
  • 网络Yulin City
  1. 目的了解玉林市急性弛缓性麻痹(AFP)病例肠道病毒感染及其流行病学情况,为制订维持无脊灰状态AFP监测策略提供科学依据。

    Objective This study was designed to understand enterovirus infections and their epidemiological characteristics of acute flaccid paralysis ( AFP ) cases in Yulin city to provide a scientific evidence for the formulation of AFP surveillance strategies on the maintenance of poliomyelitis eradication .

  2. 玉林市城区防洪自动测报系统故障分析与检修

    Trouble-shooting and repair of Yulin city downtown automatic flood forecasting system

  3. 1∶25万玉林市幅PRB数字地质填图方法研究

    PRB Digital Geological Mapping of 1 ∶ 250000 Yulin Sheet in Guangxi

  4. 玉林市急性弛缓性麻痹病例肠道病毒感染状况分析

    Analysis on Enterovirus Infections of Acute Flaccid Paralysis Cases in Yulin

  5. 玉林市冬种马铃薯霜冻灾害调查研究

    Investigation on Freezing Injury of Winter Plant Potato in Yunlin City

  6. 玉林市市区供水水源问题研究

    Research on Water Source of Urban Wate Supply to Yulin City

  7. 玉林市912例食管癌流行病学研究

    Epidemiological Study on 912 Cases of Esophageal Carcinoma in Yulin City

  8. 广西玉林市体育中心规划与建筑方案设计

    Plan and Design for Sport Center in Yulin City of Guangxi

  9. 2000年广西玉林市国民体质分析报告

    An Analyzing Report on Civilian Constitution of Yulin in the 2000 Year

  10. 2002年玉林市荔枝大丰收的气象成因分析

    Meteorological Analysis for the Rich Harvest of Litchi in Yulin in 2002

  11. 玉林市低温、霜冻的统计分析

    Statistic Analysis Of Low Temperature And Frostbite In Yulin City

  12. 玉林市当前防汛工作的难点与应对措施分析

    The Difficulties of Current Flood Control Work in Yulin and the Countermeasures

  13. 玉林市血吸虫病传播阻断后疫情监测及效果分析

    Monitoring of schistosome infections after interruption of its transmission in Yulin City

  14. 广西玉林市文化生态旅游的发展构想

    A Research on Development of Cultural Eco - Tourism in Yulin City

  15. 玉林市秋季一次连续性强降水天气过程分析

    Analysis of An Autumn Continuous Intensive Precipitation Process in Yulin

  16. 广西玉林市犬狂犬病流行病学调查与防控【医】巴斯德狂犬病预防接种法

    Epidemiology Investigation and Prevention of Canine Rabies in Yulin City ; Pasteur treatment

  17. 广西玉林市505例狂犬病流行病学调查

    Epidemiological survey of 505 rabies cases in Yulin city , Guangxi Autonomous Region

  18. 玉林市2001~2007年疟疾监测结果分析

    Results of malaria surveillance and control in Yulin City from 2001 to 2007

  19. 拉尼娜事件与太阳活动对玉林市低温冷害的影响

    Effects of La Nina Events and Solar Activity on the Chilling Damage in Yulin

  20. 2004年玉林市龙眼花多果少的气象成因及对策

    Yulin City Longan Spend many Fruit little Meteorological Origin Cause of Formation Analyse 2004

  21. 玉林市古代道路建设

    The Construction of Ancient Ways in Yulin

  22. 广西玉林市远郊库区森林分类区划及经营措施

    Forest Subdivision and Management Strategy of Exurb Reservoir Areas of Yulin City of Guangxi Province

  23. 玉林市典型工业区重金属铅污染的调查研究

    An Analysis of Pollution of Heavy Metal Plumbum on Typical Industrial Area of Yulin City

  24. 2005年玉林市冬种马铃薯病毒病调查。

    The investigation into virus diseases of Potato Planted in the winter in Yulin City in2005 .

  25. 提出解决玉林市水果物流问题的出路&水果第三方物流。

    The way out to solve the logistics problem of Yulin City , fruits-fruits and third-party logistics .

  26. 玉林市职业照射对放射诊疗人员健康影响的分析

    Analysis on the impact of occupational radiation on health workers of radiation diagnosis and therapy in Yulin

  27. 广西玉林市第一人民医院

    Guangxi Yulin first people

  28. 玉林市城区2007年2103例女职工妇女病普查结果分析

    Analysis on general investigation results of gynecological diseases of 2103 female staff in 2007 , urban areas of Yulin city

  29. 基于已定目标的概念规划研究以广西玉林市玉州北流福绵一体化概念规划为例

    Vision Oriented Conceptual Planning : A Case Study of Guangxi Yulin ( Yuzhou , Beiliu , Fumian ) Integration Plan

  30. 本文试就桂东南(主要以玉林市为例)农村家族活动特点作一探讨。

    This article , by setting the example of Yulin city , will analyse the rural area clan activities ' characters of Southeast Guangxi .