
  • 网络we leave now;Start Me Up
  1. 我们现在出发去爬山。

    We now set out to climb the hill .

  2. 全体听令!现在出发!

    Attention , everyone ! Now set off !

  3. 如果我们想保证有好座位,现在出发晚了一些。

    That 'll be a bit late if we want to be sure of good seats .

  4. 熊哥哥说,学校里很有趣,你会喜欢它的,现在出发吧!

    Says Brother Bear . School is fun . You 'll like it . Now let 's go !

  5. 从现在出发,勇敢把自己交给未知的未来,这就是旅行的意义。

    From now on , the brave give oneself to the unknown future , which is of significance to travel .

  6. 我和那些小伙子们现在出发我们闯进你妈妈的屋子把她的电脑偷走

    Me and the boys take off , We break into your mom 's house , and we steal her computer .

  7. 从小事做起,从现在出发,利用自己已有资源,小小的改变就会带来意想不到的深远影响。

    By starting small , where you are and with what you have , you can generate ripples that will reach far beyond where your eyes can see .

  8. 艾哈迈德笑着说:“哦,我们的长袍在行李箱里面。我们在婚礼的时候会换上。上车,我们现在出发。”后面的车在鸣笛催促。

    Achmed laughed , " Oh , we have them in the trunk . We change at the wedding . Get in , we go now . " A car honked behind them .

  9. 8点钟的时候,我说“我现在要出发了。”

    At eight I said ' I 'm getting off now . '

  10. 我最好现在就出发,不然要迟到了。

    I 'd better go , or I 'll be late .

  11. 现在我们出发还赶得上。

    We can make it if we start off now .

  12. 现在我们出发前往美国中南部的南达科洲。

    Now we travel to the north central part of the country .

  13. 您不认为我们现在该出发去听音乐会了吗?

    Do not you thought we 'd left for the concert now ?

  14. 不管像什么,咱们现在要出发向山里走了。

    Whatever it looks like , we are setting off into the mountains .

  15. 你不认为我们最好现在就出发去看戏吗?

    Don 't you think we 'd better head for the play now ?

  16. 那我们现在准备出发吧,好吗?

    Let 's get going now , shall we ?

  17. 那么现在就出发,成就一番大事业吧。

    Now get out there and make a splash !

  18. 好了,我现在步行出发,不要到晚上我就到达了;

    Well , I start now on foot , and get there before night ;

  19. 叫你的人现在准备出发。

    Get your people ready to go now .

  20. 所以那不作为我们现在的出发点。

    And so that 's not the starting point that we 're going to use .

  21. 现在是出发的时候了。

    Now is the time for starting .

  22. 如果我们现在不出发,就可能赶不上火车。

    If we don 't start out now , we must risk missing the train .

  23. 可现在离出发只剩一天,布兰却突然若有所失起来。

    Yet now that the last day was at hand , suddenly Bran felt lost .

  24. 我们现在就出发吧!

    Let 's start at once ! '

  25. 我们是曼联!现在我们出发!

    It 's Man United_Here we go !

  26. 我们现在就出发!

    We leave now . Right now .

  27. 我不知道如果他现在就出发的话能否赶上这班火车。

    I wonder if he will be in time for the train if he starts now .

  28. 事实上,我想现在就出发,这样我就可以避开人群了!

    In fact , I 'd like to get going so I can beat the crowds !

  29. 你最好现在就出发。

    Youd better set off now .

  30. 如果我想天黑前到那儿,你最好现在就出发。

    You had better hit the road if you want to be there before it 's dark .