
  • 网络Wilde Salome
  1. 据路透社报道,周日,好莱坞资深影人阿尔•帕西诺在威尼斯电影节获特别奖,并展映了他的最新导演作品《王尔德的莎乐美》。

    Hollywood veteran Al Pacino was honored at the Venice film festival on Sunday with a special prize and the presentation of his latest directorial project " Wilde Salome ," Reuters reported .

  2. 《王尔德的莎乐美》部分是关于上演奥斯卡•王尔德话剧《莎乐美》的记录片,部分是探讨该作家,部分是电影版的《莎乐美》。

    " Wilde Salome " is part documentary about the staging of Oscar Wilde 's play " Salome ," part exploration of the author and part film version of " Salome " itself .

  3. 王尔德的《莎乐美》及其圣经原型

    On Oscar Wilder 's Salome and Archetypes in the Bible

  4. 一朵美丽的恶之花:读王尔德的《莎乐美》

    A Beautiful " Flower of Evil ": A Critical Reading of Oscar Wilde s Salom é;

  5. 沙果树枝头的金苹果&论王尔德的戏剧《莎乐美》与《圣经》之关系

    A Golden Apple on a Crabapple Branch & A Study of the relation between Oscar Wilde 's Drama