
  • 网络Environmental interference;Multipath;environmental noise;Environmental Intervention
  1. GD地区环境干扰的认识与压制

    Identification and suppression of ambient noises in GD area

  2. 并在环境干扰条件下,以航向控制为例,对AUV进行航向跟踪,对比基于单一模型下设计的控制器。

    Yaw control under disturbance was taken as an example to compare MMC with the single model controllers .

  3. USB总线价廉、高速、低功耗、即插即用,安装方便且避免了机箱内环境干扰。

    The bus of USB is inexpensive , high-speed , low-power , plug-and-play ( PnP ) , easy to install , and avoid electromagnetic interference of classis .

  4. 但是adhoc网络不同于有线网络,具有无线传输带宽受限、网络拓扑结构动态变化、节点处理能力有限、传输误码率较高、传输环境干扰强等问题。

    However Ad Hoc network is different from wired networks , because of the characteristics of limited bandwidth and processing capacity , dynamic network topology and high transmission error rate .

  5. GIS虽然有占地面积小、元件全部密封不受环境干扰等诸多的优点,但同时也带来了检修工作繁杂、监测手段不够等一些新的问题。

    Although GIS has small scales , all components free from environmental interference , and many other advantages , it also brings a complicated repair work , insufficient monitoring tools and some other new problems .

  6. 然而,由于容易受到环境干扰,RFID读写器对EPC的识读率一直是一个挑战,给企业实际应用带来影响。

    However , due to the vulnerable to environmental disturbance , the read rate is always a big challenge to RFID readers , bringing influence to the enterprise actual application .

  7. 随着MEMS技术的发展,空间手写的输入设备一般选择的是体积小、精度高、抗外部环境干扰能力强的MEMS加速度传感器。

    With the development of MEMS technology the input device of space handwriting is generally MEMS acceleration sensor which is small , high precision and has strong resistance to the external environment interference .

  8. 但是GPS卫星信号容易受外界环境干扰,如遮挡,多路径效应等因素影响,使卫星信号变差甚至中断而无法定位。

    Its error is never accumulated over time , but the GPS satellite signal is vulnerable to external environmental disturbance , such as occlusions , multipath effect etc. It can make the satellite signal becomes poor or even interrupted , which cannot be completed positioning .

  9. 针对仪表着陆系统(ILS)对于电磁环境干扰十分敏感的问题,提出了一种新型ILS接收机方案,该方案基于天线阵列信号处理,利用一种UN-MUSIC的空间谱估计算法估计来波方向(DOA)。

    In this paper , an improved ILS receiver based on array processing concepts is proposed for safer automatic landing procedures . The new approach is based on Direction of Arrival ( DOA ) estimation performed by the UN - MUSIC algorithm .

  10. 调频连续波雷达(FMCWR)具有分辨率高、信号动态范围大、对周围电磁环境干扰小、抗干扰能力强等特点,得到广泛应用,特别适用于海事交通管制系统(VTS)。

    In recent years , Frequency Modulation Continuous Wave Radar ( FMCWR ) is widely used in many fields for its eminent characteristics , such as high resolution , large dynamic range , low radiant pollution to environment and good performance in anti-jamming , especially for vessel traffic system .

  11. 生命探测中基于双天线环境干扰抑制技术研究

    Study of environmental interference restrain technology by twin-antenna in life detecting

  12. 分析了轧钢加热炉钢坯红外测温所受到的炉内环境干扰。

    The environmental interferences to infrared temperature measurement in the furnace are analyzed .

  13. 激光外差干涉仪以其测量精度高、抗环境干扰能力强等优点得到了广泛的应用。

    Laser heterodyne interferometer has advantages of high measuring precision and anti-environment disturbance ability .

  14. 基于神经网络的环境干扰信号建模及模拟研究

    Study on Modeling and Simulating of Environmental Interference Signal Based on a Neural Network

  15. 其中包括星体运动学模型、星体动力学模型、执行机构模型及环境干扰力矩模型。

    It contains kinematics model , dynamic model , actuator model and torque model .

  16. 然后详细分析了偶然误差、系统误差及环境干扰因素的影响。

    Authors give detailed analyses for accident error , systematic error and environmental effect .

  17. 城市活断层探测中电磁噪音和环境干扰对浅层电磁方法的影响

    Effects of urban noise on electromagnetic methods

  18. 环境干扰对滩涂湿地大型底栖动物群落结构的影响

    The Ecological Impact and Effect of Habitat Disturbance on Macrobenthic Community in Tidal Flat Wetland

  19. 故认为广州地磁台环境干扰源目前尚属稳定。

    Therefore , the environmental interference source is thought to be stable at the present time .

  20. 在所有外界环境干扰中,海浪是引起船舶摇摆运动的主要原因。

    In all external disturbances , wave is the main cause of the ship swaying motion .

  21. 本文的方法能够有效地抑制水下环境干扰,检测到较准确的目标边缘。

    This method can effectively suppress the underwater environmental disturbance and detect the exact target edge .

  22. 大连轻轨客车运行对地磁观测环境干扰的测试与分析

    The test and analysis of the influence of Dalian City railcar on the environment of geomagnetic observation

  23. 辐射电磁环境干扰研究

    A Study of Electromagnetic Interference

  24. 机械故障产生的信号往往淹没在环境干扰信号之中。

    The vibration signals generated by the machinery malfunctions are usually covered by the background strong noise .

  25. 红外吸收测量方法具有灵敏度高、响应速度快、受环境干扰小的优点。

    The infrared absorption method has the advantages of high sensitivity , fast response , affected by environmental interference .

  26. 其根源就在于观念陈腐、位置颠倒、性质混淆、操作随意、环境干扰。

    The roots are stale concept , reversed position , garbled character , random operating and disturbing by the environment .

  27. 它具有结构简单、抗环境干扰、高精度、低成本和实用性好的特点。

    It has the advantages of simple constitution , anti environmental disturbance , high precision , low cost and good adaptability .

  28. 在受到因认知偏差的影响以及外界环境干扰下,投资者的行为必然发生偏差。

    At the interference of environment and the influence of cognitive bias , the behavior of investors gets to be bias .

  29. 插孔实验表明,用该方法可以有效地消除环境干扰产生的振动。

    Experiments on a peg-and-hole task show that the method is effective in eliminating the vibration produced by the environmental disturbances .

  30. 导弹制导和控制系统是一个多变量、非线性、时变、受环境干扰的复杂控制系统。

    Missile guidance and control system is a multi-variable , non-linear , time-varying easily affected by environmental , and complexity control system .