
  • 网络Cash flow forecast;Cash flow projection
  1. 上个月的现金流量预测表显示一切正常。

    The cash flow projections from last month showed that we 'd be fine .

  2. 根据同一行业中其他背景类似的公司,统计你公司的收入,开销,做现金流量预测。

    Based on similar companies in the industry , develop income , expense , and cash flow projections for the business .

  3. 自由现金流量预测和分析问题的研究

    Research on Problems of Free Cash Flow Prediction and Analysis

  4. 定期编制付款计划和现金流量预测表。

    To prepare payment proposal and cash flow forecast periodically .

  5. 定期提供现金流量预测和融资报告。

    Provide regular cash flow forecast and financing report .

  6. 审核由财证科人员准备的现金流量预测。

    Review cashflow forecast propared by Treasury team .

  7. 基于EWMA-VaR的企业整体现金流量预测模型

    The Forecast Model of Total Cash Flow of Company Based on EWMA - VaR Method

  8. 第二部分是论文的主体,即现金流量预测模型部分。

    The second part is the main of the thesis and a part about forecasting models .

  9. 自由现金流量预测模型研究&基于汽车制造业的面板数据分析

    A Study on Free Cash Flow Forecasting Model & Panel Data Analysis Based on the Auto Manufacturing

  10. 笔者在收益法评估参数的确定这一部分中,主要研究了企业高增长阶段最后期限的确定原则和现金流量预测的方法,并介绍了折现率确定的一般方法。

    The author also discusses the parameters in the income method , including the high increasing period and the discounted rate .

  11. 一旦完成现金流量预测后,真正困难的是决定是否接受该项目。

    Once the cash-flow forecast is prepared the real challenge is to decide if a project should be accepted or rejected .

  12. 三是建立整体现金流量预测区间,使企业更好地做出财务决策。

    The third one is to set up the forecast interval of total cash flow , which could let the company make better financial decision .

  13. 其次,在对相关概念进行界定的基础上,阐述了现金流量预测企业财务危机的基本理论。

    Secondly , it is given on basic theories of using cash flow indicator system to predict the financial crisis of the listed companies to the correlation concepts .

  14. 每月提供周密、可信的财务预测和现金流量预测报告,协助财务总监制定切实可行的,利于公司发展的财务计划;

    Provide adequate and reliable monthly financial forecast and cash flow forecast to assist financial controller in planning , practice , profitability and position for the company future growth ;

  15. 指出现金流量预测、折现率量化、评估期间确定是影响价值评估结果的主要因素,提出了基于动态现金流量确定企业价值评估模型的框架和内容,对于规范我国企业价值评估方法具有参考价值。

    Put forward the frame and content of determine the enterprises ' value evaluating models based on dynamic cash flows , these would have reference value in criterion to China 's enterprises ' value evaluating methods .

  16. 本文试图通过引入计算机模拟模拟语言GPSS(GeneralPurposeSimulationSystem)来对未来现金流量的预测提供一种新的途径。

    The thesis tries to propose a new approach to forecast future cash flow by a computer simulation language , GPSS ( General Purpose Simulation System ) .

  17. 本文将自由现金流量的预测分为两类,一类是自由现金流量的详细预测,为探讨重点;

    The thesis classified the forecast into two categories .

  18. 自由现金流量难于预测,目前运用自由现金流量进行预测的单位仅限于银行、信用分析师和公司财务部门。

    FCF is used only by invest bank , and credit analysts because it is difficult to be forecasted .

  19. 本文的研究结果为今后财务困境预测研究充分挖掘现金流量的预测价值提供了实证依据。

    The result of this study empirically provides foundation for exploiting the prediction value of the cash flow of financial distress prediction for the future .

  20. 企业应通过保持合理的资金结构、加强现金流量的预测、合理安排借款和还款计划、回避或转移风险等措施防范企业的财务风险。

    Discussion is made on how to hold a reasonable capital structure , to predict cash flow duly , to make the plans of loan , and to avoid or transfer financial risks .

  21. 定量评估,重视企业未来现金流量的预测情况,利用回归分析等方法,预测出企业的自由现金流量,使用合适的折现率来确定企业的价值。

    Qualitative evaluation emphasizes the prediction of the cash flow of an enterprise in the future via regression analysis so that prediction can be made about the free cash flow of an enterprise . So , evaluation of an enterprise can be ascertained through reasonable rate of depreciation .

  22. 加强现金流量分析预测,严格控制现金流人和流出,对经营活动、投资活动和筹资活动产生的现金流量进行严格管理,保证支付能力和偿债能力;

    Analysis and forecast of the cash flow is strengthened , the inflow and outflow of cash should be controlled rigorously , the cash flow is brought in by the business , investment and financing should be managed strictly , so paying ability and credit capacity can be ensured ;

  23. 本项研究对四种投资方案模拟运作企业的未来现金流量进行了预测,并分别采取增量内部收益率和EVA法进行方案比较研究,研究的项目计算期为11年。

    The future cash flow of the four investment priorities is not only predicted accordingly , but also optimized with the adoption of the internal increment yield and EVA method .

  24. 然后构建现金流量财务危机预测模型。

    And then establish the financial early-warning model of the cash flow of the structure .

  25. 另一类为自由现金流量的趋势预测。

    One is free cash flow prediction in detail , the other is tendency of forecast .

  26. 本文作者设计开发储蓄存款结构动态分析系统,试图从储蓄存款动态结构的角度进行代发工资业务、存款结构、存款成本、现金流量、预警预测几个方面的分析和预测。

    The system try carry analyze and forecast on the acting discover wages , structure of savings , cost of savings , cash flow and alarm .

  27. 接下来对现金流量财务危机预测实证研究进行理性分析,探讨了实证样本的选择方法和现金流量财务预测指标筛选途径。

    Next to analyze to cash flow financial early-warning reason of positive research , choice method and financial early-warning index of cash flow to probe into real example sample screen the route .

  28. 灵敏度分析方法目前主要被运用于利润预测分析,而很少被运用到长期投资项目评估特别是对经营现金净流量的预测中。

    Sensitivity analysis is most often used in prediction of profits . By contrast , it 's rarely used in project appraisal of long-term investment , particularly in the prediction of net cash flow ( NCF ) from operating activities .

  29. 对现金流量财务危机预测实证方法的运用,本文采取了单变量和多变量的分析方法,其中多变量分析采用多元线性判定的方法和多元逻辑回归方法。

    To cash flow financial early-warning real example application of method , paper adopt single variable analyze and changeable quantity analyze method , changeable quantity analyze , adopt Multiple Discriminant Analysis ( MDA ) method return to ( Logistic ) method with plural logic among them .

  30. 现金流量在财务困境预测中的信息含量实证研究&来自2003-2004年度ST公司的新证据

    An Empirical Study on Cash Flows ' Information Content in Financial Distress Prediction & Evidence from ST firms during the period of 2003-2004