
  • 网络Independent innovation
  1. 基础研究是独立创新的源泉,它决定了能源发展的力量和潜力。

    Basic research is the source of independent innovation and it determines the strength and potential of energy development .

  2. 然而随着分工的出现与逐渐细化,产业的知识创新模式已经由独立创新向合作创新、协同创新方式演化,知识协同创新已经成为时代的主题。

    However , with the detailed division of labors , the model of knowledge innovation has become from independent innovation to Cooperative innovation and Collaborative innovation , knowledge of collaborative innovation has become the theme of the times .

  3. 高等职业教育培养的是应用型人才,应用型人才最重要的素质就是实践能力和独立创新能力。

    The goal of Polytechnic education is culturing person with applied ability , the most important quality of it are practical ability and independence innovating ability .

  4. 公司要以自主研发、独立创新为基础,发扬优秀的民族工业精神,创出国际品牌,成为中国最好的具有国际一流水平的供应商。

    Moreover , we will carry forward the fine spirit of national industry , create an international brand , and become China 's best world-class supplier .

  5. 发展独力思考和独立创新的一般能力,应当始终放在首位,而不应当把知识放在首位。

    Alone the development of independent thinking and innovation in general ability , should always be the first place , rather than knowledge in the first place .

  6. 知识产权教育不仅须包括传授理论知识,还应包括运用其进行对原创性研究的自我保护和鼓励学生的独立创新。

    The education includes not only teaching theoretical knowledge , but also applying the knowledge to protect their original work and to motivate the students to do creative research .

  7. 学生组织容易出现三方面问题,即独立创新意识差、工作与学习失衡、服务意识不强。

    There are three problems in student organizations , such as lacking consciousness of independence and creation , losing balance between working and studying , being weak of service consciousness .

  8. 在这一前提下,同行业内部的企业与企业之间存在着利益冲突,因此存在着对市场的争夺,从而导致市场结构的多样性,而企业创新也多表现为独立创新。

    Under this premise , between the colleague industry interior enterprise and the enterprise has the benefit conflict , thus causes the market mechanism multiplicity , and the enterprise innovation also performance the independent innovations .

  9. 英国高等教育的基本特点是:以学院为基础的组织结构,多元化的社会融资渠道,独立创新型的教学体制,大学创建公司的科研模式。

    The basic characteristics of British higher education are : the organizational structure based on colleges , various social financing channels , independent creative teaching system and the scientific research mode of colleges establishing companies .

  10. 创新科技产品销售网站GrandSt的联合创始人阿曼达•佩顿(AmandaPeyton)承认,独立、创新、另类电子产品市场在今天价值1万亿美元的消费类电子产品市场中仅占一小部分。

    Amanda Peyton , co-founder of Grand St , a marketplace for creative technology , admits that the independent , creative , alternative electronics market is worth just a fraction of the $ 1tn consumer electronics market today .

  11. 创新科技产品销售网站GrandSt的联合创始人阿曼达•佩顿(AmandaPeyton)承认,“独立、创新、另类电子产品”市场在今天价值1万亿美元的消费类电子产品市场中仅占一小部分。

    Amanda Peyton , co-founder of Grand St , a marketplace for creative technology , admits that the " independent , creative , alternative electronics " market is worth just a fraction of the $ 1tn consumer electronics market today .

  12. 独立董事创新机制的研究

    Research on the Innovation Mechanism of Independent Directors

  13. 独立而创新的水瓶座

    Aquarius : Be Independent and Be Inventive

  14. 学习必须主动、独立、创新,培养实际能力。

    Students should be initiative , independent and innovative in learning in order to train their Practical capability .

  15. 我积极,乐观,精力充沛,有责任心,进取,而且有独立和创新性。

    I am active , optimistic , energetic , responsible , ambitious , independent and creative and so on .

  16. 成员剩余创新资源应能支持其独立进行创新活动;

    The analysis indicates that the alliance cannot make the members invest the whole of their innovation resources into it .

