
  • 网络Whisker;cat's whisker
  1. 我妈妈是位猫须收藏家,我是她唯一的供应商。

    My mom is a cat whisker collector , I 'm her sole supplier .

  2. 猫须草组织培养的研究

    A Study on Tissue Culture of Mao Xu Cao

  3. 不同遮光处理对猫须草生长及光合特性的影响

    Effects of Shading Treatment on the Growth and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Clerodendranthus spicatus

  4. 挂钩象形为猫须、蟹爪、蜂翅、熊猫肢等。

    The hooks can be shaped as cat whiskers , crab claws , bee fins , panda limbs , etc.

  5. 我很赞美这新奇的哺乳类动物,圆突的头,上面有短短的耳朵,圆圆的眼睛,像猫须一般的白色瓮须,掌形带甲的脚,团簇的尾巴。

    I was full of wonderment at this unusual mammal , with its circular head adorned by short ears , its round eyes , its white whiskers like those on a cat , its webbed and clawed feet , its bushy tail .