
  • 网络Eco-Friendly;eco-friendly fabric
  1. 在内衣设计中的绿色环保面料

    Application and Development of " Green Textile " for Underwear Designing

  2. 我们采用环保面料,对皮肤没有刺激。

    We use environment protection materials without harms to skin .

  3. 自然界资源正日益枯竭,再生纤维成为一种新的环保面料,广受服装界青睐。

    Regenerated fiber as a new environment-friendly material , widely favored by the fashion industry .

  4. 用“绿色”的设计理念,分析环保面料在内衣设计中的应用及其发展的趋势。

    The application and development of " the Green Textile " in the underwear designing are analyzed from the function of underwear and the design idea of " Green " .

  5. 因此本文旨在通过对天丝和莫代尔织物的服用性能进行评价与分析,同时对企业开发该类环保面料的针织服装产品的具体实施方案进行设计和研究。

    This thesis is aimed to evaluate and analyze wearing properties of Tencel and Modal fabrics , and to work out a practical scheme for enterprises to develop environmental protection knitted garment products .

  6. 我们使用通过认证的环保有机面料;

    We use certified eco-friendly & organic fabrics ;

  7. 我司为许多国际著名品牌提供纯天然纤维,高档环保纺织面料。

    We have provided pure-fiber , top-grade and environmental friendly textile fabrics for numerous globally renowned brands .

  8. 这款服装不仅更加环保(面料更易于回收,耗费的能源和水也比过去少得多),而且它的加工工厂按照高标准来衡量工人们的福利。

    Not only are the clothes much greener made with much less energy and water out of fabrics that are easier to recycle but they are manufactured in plants where workers ' well-being is measured and meets high standards .

  9. 天然彩色棉绿色环保针织丝光面料

    Natural color cotton knitting mercerization fabric being green and environmental protection