  17. 发展中国家只有在引进、模仿的基础上通过独立研发创新,才能获取平等的贸易条件与地位,并使世界各国的消费者都能受益。

    Only when the developing are able to make innovation and creation by themselves , they can obtain the equal status in international trade and benefit the consumers all over the world .

  18. 这一行动正值中美两国持续发生贸易摩擦之际,引发了广泛的讨论,即中国应该在核心技术方面更加独立和创新,尤其是在学术研究领域。

    The campaign comes amid ongoing trade friction between China and the US , which sparked wide discussion that China should be more independent and innovative in core technologies , especially in the academic research sector .

  19. 现在,世界已进入以服务经济为代表的后工业社会,消费者成为市场中关键环节,服务成为制造企业核心竞争力的重要因素,服务创新成为独立的创新活动,在制造企业发展中日趋重要。

    Now , the world has entered into the serving economy as representative after industry society , thus , the consumer has became the market key link . The service becomes the important attribute of the manufacture enterprise core competitive power .

  20. 我国独立董事制度创新的内卷化问题实证研究

    An Empirical Study on " Involvement " of Independent Director System Innovation

  21. 他头脑很清醒-人很聪明,读书又用功,不过没有突出的独立见解和创新的意见。

    He had a good mind-bright , attentive studious , unmarked by originality or inventiveness .

  22. 组织环境里的创新不只是独立的个人创新,而具有更加复杂的内容。

    Creativity within an organizational setting is not simply individual creativity but includes more complicated contents .

  23. 其教育目的是以学生为本,培养学生具有性格健全、人格独立、能够创新和勇于负责的素质。

    With the center of students , Bierges aims at cultivation of students ' diathesis including healthiness , independence , innovation and responsibility .

  24. 大学必须坚定科学理性这一伟大的精神气质,弘扬探索精神、实证精神、原理精神、独立精神、创新精神和牺牲精神;

    A university must strengthen the great quality of scientific reason ; carry forward the spirits of explorations , principles , independence , creativity and scarification .

  25. 然而如何发挥美育在高校德育、智育、体育等教育手段中的综合性作用,体现美育的独立性、创新性就显得尤为重要。

    But how to develop aesthetic education in moral , intellectual , and physical education in the comprehensive role , embody the aesthetic education of independence , innovation has become particularly important .

  26. 尽管合作创新分散了原来由单个企业独立进行技术创新的风险,但是企业合作创新过程中存在巨大的不确定性,并由此引发巨大的风险。

    Although cooperative innovation disperse technology innovation risk independently by a single enterprise . However , there is great uncertainty in the process of Enterprises ' Coorperation Innovation and thus lead to great risks .

  27. 模块化是适应市场需要而发展起来的先进制造模式技术,模块的独立性、创新性以及信息沟通方式的标准性,使模块化技术具备了管理非产权关联条件下专用性投资的优势。

    The modularization is the advanced manufacturing technology that can meet the needs of economic development , The independent , innovative and standard way of information communication of modules make it has advantages in managing special investment .

  28. 阐述了在专业实验教学中围绕以学生为主体,从培养学生的独立性和创新性等综合素质的角度出发,对专业实验教学的方式和内容进行了若干独特的改进;

    In this paper , the unique improvements made in the methods and content of chemical engineering experiment teaching are illustrated in order to be student-centered and to cultivate students ' comprehensive quality such as independence and creativity .

  29. 进入二十一世纪,以计算机技术为核心的现代科学技术迅猛发展,信息技术渗透到社会各个领域,社会需要具有独立个性、创新精神、创新能力的人才。

    With the high development of up-to-date science & technology in the 21st century , information technology ( IT ) has penetrated every aspects of our society . Talent with independent personality , innovation spirit and ability was required .

  30. 传统的局限于企业内部独立化的创新模式已无法适应全球化的竞争趋势,因此,寻求外部资源支持,走网络化创新之路已成为必然。

    The traditional innovation model which limited to SMEs ' own internal independence has been unable to adapt to the global competition tendency , thus it has become a necessity to seek external resource support and take the road of network innovation .