
  • 网络Huandao Road
  1. 综合物探技术在XM市环岛路三期工程勘察中的应用

    Application of Integrated Geophysical Survey on the Exploration of No.3 Engineering in the Road Circumscribing the Island of XM City

  2. 大家欢快地踏上了那条向高处延伸的环岛路。

    We happy to set foot on the island that extended upward path .

  3. 星期六你愿意和我一起去环岛路骑自行车吗?

    Would you like to go cycling with me on the Road Around The Island on Saturday ?

  4. “走,看落日去!”大家欢快地踏上了那条向高处延伸的环岛路。

    " Go to see the sunset !" We happy to set foot on the island that extended upward path .

  5. 研究结果表明:在强震作用下,填土地基的震陷量较小,对环岛路影响不大;

    The research results show that when strong earthquake takes place , the seismic depression of the fill foundation soil is not obvious and has small effect on the road of circle Amoy island .

  6. 伸入日本海的敦贺半岛地势起伏不平,上面不仅居住着数百户人家,还坐落着一群核电站。蜿蜒的环岛滨海路有两车道宽,看上去保养得不错。

    The coastal road that winds along the Tsuruga peninsula , a rugged outcropping on the Sea of Japan that is home to a few hundred families and a cluster of nuclear power plants , is two lanes wide and seems well-maintained .

  7. 厦门,作为一个临海城市,其环岛海滨的自然风光也赋予了环岛路一带休闲广场独具特色、魅力的空间。

    Xiamen , a coastal city , its seaside scenery also gives the leisure square inroad which around the island , the unique charm of space .