
dú tǐ
  • integral/single-component form/structure
独体 [dú tǐ]
  • [independent system] 自成体系

  1. 企业形象研究;现代汉字独体与合体划分探究

    Image ; The Research on the Separation of Sole and Compound Character

  2. 汉字独体字识别中的框架结构效应

    Frame structure effects in single Chinese character recognition

  3. 合体字是由两个或几个独体字(或偏旁)合成的字。

    Compound characters are composed with two or several single characters ( or radicals ) .

  4. 我们需要重视独体字的教学,并运用多样有效的方法来进行独体字教学。

    We need to attach importance to single-element character teaching , and using multiple effective method for single-element character teaching .

  5. 但是关于现代汉字中的独体字与合体字的界限,学界一直没有定论。

    But the boundaries between single and compound characters in modern Chinese characters has not been determined in the field .

  6. 教学设计主要运用了汉字部件教学法,讲授了汉字的结构、汉字部件、独体字与合体字,其中重点介绍了表义部件、形声字与会意字。

    This design mainly uses the didactics of Chinese character parts to introduce the structures and parts of Chinese character , single characters and compound characters .

  7. 随着汉字的演变,有的独体字做偏旁时,形体上有所变化,它们已不再单独成字使用了。

    In the process of the development of the Chinese characters , some of the single-element characters have been used as radicals , whose forms and structures have been modified .

  8. 他在改造和重新解释历史上的慎独观的基础上,把独体提到本体论的高度,使慎独发展成为一种具有理论体系的学说系统。

    On the basis of the views of Shen-du in the history , he revised and re-explained these ideas , pushed Du-ti to the ontological area , and developed vigilance in solitude into a theory system .