蒙古的豁免请求。

    India , Turkey , Paraguay and Bolivia supported Mongolia 's waiver request .

  30. 欢迎来到玻利维亚摔跤这个狂热的世界。

    Welcome to the delirious world of Bolivian wrestling .