
  1. 几天后,很多人来到比赛现场展示他们的东西。

    Several days later , lots of people came to the competition and showed their things .

  2. 减少PPT的张数可以让你评估每张PPT存在的必要性。同时也让你评估你的现场展示中的每一个元素,如果某张PPT是不必要的,那就删了它。

    Trimming this number down to 10 forces you to evaluate the necessity of each and every slide . Just like every element of your presentation , if the slide isnt necessary , it should be cut .

  3. (现场展示用的是英语和德语。)

    ( The demo was conducted in English and German . )

  4. 拉斯维加斯上个月底举办了一场车展,现场展示了许多非常特别的车子。

    Late last month many special cars were displayed at a car show in Las Vegas .

  5. 我们为专业经销五金的客户提供手提模型,以便他们可在其客户现场展示百隆五金件。

    We offer our hardware distributor customers portable models for the presentation of Blum fittings onsite with their customers .

  6. 亲爱的来宾,亲爱的家长,您现在欣赏到的是我们菲贝儿的孩子多才多艺的现场展示。

    Dear visitors , dear parents , now you are enjoying our children 's talents in many ways on line .

  7. 在现场展示与交流的过程中有利于提高口头表达能力、现场调试的实践能力以及处理突发问题的反应能力。

    And by exhibiting and introducing their productions , students can also advance their skills of expression , debugging and unexpected transaction processing .

  8. 如果您对我们的软件产品感兴趣,请告知!我们会在您最方便的时候为您安排软件的现场展示。

    If you are interested in a demonstration of our software , please let me know and we will organize a meeting at your convenience .

  9. 棒棒糖组和帝国组虽然还只是高一高二的学生,但是他们的现场展示令在场的观众和评委眼前一亮。

    Though the students of Lollipop group and Empire Group are only junior high , but their outstanding presentations had caught the eyes of the audience and the judges .

  10. 巡展将产品或服务以现场展示咨询、体验等形式放置在写字楼大堂等人流量高的场所。

    Tour will be the product or service to the scene display advice , experience and other forms , such as placing people in the office lobby traffic sites .

  11. 它可通过组织现场展示活动、开展农民专题培训、在各级学校开设课程或高校举办专业、举办技能和成果大赛,以及发展专职机构来推广和发展创意农业。

    It could promote and develop creative agriculture by means of organizing display activities on spot , developing farmer training , starting curriculums in colleges or skill and achievement competitions .

  12. 该娱乐公司在2017年西南偏南大会上,表示将计划引进全新的技术。他们还在现场展示了一台机器人帕斯卡(《长发公主》中的宠物蜥蜴)的视频影像。

    The entertainment firm discussed plans to embrace brand new technologies at SXSW 2017 , where it also showed off footage of a robot Pascal , the lizard from Tangled .

  13. 参与的同学在校园运动场上等待排起长队,入场后,学生通过游戏等环节互相熟悉交流,并可以现场展示才艺或现场速配。

    Long lines of students gathered on the campus athletic field to enter the event . Once inside , students took part in games designed to help break the ice and were given chances to show off a special talent or give a quick dating pitch .

  14. 有一天,我在那些该死的豆袋坐垫上参与了曲折而有趣的简介会(亲爱的科技初创企业,请回到椅子上),然后去看了Pointr的现场安装展示。

    I had a tortuous but fascinating briefing the other day on those accursed beanbags ( Dear Tech Startups , please go back to chairs ) and then went to see a live Pointr installation .

  15. 泛亚主题餐厅精彩的现场烹饪展示了厨师精湛的厨艺。

    Open kitchen in Asian Delights shows the live demonstration of culinary skill of hotel 's chef .

  16. 考试,申请人可以通过现场操作展示工作技能。

    You will have an opportunity to demonstrate your trade skills in the workplace to a TRA approved assessor .

  17. 每周坚持开展的“分享成长”课程,为每位学生的成长提供真实的教育现场与展示空间;

    Every week , our school carries out special courses named " share growth " as the theme to provide real education scene and display space for the growth of each student .

  18. 有时候,特别是当我们暂时不能亲临博物馆和艺术画廊时,我们可以大概了解一下现场都展示了哪些东西。

    At certain times , especially when it is temporarily impossible for us to visit museums and art galleries in person , we can get a rough picture of what are on display on site .

  19. CNN对这件大事进行现场直播。展示开始很顺利。

    The event was broadcast live on CNN.The demo started out well .

  20. 业内顶尖企业届时将在现场进行产品展示和推广。

    The most prominent companies in the industry will be exhibiting and making product introductions at the show .

  21. 京商美国公司将在现场演示和展示过的新产品品种!

    Kyosho Corporation of America will be on site to demo and show-off an assortment of new products !

  22. 通过现场应用,展示了提升机变频器广阔的应用前景。

    Passing on the application , it has shown the wide application prospect of inverter of the lifting machine .

  23. 她证明了自己是一个非常厉害的舞者,并在民谣和现场表演中展示了她的唱功。

    She proved to be a great dancer , and she showed off her vocals in her ballad songs and live performances .

  24. 在为期四天的时间里,西门子向现场参观人员展示了种类繁多,功能强大的演示产品,吸引了不少观众前来体验。

    In four days'exhibition , Siemens demonstrated a series of demo products with powerful functions , which attracted many attendees to experience .

  25. 您会欣赏现场表演和展示,船上电影院,游泳池,小童乘车,还有更多的巡航导弹。

    You will enjoy live performances and displays , on-board movie theatres , pool , kiddie rides and many more in the cruise .

  26. 我们可以安排一些现场的卖场或展示场分发一些免费的样品,这可以增加机会让人们购买我们的产品。

    We can arrange some on-site vendor or display space and hand out some free product samples , it 's a good way to increase the chances of getting people to buy our product .