
  • 网络jade culture
  1. 吴地早期玉文化与中国传统文化

    The Early Jade Culture in Wu region and Chinese Traditional Culture

  2. 浅谈中国玉文化和观赏石文化的几点比较

    The comparison between the jade culture and the ornamental stone culture

  3. 基于AHP法的文化旅游资源开发潜力评价&以南阳玉文化旅游资源为例

    Evaluation on exploitation potential of cultural tourism resources based on AHP & A case of Nanyang jade cultural tourism resources

  4. 先秦玉器与玉文化

    Studies on Jades and Jade Culture in the Pre-Qin Period

  5. 红山玉文化开中国礼制文化的先河。

    Hongshan jade culture was the beginning of the Chinese moral culture .

  6. 中国玉文化中的龙凤图形略议

    On Dragon and Phoenix Figures in Jade Culture of China

  7. 中国远古玉文化&华夏礼仪和中华儒学之源

    Jade culture of China remote antiquity a source of China comity and Confucianism

  8. 中国玉文化研究范畴浅析

    A Preliminary Study of Research Categories of Jade Culture

  9. 同根词玉文化考察

    Cultural researching of the cognate words of jade

  10. 石头崇拜与中华玉文化的形成

    Stone Worship and Formation of Chinese Jade Culture

  11. 本文讨论的是玉文化中的一个分支&丧葬玉文化。

    The focus of this paper is a branch of the jade culture-mortuary jade .

  12. 中国史前玉文化板块论

    The plate tectonics of Chinese prehistoric jade cultures

  13. 玉文化作为中国传统文化的一部分,承载着丰厚的精神内蕴。

    Jade culture as a part of Chinese traditional culture contains abundant mental implication .

  14. 首先,从整体介绍了这一时期玉文化的特点。

    In first of all , from the overall describes this period jade cultural characteristics .

  15. 后世玉文化的发展始终没有超出这两大文化品质的范围。

    Later , jade culture development has not been beyond the two cultural quality range .

  16. 玉文化起源与延续探析

    The origin and development of jade culture

  17. 谈中国古代玉文化

    A Probe into Ancient Chinese Jade Culture

  18. 各个玉文化圈内的玉文化在新石器时代早期和中期独立起源并相对独立的发展,直至新石器时代晚期有明显的区域差异。

    Every jade cultural circle originated and developed independently in the early and middle Neolithic Age .

  19. 像凌家滩就一个龙,很难说是中华玉文化起源。

    Like Lingjiatan on a long , hard to say the origin of Chinese jade culture .

  20. 飞天珠宝翡翠系列之二文化东方温雅凝翠&中国传统中的玉文化

    Emerald in oriental traditional culture

  21. 社会场域中的文本:解析传统社会玉文化的视角

    Texts in the Social Site : Visual Angle of Analyzing the Jade Culture in the Traditional Society

  22. 中国史前时期玉器的主要分布地域与特征及其玉文化

    Jade Objects of Prehistoric Age in China : Their Major Distributional Regions and Characters and Jade Culture

  23. 对《红楼梦》中的中国玉文化的写作特征进行了评论和定位。

    And a new annotation and orientation to the composition character of Chinese jade culture in the book .

  24. 5000年玉文化孕育的祥云瑞气,注定这是一处投资创业的福地。

    Liangzhu is blessed by the jade culture of5000 years as a treasured land for investment and business .

  25. 独山玉雕历史地位及南阳玉文化产业发展战略研究

    The Historical Status of Dushan Jade Carving and the Strategic Study of the Development of Nanyang Jade Cultural Industry

  26. 中国玉文化的礼玉文化特色,当至周代滥觞。

    Chinese jade culture , " Li Yu-cultural " characteristics , as to the Origin of the Zhou Dynasty .

  27. 在中国大江南北、主要的河流都有中国玉文化的传承。

    River in China , north and south , the main river has a Chinese jade culture and heritage .

  28. 从考古学上谈岫岩玉在中国玉文化起源中的地位与作用

    A Discussion to the Xiuyan Jade 's Position and Function in the Origin of Chinese Jade 's Culture from Archaeology

  29. 真正的玉文化的起源,我个人的浅见,和装饰品的出现有很大的关系。

    The real origin of jade culture , my own humble opinion , and the emergence of a great decorative relationship .

  30. 红山文化证明东北是玉文化的发祥地&兼谈岫玉对玉文化的贡献

    Hongshan Culture Proved that Northeast was the Birthplace of the Jade Culture & Xiuyan Jade 's Contribution to the Jade Culture