
huán xínɡ shān
  • lunar crater;ring structure
  1. LCROSS探测器,对月球环形山观测和传感卫星,上周推出,也有任务目标,以确认在接近月球极阴影中的环形山的存在或缺乏的水冰。

    LCROSS , the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensor Satellite , launched last week , has a mission objective to confirm the presence or absence of water ice in a shadowed crater near a lunar pole .

  2. 伴随着轨道器一起,美国国家航空航天局的月球环形山观测侦测卫星会向月球南极释放两颗冲击器。

    Accompanying the orbiter , NASA 's Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite will drop two impactors into the south pole of the moon .

  3. “这是一个问题,”亚利桑那大学的环形山专家H。

    " That 's a problem ," comments cratering specialist H.

  4. 在隆冬时节,北极地区最冷的环形山底部,夜间温度可下降至零下247C(26开尔文)。

    It found mid-winter , night-time surface temperatures inside the coldest craters in the northern polar region can dip as low as minus247C ( 26 kelvin ) .

  5. 这里的环形山远非眼睛所能看得到的。

    Craters here sctreches as far as the eye can see .

  6. 月球表面因有环形山而变得坑坑洼洼。

    The surface of the moon is pitted with craters .

  7. 为了纪念石申,月球上有一座环形山就是用他的名字命名的。

    A crater on the moon has been named after Shi Shen .

  8. 是中国历史上唯一一位名字被用作外太空环形山的女人。

    Chinese history is only a name is used to outer space of craters .

  9. 用好的望远镜能看得到月亮上的环形山。

    With a good telescope you can see craters on the moon 's surface .

  10. 在棘齿城和安戈洛环形山的马绍尔营地增加了新的飞行点。

    New flight paths can be found at Ratchet and Marshall 's Refuge , Un'Goro Crater .

  11. 这些环形山大小不一,但几乎全部都形成于同一时间。

    Moon craters come in various sizes but almost all were created at about the same time .

  12. 我们可以发起一次象路易斯和克拉克穿越美国一样具有历史意义的对沙克尔顿环形山的工业探索,

    We can do it by jump-starting with an industrial Lewis and Clark expedition to Shackleton crater ,

  13. 月球上有着太阳系中已知的最大的撞击形状,即南极艾肯环形山(盆地)。

    It includes the largest known impact feature in the Solar System : the South Pole-Aitken basin .

  14. 你们知道行星研究者喜欢研究环形山去发现是什么撞击创造了它们。

    You know , planetary researchers love study the craters to learn about the impacts that created them .

  15. 节能环保的小区建筑群空调系统集成化解决方案月面环形山国家保护区

    Energy-saving and Environment Protective Integrated Solution for Air Conditioning System of Building Stocks Craters of the Moon National Monument

  16. 早期的月球探测器探测到一个满是山峰的、崎岖的和环形山遍布的表面,与正面截然不同。

    Early lunar probes revealed a surface that was mountainous , rugged , heavily cratered and virtually devoid of maria .

  17. 卫星图像的分析表明,因湖泊而留存在火星中纬度上的环形山与在阿拉斯加州和西伯利亚发现的非常相似。

    Analysis of satellite images has revealed craters left along Mars'equator by lakes similar to those found in Alaska and Siberia .

  18. 海盗号轨道飞行器发现,火星南部的大部分地区布满了古老的洞穴或环形山。

    The Viking orbiters found that much of the southern part of Mars is full of old holes , or craters .

  19. 尾亚复式岩株由尾亚超单元(外环)及环形山超单元(内环)组成。

    Weiya composite stocks comprise a circular body including Weiya super-unit ( outer circle ) and Huanxinshan super-unit ( inner circle ) .

  20. 不仅是在盖尔环形山,也不仅是有限几个地点,而是在不同历史时期遍布火星各处。

    Not just sections of Gale Crater and not just a handful of locations , but at different times around the globe .

  21. “圣杯”项目经理大卫·雷曼表示美国宇航局将人为使这两辆探测器撞击月球北极附近的环形山。

    Grail project manager David Lehman says NASA will intentionally crash the probes into a mountain near the Moon 's north pole .

  22. 美国宇航局的月球勘测轨道飞行器利用“占卜者”仪器探测永久阴影环形山的底部世界。

    Nasa 's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter has used its Diviner instrument to probe the insides of permanently shadowed craters on Earth 's satellite .

  23. 水分子顺着路到了两极环形山的下层,那些水很容易结冰,因为环形山的那些层总是在阴影里。

    And the water molecules that found their way to the floors of craters near the moon 's poles that water wound be perpetually frozen .

  24. 它三面环山,一现峡谷月面环形山国家保护区

    " It 's surrounded by the mountains on three sides , and by the canyon on the other side " Craters of the Moon National Monument

  25. 这项计划最令人称奇的发现是在月球的南极沙克尔顿环形山探测到很强的氢气信号。

    And the most amazing thing that came out of that mission was a strong hydrogen signature at Shackleton crater on the south pole of the moon .

  26. 印度的这项发现之后不久,美国航天局将一个航天器撞向位于月球南极永久阴影区、直径100公里的卡贝乌斯环形山。

    Soon after the Indian feat , Nasa crashed a spacecraft into the 100km-wide Cabeus crater which is in permanent shade on the moon 's south pole .

  27. 在最近的研究中,科学家们利用赫谢尔环形山太空天文台,发现天空中最亮的点都是重力扩大化的星系。

    In the new study , researchers used the Herschel Space . The brightest spots on their sky map all turned out to be gravitationally magnified galaxies .

  28. 七年之内,我们能够胜利完成一项去沙克尔顿(有水的月球环形山)的工业计划,显示人类能利用月球能源在近地轨道上提供商业活动

    In seven years , we could pull off an industrial mission to Shackleton and demonstrate that you could provide commercial reality out of this in low-earth orbit .

  29. 结果,月球近地面熟悉的图案很容易就能看出来,包括平滑的月海和巨大的第谷环形山。

    As a result , familiar details of the Moon 's nearside are easy to pick out , including the smooth lunar mare and the large ray crater Tycho .

  30. 尽管古塞夫环形山和子午线平原相距数千公里,但业已证实:来自两地的火星土壤有些成分极其相似&均富含氯和硫磺。

    Despite being separated by thousands of kilometers , Martian soils from Gusev Crater and Meridiani Planum have proved broadly similar in parts & rich in chlorine and sulfur .