
tè shè lìnɡ
  • decree of special pardon;writ of special pardon/amnesty
  1. 我和我哥哥的总统特赦令。

    Want a presidential pardon for me and my brother .

  2. 你居然瞒着我总统特赦令的事。

    When I think you hid poincare 's pardon .

  3. 就靠这条线传来总统的特赦令。

    A flimsy wire , their only chance for president poincare 's pardon .

  4. 总统签署特赦令了吗?

    Has the president signed the pardon yet ?

  5. 我已经收到总统签署的特赦令。

    I just received the immunity .

  6. 此项特赦令折射出微软面临一个更大的挑战:免费操作系统越来越多。

    The amnesty points to a broader challenge : more and more operating systems are free .

  7. 需要为他们颁发特赦令或者上岗许可证,这样他们就能变成合法劳工。

    There needs to be an amnesty or work permit program so that they can stay legally and work .

  8. 特赦令一旦颁布就立即生效,但释放囚犯的过程预计会超过6个月。

    It will take effect once it is published but the releases are expected to take place over six months .

  9. 该特赦令将于周日过期。三个势力强大的好战组织承诺放弃武器,换取现金和工作。

    Three powerful militant groups have pledged to give up their guns in return for cash and the promise of jobs .

  10. 原告指控加尔松为图案件进展,有意歪曲法律,并对弗朗哥死后颁布的特赦令置若罔闻。

    A private prosecution alleges the judge knowingly twisted the law to push his case despite an amnesty passed after Franco 's death .

  11. 虽然乌克兰发出特赦令,但是并没有迹象表明亲俄派示威者计划离开乌克兰东部被占领的政府大楼。

    Despite the amnesty call , pro-Russian demonstrators are reportedly showing no signals they plan to leave occupied government buildings in eastern Ukraine .

  12. 他指出,总统刚刚颁布的特赦令允许反对派回家,成为政治进程的一部分,如果他们愿意的话。

    He notes that the presidential pardon just issued allows opponents to return home and become part of the political process if they chose to do so .

  13. 此次特赦令预计将涉及约两万人,不过其中只有两千人确实被关入监狱,其余则在服缓刑或正等待审判。

    The amnesty is expected to affect the cases of around 20 , 000 people , although 2 , 000 of those are actually incarcerated , with the rest either on probation or awaiting trial .

  14. 王室法律、教会法律、习惯法、特赦令和免刑状,法学著作、神学著作等等都可以成为裁判的依据。

    The royal family law , church law , customary law , " Amnesty " and " pardon letter ", law books , theological writings , and so on can become the basis for the magistrate .

  15. 并不是在你觉醒的那一天,老天为「你」颁布一道特赦令,你因著这一恩典雀屏中选而觉醒。

    It is not that on the day you wake up , God will sign the divine decree for you and , by His grace , you will be the one at that moment to wake up .