
yù mǐ zhōu
  • mush;hominy;maize gruel;samp
  1. 肺器官变成了玉米粥。

    And the lungs have turned to mush .

  2. 他在厨房见到了另一个房客吉姆,那人正在懒洋洋地吃着玉米粥,眼里泛出厌烦的、心不在焉的神气。

    In the kitchen he found Jim , the other boarder , eating mush very languidly , with a sick , FAR-away look in his eyes .

  3. 其他热汤包括豆腐脑、米粥以及玉米粥。

    Other hot soups include jellied bean curd , rice porridge and corn porridge .

  4. 这样思嘉只好打发百里茜下楼去热点玉米粥喂他。

    So Scarlett sent prissy down to warm up the breakfast hominy and feed him .

  5. 3岁以后接受玉米粥的儿童在成年后并没有因此获得任何特别的经济益处。

    Children who were given atole after age three did not receive any economic benefits in adulthood .

  6. 真正的冰淇淋将转向玉米粥在拍摄,但塑料冰淇淋继续寻找邀请。

    Real ice cream would turn to mush during the filming , but plastic ice cream keeps looking inviting .

  7. 然后我们会煮玉米粥,而且我真的这样想,我会与你分享。

    Then we would cook cornmeal porridge , and I mean it , of which I 'll share with you .

  8. 去学校要穿过市区,光是步行的距离就把我早饭吃的猪油玉米粥消耗光了。

    The school was far across town and the walking distance alone consumed my breakfast of mush and lard gravy .

  9. 在一次煮玉米粥时,我用叉子在沸腾的粥里翻搅,想看看粥好了没有。

    Once I was cooking some corn and stuck my fork in the boiling water to see if the corn was ready .

  10. 韦德倒是比平时安静了些,也不像每天早晨那样叫嚷不要吃他所厌恶的玉米粥了。

    Wade was quieter than usual and did not set up his every morning complaint against the hominy that he so disliked .

  11. 定期轮换的菜单提供的菜肴有马斯卡普尼干酪玉米粥配生卤贝利兹芦笋,还有阿根廷牛柳配红酒。

    The rotating menu features dishes like mascarpone polenta with raw marinated Beelitz asparagus , and Argentine beef fillet in red wine reduction .

  12. 但是学生们很少有机会吃肉,而一餐接一餐的恩施玛(nshima)玉米粥很显然在不久的过去曾引发过一些抗议。

    But only rarely do the students eat meat , and the relentless diet of nshima-maize porridge-has apparently provoked protests in the not-too-distant past .

  13. 两个健康又有卖相的选择是:烤西红柿配羊奶酪玉米粥,烤南瓜、甘蓝、蔓越莓配粗麦粉。

    Roasted Tomatoes with Goat Cheese Polenta and Roasted Butternut Squash , Kale , and Cranberry Couscous are two healthy and beautiful options . 6 .

  14. 尝试一下用西红柿,鹰嘴豆,洋葱和孜然芹做出地中海风味,然后用一层玉米粥铺底。

    Try cooking them slowly with tomatoes , garbanzo beans , onions and cumin for a Mediterranean flavor , and served on a bed of polenta .

  15. 但是在0到2岁之间食用玉米粥可以让女性就学时间增加超过1学年,而且男女的阅读理解能力都有显著提高。

    But atole consumption between the ages of0 and2 increased schooling in women by more than one grade , and reading comprehension increased significantly in both genders .

  16. 稠稠的玉米粥像胶粘在喉咙里咽不下去,连作为咖啡代用品的烤玉米粉和山芋粉的混合饮斜也从来没有像今天这样难吃过。

    The heavy hominy stuck in her throat like glue and never before had the mixture of parched corn and ground-up yams that passed for coffee been so repulsive .

  17. 每天吃面包、意式面食、米饭、蒸粗麦粉、玉米粥、其他全谷物和土豆、水果、豆类、坚果、蔬菜、橄榄油、奶酪和酸奶。

    Daily : bread , pasta , rice , couscous , polenta , other whole grains & potatoes , fruits , beans , legumes & nuts , vegetables , olive oil , cheese & yogurt .