
jī lónɡ
  • Chicken coop;cage for fattening chickens
鸡笼 [jī lóng]
  • [chicken coops;mew] 育肥鸡用的鸡栏

  1. 莱昂内尔做了个鸡笼,打算养些鸡,吃上新鲜鸡蛋。

    Lionel built a coop so that they could raise chickens and have a supply of fresh eggs .

  2. GENTRYVILLE有人见过他一个人搬动一个鸡笼,估计鸡笼重达600磅。养鸡房(养鸡等用的成排鸡笼,可使母鸡多产蛋或育肥)

    People in Gentryville saw him move a chicken house alone and they swore it weighed 600 pounds . series of cages in which hens , etc are kept ( to make them lay more eggs or grow fatter )

  3. 采用半阶梯式蛋鸡笼养设备较适宜。

    In addition , the half step cage facilities are suitable .

  4. 你以为我们会从你的鸡笼里偷鸡?

    You think we would steal chicks from the coop ?

  5. 我们把鸡圈在谷仓边的鸡笼里。

    We hold the chickens in pens by the barn .

  6. 鸡在半夜的时候拼命的冲出鸡笼;

    Chickens dashing out of the coops in the middle of the night ;

  7. 在与滚道几何组合,鸡笼指导辊。

    In combination with the raceway geometry , the cages guide the rollers .

  8. 基于机器视觉对高阶直立式鸡笼内蛋鸡的监视系统的开发

    Development of Monitoring System for Layers Rearing in Multi-Tier Vertical Cages Using Machine Vision

  9. 在从前摆放椅子的地方,现在却摆放着鸡笼,从前椅子上坐着安详的农夫,而现在鸡笼里却养着心神不宁的母鸡。

    Distracted hens in coops occupied spots where formerly stood chairs supporting sedate agriculturists .

  10. 就像这条运载死亡的黑人、牛棚和鸡笼的河,

    Like the river with its cargo of dead negroes , cows and chicken coops ,

  11. 鸡笼山含金角砾岩中金的赋存状态及其对提金工艺的影响

    Mineralogical characteristic of the Jilong mountain gold bearing breccia and its influence to the extraction process

  12. 而且,要是没有天敌,也没必要用鸡笼。

    And if there are no predators , there 's really no need for a coop .

  13. 本文对户用蛋鸡笼养设备类型、结构参数,从实践和理论上进行了较全面的分析。

    The equipment and the structural parameters of the household layer-cage were practically and theoretically analysed .

  14. 灰胸竹鸡笼养生活习性的观察及体尺指标的测定

    Observation of Life Habits and Measurement of Body Ruler Index of Bamboo Partridge Reared in the Shed

  15. 在谷仓,畜圈,鸡笼里设定和监测水线,空气流通,温度。

    Set and monitor water lines , air flow and temperature in barns , pens and chicken coops .

  16. 根特维拉有人见过他一个人搬动一个鸡笼,估计鸡笼重达600磅。

    People in Gentryville saw him move a chicken house alone and they swore it weighed 600 pounds .

  17. 相反,横向通风系统的气流分布极不均匀,尤其下部鸡笼周围的气流速度大大降低。

    However , air distribution under cross ventilation is extremely uneven , especially air velocity under the stacked-cages decreases greatly .

  18. 奶牛已在畜棚里,鸡已在鸡笼内,门上已钉好了木条。

    The cows were in the barn , the chickens were in the coops , and the doors were barred .

  19. 饲养密度和鸡笼局部遮光对肉种鸡产蛋期行为与福利的影响

    The Influence of Density and a Partially Shadowed Layer on the Behaviour and Welfare of Broiler Breeders in Battery Cages During Laying

  20. 跑了很久之后,那只小鸡穿过农场的田间小路,最后跑进了农场一间旧房子后面的鸡笼里。

    After about a mile of running the chicken ran up a farm lane and into a barn behind an old farm house .

  21. 孩子的父亲在乡村找了个赚钱少些的工作,有了园圃和鸡笼;

    The father takes a job for less money in the country , and they get into gardening and have a chicken coop .

  22. 1975年春天,布伦南搬进鸡笼与卡尔霍恩同住,第二年,他们决定去印度进行自己的朝圣之旅。

    In the spring of 1975 Brennan moved in with him , and the next year they decided to make their own pilgrimage to India .

  23. 你必须在三更半夜,趁别的鸡睡觉时,把新来的鸡偷偷放入鸡笼中。

    What you must do instead is to slip the new bird into the chicken coop in the middle of the night while the others are asleep .

  24. 1991年出土于澄海樟林古港附近的鸡笼山麓的一批陶瓷残片,不久前完成了阶段性的清理工作。

    The sort-out work of the potsherd unearthed in1991at the foot of Jilong hill near the Zhanglin ancient port in Chenghai has called a phase not long ago .

  25. 在那里,他找来一个88英尺宽、20英尺长的鸡笼,将它放置在一堆煤渣砖上,又在笼子里搭了个卧铺,就这样把它改造成了一处小房子。之后他就住了进去。

    There he moved into an eight-by twenty-foot chicken coop that he converted into a little house by raising it onto cinderblocks and building a sleeping loft inside .

  26. 一个人在高山之巅的鹰巢里,抓到了一只幼鹰,他把幼鹰带回家,养在鸡笼里。

    A person at the top of the mountains in the Takanosu , caught a young eagle , young eagle put him back home , and raised in cages at .

  27. 当苔丝回到围墙的院子里只剩下一个人时,她就在一个鸡笼上坐下来,认真地把嘴巴撮起来,开始了她早已生疏了的练习。

    As soon as she was alone within the walled garden she sat herself down on a coop , and seriously screwed up her mouth for the long neglected practice .

  28. 澄海鸡笼山出土陶瓷残片的清理及初步研究机器人辅助下宫颈癌根治性切除的围术期护理

    The Sorting - out and Preliminary Research of the Potsherd Unearthed from Jilong Hill , Chenghai ; Perioperative nursing care of patients with uterus malignant tumor accepting robot-assisted radical hysterectomy

  29. 是次禽流感成因不详。源头可能来自内地农场、不洁运输用鸡笼和街市欠佳卫生情况。

    The question of what triggered the recent outbreak remained unanswered although fingers have pointed to Chinese farms , dirty transport cages as well as dubious hygiene standards at some markets .

  30. 成千上万的鸡挤在一个大鸡棚内,终其一生都是被囚禁在狭小的鸡笼中,连展开翅膀的空间都没有。

    Tens of thousands of chickens are crowded into a large chicken sheds , imprisoned in small cages for their entire lives , without even the space to spread their wings .