
  1. 那些有“玛丽苏情结”的人通常自我感觉良好,而且一点委屈也受不得。

    People who have Mary Sue complex usually feel good about themselves and could not take slightest grievances ladders .

  2. 这部10集日本电视剧堪称玛丽苏故事的集大成者。

    The 10-episode Japanese drama has a quintessential Mary Sue storyline .

  3. 我注意到近年来中国有一种狂热追捧玛丽苏故事的趋势。

    I 've noticed a trend of frenzy for Mary Sue stories in China recently .

  4. 玛丽苏是一个通用的名字,指的是一个故事中某个受欢迎和完美到让人感觉荒谬的角色。

    Mary Sue is a generic name for a character in a story that is absurdly popular and perfect .

  5. 这又是一部“玛丽苏”式的故事,即霸道男总裁和挑剔女之间命中注定的爱情故事。

    It 's another Mary Sue story that chronicles the inevitable love between a finicky woman and a bossy man .

  6. 玛丽苏不仅仅只是作者嵌入故事中的一个角色,也是作者所希望看到的东西。

    Mary Sue is not only the author inserted into the story , but also how the author wishes to be seen .

  7. 我知道这听起来多少有点玛丽苏,像是个老掉牙的爱情故事,里面所有人都会爱上女主角。

    I know this sounds somewhat Mary Sue , like a stale romantic story where everyone falls in love with the heroine .

  8. 另一部电视热播剧叫《三生三世十里桃花》,这个奇幻故事的背景设定完全不同,但是在我看来和其他玛丽苏电视剧却如出一辙。

    Another show that 's on TV is called To the Sky Kingdom , a fantasy story in a totally different setting , but to me it seems similar .

  9. 最后一点,创作或沉醉于玛丽苏角色和故事并不总是那么尴尬,这是一个很多人都能体会到的经历。

    On a final note , creating or enjoying a Mary Sue character or story is not that embarrassing ; it is an experience many people can relate to .

  10. “玛丽苏”可能是有史以来最恶名在外的陈词滥调了,这一现象也受到了广泛的批判,因为往往一个玛丽苏角色的存在就会毁掉整个故事。

    The Mary Sue , perhaps the most notorious clich é ever , has been criticized widely because the very existence of a Mary Sue character usually ruins the story .

  11. 玛丽苏这个概念和名字最先出现在影迷和同人小说中,但是在原著小说和影视剧中也可以发现很多玛丽苏角色。

    The concept and the name Mary Sue first came out of fandom and fan-fiction , but there are also plenty of Mary Sues to be found in original fiction and media .