
  1. 国王是王国中最重要的人物。

    The king is the most important person in a kingdom .

  2. (家庭不能预定在有城堡的魔法王国中拍照:那是专门留给预定迪士尼童话婚礼(DisneyFairytaleWedding)的夫妇的。)

    ( Families can 't book shots in the Magic Kingdom with its castle : That is reserved for ' Disney Fairytale Wedding ' couples . )

  3. 飞蛾是动物王国中最美丽的。

    Moths are the most beautiful animals in the animal kingdom .

  4. 这是这个王国中的基本社会阶层之一。

    This is one of the fundamental estates of the realm .

  5. 竹节虫是动物王国中的“伪装大师”。

    Stick bugs have some of the animal kingdom 's cleverest camouflage .

  6. 自此之后,彼得成为了森林王国中的一员。

    After this , Peter became a member of the forest country .

  7. 诗与画是艺术王国中两颗璀璨的明珠。

    Poem and painting are two bright pearls in the art Kingdoms .

  8. 我怀疑在王国中是否有一个更迅速人。

    I doubt if there 's a swifter man in the kingdom .

  9. 老虎是和水生王国中的鲨鱼对应的。

    Tiger is related to shark in the aquatic realm .

  10. 植物是植物王国中的生命体。

    Plants are living organisms belonging to the Plantae kingdom .

  11. 在我的王国中有这幺一只鸟吗?

    Is there such a bird in my kingdom ?

  12. 在动物王国中,无性恋绝对存在。

    In the animal kingdom , asexuality definitely exists .

  13. 七大王国中最好的领导者具有发掘人才的慧眼。

    The best leaders in the Seven Kingdoms have an eye for talent .

  14. 在王国中,国王是武装力量的最高首领。

    In a kingdom , the king is the chief of the armed forces .

  15. 特殊的饮食习俗也是饮食王国中的一大景观。

    The special diet custom is a great landscape in the diet kingdom too .

  16. 我完全沉迷在我自己的王国中。

    I cocooned in my own kingdom .

  17. 康德艺术王国中的技术

    Technology in the Art Realm of Kant

  18. 大家都说她比我伟大的王国中任何一件东西都还要好。

    They say that she is better than anything else in all my great kingdom .

  19. 这是动物王国中一种最为复杂,最令人难以忘怀的音乐。

    It 's one of the most haunting and complex sounds in the animal kingdom .

  20. 在植物王国中它真的生长迅速而且吸收成吨的二氧化碳。

    In the plant kingdom it grows really rapidly and absorbs tons of carbon dioxide .

  21. 将盛有饮料的杯子用双手握住以祝福它,调和王国中的爱。

    Bless the drink by placing the glass between your hands invoking the love of the kingdoms .

  22. 动物王国中有许多动物展现了傲人的体力和适应能力。

    The animal kingdom is full of animals that have shown impressive physical skills and adaptable abilities .

  23. 我以为自己有绝群的力量,足以把世界俘虏;于是我便可以在自己自由的王国中,没有阻挠。

    I thought my invincible power would hold the world captive leaving me in a freedom undisturbed .

  24. 但是王国中有一个人信这位又真又活的神。

    But there was one man in the kingdom that did believe in the true and living God .

  25. 在这个虚拟王国中,女王管理着数千臣民,他们都是她忠诚的战士。

    In this virtual kingdom , the " queen " commanded several thousand subjects , her fervent warriors .

  26. 狼人诅咒已经感染了这里的居民并近几年里在整个王国中不受遏制的迅速传播。

    The worgen curse had infected their residents and promptly spread throughout the kingdom unchecked for several years .

  27. 因此,在地球上,在人类王国中,几乎没有真相存在的情况已经有非常长的时间了。

    There has been little truth therefore upon earth and in the human kingdom for a very long time .

  28. 这组爆笑的照片证明了松鼠是动物王国中天生的杂技演员。

    These are the hilarious images of squirrels proving that they are the natural acrobats of the animal kingdom .

  29. 蚁群算法是一种最新发展的模拟昆虫王国中蚂蚁觅食行为的仿生优化算法。

    Ant Colony Algorithm is a new developed bionic optimization algorithm , which simulate the ants ' finding food process .

  30. 红色叶莴苣上的一点点的深红色相当于植物王国中的防晒乳。

    The dark red tinges on a leaf of red leaf lettuce are the plant kingdom 's equivalent of suntan lotion .