
  • 网络modern jazz;CONTEMPORARY JAZZ
  1. 这张专辑唱片让我初次接触了现代爵士乐。

    This album was my first introduction to modern jazz .

  2. 他是现代爵士乐最有影响力的表演者之一。

    He was one of the most influential performers of modern jazz

  3. 最后,我还是听了你寄来的LPs和CD,这些是你用自己的萨克斯吹奏的曲目和一些瑞典现代爵士乐。

    I finally gave a listen to those LPs and the CD you sent me , of your own saxophone playing and some Swedish modern jazz .

  4. 男:当然,我一直喜欢现代爵士乐。

    Man : Yes , I 've always liked modern jazz .

  5. 这种音乐将现代爵士乐和古典音乐融合在一起。

    This music combined modern jazz and classical concert music .

  6. 她有着丰富的现代爵士乐知识。

    She has a fund of knowledge about moderm jazz .

  7. 现代爵士乐的早期形式(大约起源于1940年)。

    An early form of modern jazz ( originating around 1940 ) .

  8. 他在传统与现代爵士乐之间自如地变换。

    He moved easily between traditional and modern jazz .

  9. 他比我更熟悉现代爵士乐。

    He is more familiar with modern jazz than I.

  10. 雅各布是个标准的古典音乐爱好者,他从不听现代爵士乐。

    Jacob is a regular long hair ; he never listens to modern jazz .

  11. 我喜欢现代爵士乐。

    I 'm keen on modern Jazz .

  12. 说到现代爵士乐,没有什么人能比菲尔夏普知道得多。

    When it comes to modern jazz , very few people know more than Phil schaap .

  13. 他们的音乐被描绘成“拉美和现代爵士乐节奏的火爆融合”。

    Their music is described as'an ex plosive fusion of Latin American and modern jazz rhythms ' .

  14. 您只喜欢古典音乐,还是连现代爵士乐、流行音乐等都喜欢呢?

    Do you only like classical music , or do you like modern jazz and popular music , too ?

  15. 他们的音乐以时髦的现代声音把爵士乐和流行音乐交融在一起。

    Their music blends jazz and pop in a stylish contemporary sound .