
xiàn huò xiāo shòu
  • spot sales
  1. 英澳矿业集团力拓(RioTinto)昨晚抨击中国钢铁生产商采用过于激进的谈判策略。此前,中国钢铁工业协会(CISA)号召成员企业抵制该公司的铁矿石现货销售。

    Rio Tinto last night slammed Chinese steelmakers over increasingly aggressive negotiating tactics , after the China Iron & Steel Association called for its members to boycott the Anglo-Australian mining group 's spot sales of iron ore.

  2. 力拓和必和必拓在现货市场销售的铁矿石已经接近其产量的一半,而淡水河谷的现货销售也逐渐增加。

    Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton are already selling almost half of their supplies on the spot market , with Vale also ramping up spot sales .

  3. 与此同时,力拓和必和必拓还一直在尝试增加对中国的现货销售。现货市场价格可能达到合同价格的两倍。

    Rio and BHP have at the same time been attempting to increase their spot market sales into China , where prices can be double those of contract prices .

  4. 力拓表示,它有权向现货市场销售。

    Rio said it was entitled to sell into the spot market .

  5. 由于现货市场销售风险的存在,承运商更倾向于合同市场的销售。

    Because of the uncertainty of spot market , carrier prefers to contract market .

  6. 他辩称,矿商宁可在现货市场销售,也不愿退而求其次,在年度合约中接受低价。另一名高管表示,分析师们预测的30%-40%的涨价幅度“可能错了”。

    Another executive said analysts'forecast of a deal at30-40 per cent " could be wrong " .

  7. 艾尔巴尼斯表示,阻碍船舶将铁矿石运往中国用于现货市场销售,对力拓没有“任何实质性影响”。

    Mr Albanese said any hold-up of ships carrying ore to China for spot market sales had not had " any material impact " on Rio .

  8. 昨夜,世界三大矿业巨头与中国钢铁制造商展开紧张的铁矿石供应谈判。力拓威胁称,如果今天不能达成协议,就将在现货市场销售铁矿石。

    The world 's biggest miners were last night locked in tense talks with Chinese steelmakers over a new iron ore supply deal , with Rio Tinto threatening to sell the ore into spot markets should no agreement be struck today .

  9. 该合资企业还将成立一家独立的“营销”公司,在现货市场上销售至多15%的产量。

    The joint venture will also establish a separate " marketing " company that could sell up to 15 per cent of production on the spot market .

  10. 力拓正在应对来自必和必拓价值至少1600亿美元的恶意收购。由于该公司威胁要放弃传统的长期合同形式,转而增加铁矿石现货市场的销售,也惹恼了中国企业。现货铁矿石市场的价格更高。

    Rio , which is fighting a hostile takeover bid from BHP worth at least $ 160bn , has also provoked the Chinese by threatening to move away from traditional long-term contracts by selling more ore into the spot market , where prices are higher .