
  • 网络mattathias
  1. 玛他提亚是耶路撒冷的祭司,生活在朱迪亚郊外山地,一个叫莫迪恩的村庄。

    Mattathias was a priest from Jerusalem who had settled in a village called Modein , in the hill country of Judea .

  2. 据说玛他提亚从士兵手中夺过剑,杀了祭司和士兵,因为他们鼓动村里的犹太人给神献祭。

    Mattathias , it is said , took the sword away from the soldier and killed this priest and the soldier for encouraging Jews in his village to sacrifice to the gods .

  3. 他们的姓氏不是马加比,那只是个外号,姓氏其实为哈希芒,所以我们称他们为哈希芒王朝,都是玛他提亚的后裔。

    Their family name was not Maccabeus , that was just a nickname , the family name was Hasmoneus and so we call this the Hasmonean Dynasty , that 's the descendants of Mattathias .