
  • 网络Hunting culture
  1. 达斡尔族早期狩猎文化的母语重建

    Native Language Rebuilding of Hunting Culture in Daur 's Early Times

  2. 北方渔猎民族的滑雪狩猎文化

    The Skiing and Hunting Culture of the Northern Fishing and Hunting Minorities

  3. 贺兰山岩画与古代狩猎文化

    Mount Helan rock painting and ancient hunting culture

  4. 本文论述了射礼起源于原始狩猎文化中的射禽鸟类活动。

    The rites of shooting originated from the activities of shooting birds in primitive hunting .

  5. 西域岩画与古代狩猎文化

    Xiyu Rock Pictures and Archaic Hunting Cultures

  6. 非常遗憾狩猎文化消失了。

    The culture of hunting has disappeared .

  7. 二者皆源于采集狩猎文化。

    Both of these two cultures are originated from the culture of food collection and hunting .

  8. 从史前贵州岩画看少数民族的狩猎文化

    On the Hunting Culture of Minority Nationalities from the Perspective of Prehistoric Rock Paintings in Guizhou

  9. 蒙古族狩猎文化考述

    Ponder on Mongolian Hunting Culture

  10. 其词义演变的历程实际上是中国古代历史上由狩猎文化向农耕文化发展,由原始社会向阶级社会过渡等几次重大社会与文化变迁的客观写照。

    The evolution of its meanings reflects the historical development from hunting to farming , and from primitive society to class society .

  11. 在漫长的历史进程中,驯鹿鄂温克人创造并发展了具有浓厚民族特点的驯鹿文化、狩猎文化、桦树皮文化、兽皮文化、熊文化、萨满教文化等。

    As time went by , they created deer culture , hunting culture , birch culture , beast skin culture , bear culture and Shamanism culture .

  12. 此外,达斡尔语中还有大量与狩猎文化相关的其他言语形式和文学艺术语言形式。

    In addition , there are a lot of other spoken forms and language forms of literature and arts in Daur language which relates to hunting culture .

  13. 然而,狩猎文化是鄂伦春族的根,定居、转产、禁猎等一系列的变化使他们产生了极大的不适应,文化的转型和变迁给他们带来了很大的困惑。

    However , the hunting culture is the root of their culture . Settling down , changing the mode of production , prohibition of hunting and a series of changes that has brought them a great deal of maladjustment .

  14. 狩猎经济文化类型的当代变迁&鄂伦春族、鄂温克族猎民生计调查

    The Contemporary Change of the Hunting Economy

  15. 狩猎采集文化对生态环境的适应,在处理人与自然的关系上体现了其合理性能,其对生态环境的适应方式都是源于对生物资源的合理利用。

    Hunter gatherers'adaptation to ecological environment is reasonable in the treatment of man-and-nature relations and represents a proper way of utilizing biological resources .

  16. 原始社会部落人使用的竹木器、石器生产工具体现着狩猎渔猎文化、新旧石器文化;

    Tribal primitive society to use the wood , and stone tool production embodies the culture of hunting fishing and hunting , the new Paleolithic culture ;